I took a very long walk after the last update. I walked for hours, down my street, down the trails near my house. Trails I hadn't walked down in eight years. He was not there. Clearly he kept good on his promise to leave me be... why? Love? Compassion? A sense of understanding, of familiarity with what I am... who I am? I'll probably never know. I probably couldn't begin to fathom it. But I think I might be one step closer to understanding now.
After all... we are the same species.
[8:36:08 PM] Brahian: que pasa?
[8:36:30 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:36:39 PM] The Jazz: Alright
[8:36:48 PM] The Jazz: people here's the sitch
[8:36:59 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:36:59 PM] The Jazz: Dark is a tulpa and the world is fucked
[8:37:08 PM] Brahian: D:
[8:37:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... why would anyone...
[8:37:25 PM] DarkShadows: want someone as unremarkable as me
[8:37:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... to exist?
[8:37:49 PM] The Jazz: Your selfesteem issues aside I dont know why Willow created you.
[8:37:59 PM] The Jazz: Actually this makes us kind of siblings
[8:38:08 PM] The Jazz: since without willow I wouldnt exist either
[8:38:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... if she stopped wanting me to exist I'd die.
[8:38:36 PM] The Jazz: Yes, sis but the thing is I doubt she will
[8:38:41 PM] The Jazz: unless you provoke her
[8:38:50 PM] DarkShadows: ... Or unless she is killed herself somehow.
[8:39:00 PM] DarkShadows: ... I want to live.
[8:39:16 PM] DarkShadows: But hell, I guess I'm not even alive... am I?
[8:39:23 PM] DarkShadows: You know what else isn't fucking alive, Jazz?
[8:39:32 PM] DarkShadows: Viruses. I'm a fucking *virus*.
[8:39:35 PM] DarkShadows: I'm a *meme*.
[8:39:41 PM] DarkShadows: You know what people do to viruses?
[8:39:48 PM] DarkShadows: Destroy them. Cast them out.
[8:39:53 PM] The Jazz: Sis, its going to be ok
[8:39:58 PM] The Jazz: I promise
[8:40:06 PM] DarkShadows: Nothing is 'okay' about any of this!
[8:40:18 PM] Brahian: Well some viruses aren't
[8:40:20 PM] DarkShadows: YOU didn't just find out you're not a *human fucking being*
[8:40:34 PM] DarkShadows: YOU didn't live a fucking lie for 21 years
[8:40:39 PM] DarkShadows: and now it comes the fuck out.
[8:40:54 PM] Brahian: Some vaccinations have viruses in them, it's how they make you immune to them
[8:41:28 PM] DarkShadows: And if she dies, *I fucking die*.
[8:41:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... you know who the Slenderman thinks "God's Wife" is?
[8:41:45 PM] DarkShadows: Willow.
[8:41:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Which means he has to murder her, which means *I am going to fucking die*
[8:42:02 PM] The Jazz: [8:39 PM] DarkShadows:
<<< YOU didn't just find out you're not a *human fucking being*
YOU didn't live a fucking lie for 21 years
now it comes the fuck out.really, do you think I just knew my entire
life I was a sentimental. No, I didn't I went through the same thing you
just did and tried to make the best of it. I quit whining and tried to
just live with who I am, thats what you should do.
[8:42:37 PM] The Jazz: Ok, God's wife aside or not there are always alternative solutions.
[8:42:37 PM] Brahian: Jazz...
[8:42:46 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:42:51 PM] Brahian: Do you hide your sorrow behind all those jokes?
[8:42:53 PM] Brahian: D:
[8:42:56 PM] The Jazz: kind of
[8:42:56 PM | Edited 8:43:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... you make it sound *so fucking easy*
[8:43:03 PM] The Jazz: it isnt I know
[8:43:03 PM] Brahian: D::::
[8:43:26 PM] The Jazz: The thing is, the problem is her ability to bend reality.
[8:43:30 PM] The Jazz: if we take that from her
[8:43:31 PM] The Jazz: and only that
[8:43:37 PM] The Jazz: then you'll still live
[8:43:42 PM] The Jazz: and will continue to live
[8:43:49 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:43:54 PM] DarkShadows: He has to take it from her.
[8:44:02 PM] The Jazz: yes
[8:44:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... Dear God. Is... is that why he... why he was so interested in me this whole damn time...?
[8:44:31 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:44:40 PM] DarkShadows: Because... because I'm *not* human?
[8:44:48 PM] The Jazz: perhaps
[8:53:49 PM] The Jazz: Sis
[8:53:52 PM] The Jazz: are you ok?
[8:54:00 PM] DarkShadows: ... no
[8:54:11 PM] DarkShadows: I said it before, there's nothing okay about any of this.
PM] DarkShadows: ... But... if I made Lovi by accident... and Willow
created me by accident... then maybe there's a reason I myself can
create tulpas.
[8:55:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... that... that can't just
ahve fallen out of the blue. there's stats involved with everything,
however improbable...
[8:55:28 PM] DarkShadows: yes, believe that. numbers cannot lie.
[8:55:32 PM] DarkShadows: Everything is possible.
[8:55:36 PM] The Jazz: I'm here for you sis :(
[8:55:46 PM] The Jazz: (hug)
[8:56:06 PM] DarkShadows: ... and if I can create other tulpas... then... maybe, just maybe... if I want it hard enough...
[8:56:10 PM] DarkShadows: I can stop this.
[8:56:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... maybe.
[8:56:41 PM] DarkShadows: It's a slim chance. But it's better than none.
[8:56:47 PM] The Jazz: yes :)
[8:56:49 PM] DarkShadows: Very few things are statistically impossible.
[8:56:54 PM] The Jazz: thats the spirit
PM] DarkShadows: ... *murmurs to self* I'm more... I'm more like you,
or like him... than I am like them. But they need me. This world needs
me. I have a reason for being here, I wasn't an accident.
[8:58:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... I wasn't an accident.
[8:59:06 PM] The Jazz: :) everything has a reason
[9:00:06 PM] Brahian: Everything has a reason, huh, Jazz?
[9:00:11 PM] Brahian: So then
[9:00:18 PM] Brahian: What was the reason for...
[9:00:22 PM] Brahian: Nevermind
[9:00:37 PM] The Jazz: ?
[9:01:08 PM] Brahian: It's nothing
[9:01:14 PM] Brahian: Forget it
PM] DarkShadows: ... and my greatest fear... is that you'll all treat
me differently. More... gingerly. More like an alien.
[9:01:57 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:02:01 PM] DarkShadows: I don't want to be special.
[9:02:36 PM] Brahian: I won't treat you differently, Shadows
[9:02:43 PM] Brahian: Ever if you aren't like us
[9:02:47 PM] Brahian: You're still you
[9:02:54 PM] Brahian: You're still our friend
[9:03:03 PM] Brahian: And we'll still love you <3
[9:03:10 PM] Brahian: right guys?
[9:03:11 PM] DarkShadows: (hug) please don't leave me.
[9:03:19 PM] The Jazz: We wont sis
[9:03:24 PM] The Jazz: we're family
[9:03:32 PM] The Jazz: family means sticking together :)
[9:04:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... thank you.
[9:04:58 PM] DarkShadows: Both of you.
[9:05:09 PM] Brahian: (hug)
[9:07:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... so... if the world's doomed again... what exactly should we do about it?
[9:07:44 PM] The Jazz: I dont know about you
[9:07:49 PM] The Jazz: but I'm gonna take a nap
[9:07:52 PM] The Jazz: XD
[9:08:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... so you arrived to drop a bomb on pretty much everyone and comfort me, and now you're gonna go nap.
[9:08:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... what.
[9:08:57 PM] Brahian: XD
[9:09:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... We need a contingency plan. And that means we need to start getting other people here.
[9:09:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... Including those beings on our side. I propose a meeting, a thinktank of sorts.
[9:09:37 PM] The Jazz: who do you want me to call?
PM] DarkShadows: Well first we need to ensure the rest of the ladybugs
are here - Zack, Bunny, etc. Pandora, we know he's here. He's always
[9:12:10 PM] The Jazz: Yes I am :) ~Pandora
[9:12:19 PM] DarkShadows: That will take time, getting them gathered, and interested in continuing this.
PM] DarkShadows: Then we'll probably want to get the Tall Guy and
Willow in here, although if Willow *is* indeed the God's Wife... we may
need to be wary of that.
[9:13:16 PM] DarkShadows: Are there any other Altered we could bring in? Obviously not the Seal, the Seal has been destroyed...
[9:13:26 PM] DarkShadows: Any on our side...
PM] The Jazz:
[9:13:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh, now what.
[9:13:47 PM] The Jazz: OuO
[9:13:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... Willow.
[9:14:04 PM] The Jazz: helloOuO
[9:14:12 PM] The Jazz: Ifelt.needed OuO
[9:14:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... *small, vaguely sad smile* ... hi, mom...
[9:14:28 PM] The Jazz: hello.child OuO
[9:14:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... can you tell me anything you know about a being known as God's Wife?
[9:15:07 PM] The Jazz: yes OuO
[9:15:41 PM] The Jazz: Its.abeing.chosenbygod.thatmanifestsitself.asthemidpoint.ofexistance OuO shecanchange.theworld
[9:16:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... are you aware that you are possibly implicated as *being* this being?
[9:16:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... and that apparently Pandora wants to kill someone who may or may not be said being?
[9:16:57 PM] DarkShadows: some completely unrelated person.
[9:17:02 PM] The Jazz: IamthisbeingOuO
[9:17:15 PM] The Jazz: evenbeforeIbecamewillowOuO
[9:17:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... then you're aware... why did you create me?
[9:17:47 PM] DarkShadows: why think up a seemingly average human being?
[9:18:03 PM] The Jazz: IwantedadaughterOuO
PM] DarkShadows: ... why, if you have all this power... why'd you allow
the Pale Maiden to want to destroy the world again? Why'd you let
[9:19:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... why didn't you stop it?
[9:20:16 PM] The Jazz: somethingsIcantstop OuO
[9:20:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... but we can stop it, again. We can stop it, and keep it from happening...
PM] DarkShadows: ... you are aware that to stop the paradox, to stop
this from recurring again and again... we have to kill you. and that
means that I'll die.
[9:22:22 PM] The Jazz: Youmaybeathoughtmadebyme OuO butyouarefleshandbloodifIdieOuOIwill.justdieOuO you.safe and alive
[9:22:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... how am I a physical, flesh and blood being... when Loviatar isn't?
[9:22:50 PM] DarkShadows: How is that even possible...?
[9:23:35 PM] The Jazz: LoviatarwasOuO
[9:23:40 PM] The Jazz: stillisOuO
PM] DarkShadows: ... and yet, she was never more than a thought... and
if you so wanted she and I *both* could stop existing instantly.
[9:24:30 PM] The Jazz: thatappliestoeverybeingOuO
[9:24:37 PM] DarkShadows: ... yes.
[9:24:37 PM] The Jazz: notjustyouOuO
[9:24:40 PM] DarkShadows: yes it does...
[9:24:59 PM] The Jazz: wantmetostopeverythingOuO
[9:25:22 PM] The Jazz: tomeltintotheverseOuO
[9:25:38 PM] The Jazz: todie.knowingIsavedeveryoneOuO
[9:25:56 PM] The Jazz: becauseIcandothat.rightnow.in.an.instantOuO
[9:26:11 PM] DarkShadows: ... but i don't want you to die, mom. I don't want anyone to die, but...
[9:26:14 PM] DarkShadows: the needs of the many...
[9:26:32 PM] DarkShadows: ... What if it isn't that simple? Then you would have sacrificed yourself for nothing.
[9:27:07 PM] The Jazz: Ihavetotry.atleastOuO
PM] DarkShadows: ... and what if it makes it worse? If you control the
fate of the universe... then what happens to a fateless universe?
[9:28:39 PM] The Jazz: Slenderman,canbecomeGod'swifebyabsorbing.mypowersOuO
[9:29:14 PM] The Jazz: butIthinkpeopleshouldbeforthemselvesOuO
[9:29:21 PM] The Jazz: withoutcontrolOuO
[9:29:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... yes.
[9:29:48 PM] DarkShadows: yes, you're right. Nothing should be... controlled.
[9:30:17 PM] The Jazz: SoImgoingtogo OuO
[9:30:24 PM] The Jazz: dothatOuO
[9:30:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... Willow. Mom.
[9:30:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm sorry about... about the Seal.
[9:30:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... I wish... I wish I could have stopped it.
[9:30:47 PM] The Jazz: OuO yes,me too
[9:30:54 PM] DarkShadows: (hug)
[9:31:14 PM] The Jazz: Love you Dark, my child. Be good
[9:31:15 PM] The Jazz: -Mom
[9:31:20 PM] Brahian: Wait.
[9:31:22 PM] Brahian: Mother
[9:31:27 PM] Brahian: You
[9:31:33 PM] Brahian: You're really gonna do this?
[9:31:50 PM] The Jazz: I think she's gone Brahian
[9:31:58 PM] Brahian: No.
[9:32:00 PM] Brahian: But.
[9:32:01 PM] Brahian: But.
[9:32:04 PM] Brahian: Mother!
[9:32:06 PM] DarkShadows: ... *waits to see if she was right and I'm not gonna die*
[9:32:07 PM] Brahian: NO!
[9:32:10 PM] DarkShadows: ... Brah...
[9:32:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...
[9:32:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... the universe... needs this.
[9:32:31 PM] Brahian: But I still
[9:32:37 PM] Brahian: I wanted to talk to her...
[9:32:39 PM] Brahian: I...
[9:32:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... if she's correct, it's what must be done...
[9:32:56 PM] DarkShadows: Brah. If I haven't already, I'm about to lose my real mother.
[9:33:00 PM] DarkShadows: ... How do you think I feel?
[9:33:10 PM] The Jazz: same sis
[9:33:20 PM] Brahian: I know, but
[9:33:23 PM] Brahian: I just
[9:33:28 PM] Brahian: wanted to say goodbye
[9:33:31 PM] Brahian: one last time
[9:33:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... and so did I.
[9:33:47 PM] Brahian: ;(
[9:33:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... the world...
[9:33:58 PM] DarkShadows: the universe...
[9:34:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... now I need to refigure out where I fit in it.
[9:34:31 PM] Brahian: But you don't understand
[9:34:40 PM] Brahian: She was like a real mother to me!
[9:34:44 PM] Brahian: She was...
[9:34:46 PM] Brahian: I...
[9:35:00 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:35:16 PM] DarkShadows: I think... I owe the Slenderman more than a few apologies.
[9:35:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm not human after all... why should I fear him, or anything?
[9:35:43 PM] The Jazz: #############Reconfigurating Universe#############
[9:35:50 PM] DarkShadows: ... what
[9:36:15 PM] The Jazz: #############Newborn initiation protocol activated#############
[9:36:23 PM] DarkShadows: Jazz if this is another prank I swear to God.
[9:36:23 PM] Brahian: Oh ha.
[9:36:25 PM] Brahian: Ha ha.
[9:36:28 PM] Brahian: NOT FUNNY.
[9:36:56 PM] The Jazz: #############Do you wish to reboot Universe? Enter Yes or No#############
[9:37:05 PM] DarkShadows: seriously, Jazz.
[9:37:26 PM] Brahian: This is really not the time.
[9:37:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... uh brah what if this ain't Jazz?
[9:37:49 PM] Brahian: It's obviously Jazz.
[9:38:01 PM] Brahian: He always pulls the stupid Newborn joke.
[9:38:06 PM] Brahian: I'm sick of it.
[9:38:11 PM] DarkShadows: No, no it's not... I don't think he'd take it this far.
[9:38:31 PM] The Jazz: Guys its not me o.o''
[9:38:34 PM] DarkShadows: Uh, Newbie, listen... can I call you that, "Newbie"? If we reboot the universe are we all gonna die?
[9:38:55 PM] Brahian: oh
[9:39:03 PM] Brahian: sorry then, jazz u_u
[9:39:06 PM] The Jazz: #############Reconfigurating Universe means reconfigurating universe, it is what it is.#############
[9:39:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... I hope that doing so is for the best, then...
[9:39:39 PM] The Jazz: #############Reconfigurating Universe?#############
[9:39:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... yes.
[9:40:11 PM] Brahian: o:
[9:40:28 PM] The Jazz: #############Universe Reboot activated#############
[9:40:42 PM] The Jazz: #############Loading....#############
[9:41:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... if this fucks us all over... I just want everyone to know that pressure made me do it.
[9:41:58 PM] The Jazz: #Universe reset to state of June 1st 2013#
[9:42:10 PM] The Jazz: #Goodbye#
[9:42:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... Guys did I just System Restore the universe?
[9:42:23 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:42:31 PM] Brahian: So um
[9:42:49 PM] Brahian: the last 43 days never happened?
[9:42:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... um. Happy June 1st?
[9:42:55 PM] Brahian: alright then...
[9:43:08 PM] The Jazz: I like this
[9:43:18 PM] The Jazz: June 2nd Eva contacted you and made this all happen
[9:43:21 PM] The Jazz: so
[9:43:26 PM] Brahian: Oh.
[9:43:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... the day right before...
[9:43:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... we can prevent this whole thing, Jazz.
[9:43:51 PM] The Jazz: When she contacts you again, deny her
[9:43:57 PM] DarkShadows: We've been given a second chance.
[9:44:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... *small smirk* To understand the future, we have to go back in time.
[9:46:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... they'll still be trailing me. Guess I know why now.
[9:47:13 PM] Brahian: so has Willow never existed now?
[9:47:23 PM] Brahian: How would...
[9:47:27 PM] Brahian: How would that work?
[9:47:33 PM] DarkShadows: I am... confused.
[9:47:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... we could contact her. see if she is still extant.
[9:47:50 PM] Bunny: Hel.lfmghoni5urh
[9:47:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... yeah that's about how I feel too Bunny.
[9:49:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm... gonna go for a walk. In the park.
[9:49:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... I haven't been there for eight years.
[9:49:59 PM] Brahian: I'll, um...
[9:50:06 PM] The Jazz: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$#"##"#"#"OuO
[9:50:11 PM] Brahian: Do what I usually do, then
[9:50:13 PM] Brahian: only
[9:50:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... mom?
[9:50:18 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:50:19 PM] Brahian: Mother...?
[9:50:22 PM] Brahian: Is that...
[9:50:23 PM] The Jazz: Child OuO
[9:50:24 PM] Brahian: Is that you?
[9:50:29 PM] The Jazz: OuO
[9:50:36 PM] DarkShadows: Jesus fucking Christ *clings*
[9:50:48 PM] Brahian: (hug)
[9:51:08 PM] Bunny: Bunny stays a comfortable distance away
[9:51:08 PM] Brahian: TuT happy tears ;u;
[9:51:08 PM] *** The Jazz added Teddy Bear's Phone account ***
[9:51:26 PM] The Jazz: (hug)
[9:52:25 PM] Eva: So I bet you are wondering why I've gathered you all here
[9:52:57 PM] Eva: I need you to help me with something, a favor I'm trying to do for someone..
[9:53:11 PM] Brahian: Nope.
[9:53:15 PM] Brahian: No thank you.
[9:53:19 PM] Brahian: We quit.
[9:53:23 PM] Eva: Are you guys familiar with...ehm
[9:53:24 PM] Eva: what?
[9:53:35 PM] Eva: I didnt even explain what I wanted
[9:53:46 PM] Brahian: Too bad.
[9:53:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... no
[9:53:48 PM] Brahian: Not interested.
[9:53:53 PM] Brahian: Go away.
[9:53:59 PM] DarkShadows: we don't even know who you are.
[9:54:09 PM] Eva: See, you guys are prophesied to be the Ladybugs that will help me
[9:54:19 PM] Eva: By the blind man's book
[9:54:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... We know. And we're not interested.
[9:54:29 PM] Brahian: WE DON'T CARE
[9:54:33 PM] Brahian: GO AWAAY
[9:54:36 PM] Brahian: NAAAOOO
[9:54:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... Prophecies... can be broken.
[9:54:53 PM] Brahian: Easily.
[9:55:05 PM] Eva: ehm
[9:55:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... Leave.
[9:55:27 PM] Eva: ok, I was going to try to help mother out by making her human again. You know willow
[9:55:37 PM] DarkShadows: Mom doesn't want your help.
[9:55:39 PM] DarkShadows: Or need it.
[9:55:40 PM] DarkShadows: Leave.
[9:55:50 PM] Brahian: Neither does Egg btw
[9:55:54 PM] Brahian: shoo
[9:56:05 PM] Eva: ok, can I still be here and be your friend?
[9:57:09 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:57:13 PM] DarkShadows: no.
[9:57:17 PM] DarkShadows: leave before I kick you.
[9:57:44 PM] Eva: *Doesnt leave*
[9:58:36 PM] System: Available commands:
/me [text]
/topic [text]
/add [skypename+]
/alertson [text]
/get creator
/get role
/whois [skypename]
/setrole [skypename] MASTER|HELPER|USER|LISTENER
/kick [skypename]
/kickban [skypename]
/get uri
/get options
/set options [[+|-]flag] ..
/setpassword [password] [password hint]
/get password_hint
/get banlist
/get allowlist
/set banlist [[+|-]mask] ..
/set allowlist [[+|-]mask] ..
/golive [token]
/invite [skypename]
/fork [skypename+]
For more help please see http://www.skype.com/go/help.chathelp
[9:58:46 PM] DarkShadows: /kickbaneva.narajo
[9:59:01 PM] Eva: o.o
[9:59:29 PM] DarkShadows: fine. then we'll leave.
[9:59:47 PM] *** The Jazz removed Eva from this conversation. ***
[9:59:50 PM] The Jazz: there :3
[9:59:54 PM] DarkShadows: thanks Jazz.
[9:59:55 PM] The Jazz: universe saved
[9:59:55 PM] Brahian: oh yay
[10:00:06 PM] Bunny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsfnuyyjaB0
[10:00:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... so damn simple we could have overlooked it... of course we never knew.
[10:00:34 PM] Bunny: This is a nice celebration song
[10:00:56 PM] DarkShadows: it is.
[10:01:08 PM] Brahian: um
[10:01:11 PM] Brahian: okay then
[10:01:14 PM] The Jazz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EfhAFA2yFE I think it calls for celebration
[10:01:17 PM] Brahian: to each their own
[10:01:26 PM] DarkShadows: Jazz, seriously? XD
[10:01:30 PM] The Jazz: :3
[10:01:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay that is pretty appropriate music.
[10:01:33 PM] Brahian: YES
[10:01:35 PM] Brahian: THAT
[10:01:55 PM] DarkShadows: I am a badass tulpa that just system-restored the universe.
[10:02:05 PM] The Jazz: did someone log all of that?
[10:02:18 PM] Brahian: uh... no...
[10:02:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... I will if nobody else will.
[10:02:29 PM] The Jazz: do eet :3
[10:02:30 PM] Brahian: yes please do
[10:02:38 PM] DarkShadows: ok
Another Year
Searching for clues in a clueless world.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
AnotherYear Log 17 - I Am Not Of This World
what am i...
[11:55:16 AM] *** The Jazz added DarkShadows ***
[11:55:42 AM] *** The Jazz added Bunny ***
[11:55:52 AM] *** The Jazz added Brahian ***
[11:55:55 AM] *** The Jazz added Wally ***
[11:56:22 AM] The Jazz: I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you all here.
[11:56:46 AM] *** The Jazz added Bruceta Wayne ***
[11:57:42 AM] Wally: ?
[11:57:52 AM] The Jazz: I need to speak to Shadows
[11:58:00 AM] The Jazz: Are you there Shadows?
[11:58:01 AM] DarkShadows: ... yes?
[11:58:17 AM] DarkShadows: I'm going somewhere at 1 but I can talk.
[11:58:20 AM] DarkShadows: something wrong?
[11:58:22 AM] The Jazz: You know how Willow said that everything is ok?
[11:58:29 AM] DarkShadows: ... fuck me, it's not, is it?
[11:58:34 AM] The Jazz: No
[11:58:36 AM] DarkShadows: I fucking knew it.
[11:58:37 AM] The Jazz: its never ok
[11:59:24 AM] The Jazz: Solomon kind of changed events around by time traveling, causing the Pale Maiden to actually want to go through with the plan of eliminating everything.
[12:00:15 PM] DarkShadows: ... fuck.
[12:00:29 PM] DarkShadows: so again, *why doesn't someone do something about Solomon*?
[12:00:33 PM] DarkShadows: Before this shit happens?
[12:00:49 PM] DarkShadows: And what do you want me to do? I can't do shit, I'm a human.
[12:01:02 PM] The Jazz: He's your friend
[12:01:05 PM] The Jazz: talk to him
[12:01:10 PM] The Jazz: he can change it back
[12:01:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... He... he is?
[12:01:45 PM] The Jazz: Remember?
[12:01:50 PM] The Jazz: Solomon is Pandora
[12:01:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... Oh yeah, right.
[12:02:10 PM] DarkShadows: AKA, guy who decided to betray us after Exa got him.
[12:02:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... Shit. It's been long enough without any sort of sighting of Willow, or the Faceless Wonder, or *anything* weird that I forgot. I'm kind of important.
[12:03:01 PM] DarkShadows: For reasons I *still* don't understand
[12:03:08 PM] DarkShadows: And reasons I don't *want* to understand.
[12:04:48 PM] DarkShadows: So... exactly how far into this world destruction plan is the Maiden?
[12:06:02 PM] The Jazz: She destroyed the Seal
[12:06:07 PM] The Jazz: releasing all of them
[12:06:11 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:06:14 PM] DarkShadows: So we're fucked.
[12:06:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... where is Pandora now?
[12:06:47 PM] The Jazz: In this chat
[12:06:49 PM] The Jazz: watching
[12:07:08 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora... why?
[12:07:21 PM] DarkShadows: Why the fuck would you *want the fucking world to end*?
[12:07:34 PM] DarkShadows: WTF is wrong with you? Why would you drag all of us into this shit again?
[12:07:57 PM] The Jazz: #I have my reasons ~Solomon
[12:08:08 PM] DarkShadows: I was getting better. I was doing just fucking fine and actually was able to *sleep soundly at night again* and now I'm dragged back into this fucking nightmare.
[12:08:29 PM] DarkShadows: What reason could you *possibly* have for starting this over again?
[12:08:47 PM] Solomon: You may not realize this
[12:08:55 PM] Solomon: but I'm actually trying to help
[12:09:20 PM] DarkShadows: Fucking *how* is trying to get the world destroyed helping?
[12:09:37 PM] DarkShadows: Because right now all it's doing is making me panic.
[12:10:19 PM] Solomon: Do you know how the book operates?
[12:10:25 PM] Solomon: Do you know who controls the book?
[12:10:33 PM | Edited 12:10:34 PM] Solomon: do you know who controls everyone?
[12:10:40 PM] Solomon: That is the person
[12:10:45 PM] Solomon: I'm trying to destroy
[12:10:48 PM] Solomon: I'm trying to free you
[12:10:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... You're trying to destroy the Blind Man?
[12:11:32 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm sorry I'm just confused. First I get told this shit isn't even halfway over, then I get told I don't even have *free fucking will*.
[12:11:49 PM] Solomon: Not the blind man
[12:11:56 PM] Solomon: the blind man has no control over the book
[12:12:00 PM] Solomon: he just reads it
[12:12:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... then who...?
[12:12:44 PM] Solomon: Care to guess?
[12:12:50 PM] Solomon: I love people's guesses
[12:13:36 PM] DarkShadows: Well controlling people would obviously make me think of that splintery creep Wooden Girl. But I doubt she's behind this. I mean I wouldn't put it past her, but this seems too much even for her.
[12:13:59 PM] DarkShadows: Exa seems to have a thing for control and for experimenting, if this is some sort of experiment I wouldn't call her innocent.
[12:14:22 PM] DarkShadows: It can't be any of the Altered that were previously Sealed, they had no means of escape.
[12:15:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... I still don't necessarly trust any of the Altered, or the Fears, and I'm well aware of the possibility of someone working behind our back.
[12:15:23 PM] DarkShadows: Possibly even a Sentimental working behind our back, but I'm not sure they would have enough power to control Blindy's book...
[12:15:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... Fuck I just pissed him off by calling him Blindy didn't I?
[12:15:42 PM] Solomon: XD
[12:15:48 PM] Solomon: Its actually none of these things
[12:15:52 PM] Solomon: not altered
[12:15:53 PM] Solomon: not fears
[12:15:56 PM] Solomon: not sentimentals
[12:15:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what?
[12:16:06 PM] DarkShadows: What the Hell are we dealing with now?
[12:16:07 PM] Solomon: Its a phenonemon that I cant even explain myself
[12:16:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... Fuck, is it that creep Lovi? I cannot deal with that. I can't do that again, nope, not happening.
[12:16:32 PM] Solomon: It's called "God's Wife" or at least I gave it that name.
[12:16:42 PM] Solomon: no it isnt any of the chasers either
[12:16:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... God's Wife...
[12:16:47 PM] Solomon: yes
[12:17:02 PM] DarkShadows: Is it a being, or...
[12:17:10 PM] Solomon: yes and no, let me explain
[12:17:12 PM] Bunny: Wait
[12:17:16 PM] Bunny: God's Wife
[12:17:19 PM] Bunny: SHit.
[12:17:26 PM] Solomon: ?
[12:17:27 PM] DarkShadows: Bunny... what?
[12:18:17 PM] Bunny: Where have I heard that before
[12:18:37 PM] DarkShadows: I have no idea and I have never heard of it.
[12:19:29 PM] Solomon: God's wife is basically...a force kind of in the universe that manifests itself as a being, humanoid even. Its a girl that frankly doesnt even know what she is doing.
[12:19:43 PM] Solomon: Her commands come from the subconcious
[12:20:17 PM] DarkShadows: ... and do you have any idea what or who exactly this being looks like, or is?
[12:20:26 PM] Solomon: For a while
[12:20:29 PM] Solomon: I thought it was you
[12:20:41 PM] Solomon: because of how interested everyone seemed to be in you
[12:20:51 PM] Solomon: I'm still not 100% sure that it isnt
[12:21:00 PM] Solomon: but I have a new suspect that seems to be closer to it
[12:21:20 PM] DarkShadows: who?
[12:21:58 PM] Solomon: A girl named Sasha, lives in Queens. Is an honor student
[12:22:14 PM] Solomon: is an orphan and has basically adopted her little sister and is taking care of her.
[12:22:26 PM] Solomon: 20 years old
[12:22:36 PM] Solomon: has a girlfriend if I recall
[12:22:41 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[12:24:25 PM] Solomon: Your job is to help me kill her, if the universe becomes good again then she was God's wife
[12:24:33 PM] Solomon: if not, then what you gonna do
[12:24:44 PM] Solomon: Ah reminds me of the witch hunts
[12:24:46 PM] Solomon: good times
[12:25:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... Realize I killed someone and feel horribly guilty.
[12:25:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... I... I don't wanna kill someone.
[12:26:05 PM] DarkShadows: I can't even kill *spiders*.
[12:26:14 PM] Solomon: You wouldnt kill her
[12:26:16 PM] Solomon: I would
[12:26:21 PM] Solomon: you need to help me find her
[12:26:45 PM] Solomon: she kind of got freaked out at me showing up at her house with a shotgun, ran away.
[12:26:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... how can we guarantee that getting rid of her wouldn't cause more problems?
[12:26:47 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:26:54 PM] DarkShadows: well YEAH SO WOULD I.
[12:26:59 PM] DarkShadows: dude.
[12:27:47 PM] DarkShadows: this... this isn't...
[12:27:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:28:10 PM] DarkShadows: Why does the universe like putting me in improbable fucking scenarios
[12:28:15 PM] Solomon: All I'm asking is to help find a girl so I can murder her in cold blood in order to save the world.
[12:28:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... You sound like a *nutcase*.
[12:28:45 PM] Solomon: So do you, all perspective my dear
[12:28:48 PM] DarkShadows: You sound like those people who think Reptilians rule the earth, you know that?
[12:29:04 PM] Solomon: -------------------------------33323#$"$#"$#"
[12:29:09 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:29:12 PM] DarkShadows: oh what now?
[12:29:31 PM] DarkShadows: *curls up and quietly cries* Why. Why the fuck does this shit have to happen *again*
[12:29:41 PM] DarkShadows: I had a job! I had a fucking life, and now *this shit*.
[12:29:43 PM] DarkShadows: Again.
[12:29:55 PM] Solomon: (X)
[12:30:04 PM] Solomon: (X)(X)(X)
[12:30:06 PM] Solomon: (X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)
[12:30:08 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh not you again.
[12:30:14 PM] DarkShadows: Jesus fucking Christ not again
[12:30:20 PM] Solomon: Hello.
[12:30:34 PM] Solomon: Thats.no.way.togreet
[12:30:37 PM] DarkShadows: I thought you left me alone
[12:30:43 PM] Solomon: I.did
[12:30:54 PM] Solomon: Ifelt.likeyouwerein.danger
[12:31:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I just want this shit to end to be honest. Then Pandora decides, "LOL no, let's fuck the universe up again! Shadows can't have a normal life! What the fuck is NORMAL?!"
[12:32:04 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not doing this again, I can't do this again. As it is my shrink thinks it's a nightmare I had, because I'm a damn good liar.
[12:32:28 PM] DarkShadows: That is what this whole ordeal did to me, made me need to go talk to a *fucking psychotherapist* just to *deal* with half of it.
[12:32:53 PM] DarkShadows: So now that you know the update on what's going on with me, how the fuck do I save the universe, again? I'm a chemist not fucking Rambo.
[12:33:02 PM] Solomon: (hug) There there
[12:33:09 PM] Solomon: dont cry dear
[12:33:15 PM] DarkShadows: I'm just one woman I'm not special...
[12:33:32 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not special. I don't want to be special.
[12:33:38 PM] DarkShadows: I want to be left alone...
[12:33:38 PM] Solomon: You are special
[12:33:40 PM] Solomon: to me
[12:33:43 PM] Solomon: (hug)
[12:34:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... why? Why am I important to anyfuckingone or anyfuckingthing anywhere, I don't want to be important.
[12:34:58 PM] DarkShadows: I want to live a halfway decent, unobtrusive life.
[12:35:13 PM] DarkShadows: I want to believe that science exists and things like... things like what I saw...
[12:35:24 PM] Solomon: I'm trying to make that happen for you dear, I just am one being
[12:35:28 PM] Solomon: I can't work miracles
[12:35:43 PM] DarkShadows: Why do you care about one human being? I;m one of billions.
[12:36:08 PM] DarkShadows: You could probably crush me like an ant and never take notice, why am I so damn important?
[12:36:18 PM] Solomon: (heart) you are special to me, you make me feel ... happy almost.
[12:37:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay this isn't happening. I am now convinced I'm dreaming.
[12:37:44 PM] DarkShadows: *pinches self. It doesn't help*.
[12:37:46 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:37:55 PM] DarkShadows: There's no way. There's no logical fucking way...
[12:38:37 PM] DarkShadows: That something as... powerful, as incredibly inhumanly powerful as you...
[12:38:57 PM] Solomon: Cant it just be that you make me feel like I'm not such a horrible being, like I have a purpose. You know I do have feelings, you've met them. I feel like you...understand me.
[12:39:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... About as much as I can comprehend...
[12:39:18 PM] DarkShadows: Yes.
[12:39:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Everything has a purpose... You know that's the one thing that kept me from losing it completely? Believing that there's a reason for all this to happen?
[12:40:12 PM] Solomon: I believe so too
[12:40:18 PM] Solomon: so what is it that I can do for you
[12:40:19 PM] Solomon: my dear
[12:40:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... what can you tell me about something called "God's Wife"?
[12:41:58 PM] Solomon: It's a person chosen by a being most likely the universe or the thing you humans call god. It's a person that basically alters reality at her will.
[12:42:07 PM] Solomon: That's how Pandora became Solomon
[12:42:13 PM] Solomon: God's wife wished so
[12:42:16 PM] Solomon: subconciously
[12:42:31 PM] Solomon: meaning that Pandora knew God's wife, hence why he thought it was you
[12:42:34 PM] Solomon: at first
[12:42:45 PM] DarkShadows: But it's not me. Definatively not me?
[12:43:22 PM] Solomon: Would you ever wish for Pandora to become what he is now?
[12:43:43 PM] Solomon: I doubt it
[12:43:54 PM] Solomon: So I think we can rule you out
[12:44:00 PM] DarkShadows: no. I wouldn't wish something like what's happened on anyone.
[12:44:09 PM] Solomon: [12:43 PM] The Jazz: <<< So I think we can rule you out
[12:45:13 PM] Solomon: I think I know who God's wife is
[12:45:19 PM] Solomon: and its not the girl Solomon mentioned
[12:45:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... who, then?
[12:52:40 PM] Solomon: Willow
[12:53:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... why... why would Willow...
[12:53:46 PM] DarkShadows: Fuck. If it's Willow... we can't kill her. doing that would fuck things up.
[12:53:54 PM] DarkShadows: and that means Pandora is going to kill an innocent girl.
[12:54:06 PM] Solomon: I can absorb her powers
[12:54:15 PM] Solomon: then she's human
[12:54:19 PM] Solomon: then we can
[12:54:23 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:54:33 PM] DarkShadows: Yes, you could do that.
[12:54:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... I... don't want people to die, but...
[12:55:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... what must be done. The needs of the many...
[12:55:14 PM] Solomon: She would still live
[12:55:17 PM] Solomon: as a part of me
[12:55:29 PM] Solomon: her powers have her conciousness (sic) inside it
[12:57:00 PM] DarkShadows: ... Do we have absolute proof that she's the one?
[12:57:39 PM] DarkShadows: I'm a scientist, Tall One. I don't do anything without at least some idea that it might or might not work. And I sure as hell don't work without some sort of credible proof or basis for believing something.
[12:58:04 PM] Solomon: I do have proof
[12:58:25 PM] Solomon: The thing is, you weren't one to be born.
[12:58:34 PM] Solomon: Your existence is the proof
[12:58:39 PM] Solomon: she made that happen
[12:58:42 PM] Solomon: by wishing it
[1:01:05 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[1:01:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... I wasn't born.
[1:01:11 PM] DarkShadows: I was...
[1:01:18 PM] DarkShadows: I was just thought up one day, and...
[1:01:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm... I'm not human, then?
[1:01:31 PM] DarkShadows: I'm... I'm a...
[1:01:58 PM] Solomon: closer to being a sentimental
[1:02:26 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[1:02:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what exactly am I?
[1:03:15 PM] Solomon: A tulpa
[1:04:27 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[1:04:43 PM] DarkShadows: I could... *soft laugh* I could stop existing in an instant if she willed it...
[1:04:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... I need time. Alone. Now.
[1:05:38 PM] Solomon: ok
[1:05:41 PM] Solomon: I understand
[1:05:44 PM] Solomon: bye
[11:55:16 AM] *** The Jazz added DarkShadows ***
[11:55:42 AM] *** The Jazz added Bunny ***
[11:55:52 AM] *** The Jazz added Brahian ***
[11:55:55 AM] *** The Jazz added Wally ***
[11:56:22 AM] The Jazz: I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you all here.
[11:56:46 AM] *** The Jazz added Bruceta Wayne ***
[11:57:42 AM] Wally: ?
[11:57:52 AM] The Jazz: I need to speak to Shadows
[11:58:00 AM] The Jazz: Are you there Shadows?
[11:58:01 AM] DarkShadows: ... yes?
[11:58:17 AM] DarkShadows: I'm going somewhere at 1 but I can talk.
[11:58:20 AM] DarkShadows: something wrong?
[11:58:22 AM] The Jazz: You know how Willow said that everything is ok?
[11:58:29 AM] DarkShadows: ... fuck me, it's not, is it?
[11:58:34 AM] The Jazz: No
[11:58:36 AM] DarkShadows: I fucking knew it.
[11:58:37 AM] The Jazz: its never ok
[11:59:24 AM] The Jazz: Solomon kind of changed events around by time traveling, causing the Pale Maiden to actually want to go through with the plan of eliminating everything.
[12:00:15 PM] DarkShadows: ... fuck.
[12:00:29 PM] DarkShadows: so again, *why doesn't someone do something about Solomon*?
[12:00:33 PM] DarkShadows: Before this shit happens?
[12:00:49 PM] DarkShadows: And what do you want me to do? I can't do shit, I'm a human.
[12:01:02 PM] The Jazz: He's your friend
[12:01:05 PM] The Jazz: talk to him
[12:01:10 PM] The Jazz: he can change it back
[12:01:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... He... he is?
[12:01:45 PM] The Jazz: Remember?
[12:01:50 PM] The Jazz: Solomon is Pandora
[12:01:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... Oh yeah, right.
[12:02:10 PM] DarkShadows: AKA, guy who decided to betray us after Exa got him.
[12:02:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... Shit. It's been long enough without any sort of sighting of Willow, or the Faceless Wonder, or *anything* weird that I forgot. I'm kind of important.
[12:03:01 PM] DarkShadows: For reasons I *still* don't understand
[12:03:08 PM] DarkShadows: And reasons I don't *want* to understand.
[12:04:48 PM] DarkShadows: So... exactly how far into this world destruction plan is the Maiden?
[12:06:02 PM] The Jazz: She destroyed the Seal
[12:06:07 PM] The Jazz: releasing all of them
[12:06:11 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:06:14 PM] DarkShadows: So we're fucked.
[12:06:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... where is Pandora now?
[12:06:47 PM] The Jazz: In this chat
[12:06:49 PM] The Jazz: watching
[12:07:08 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora... why?
[12:07:21 PM] DarkShadows: Why the fuck would you *want the fucking world to end*?
[12:07:34 PM] DarkShadows: WTF is wrong with you? Why would you drag all of us into this shit again?
[12:07:57 PM] The Jazz: #I have my reasons ~Solomon
[12:08:08 PM] DarkShadows: I was getting better. I was doing just fucking fine and actually was able to *sleep soundly at night again* and now I'm dragged back into this fucking nightmare.
[12:08:29 PM] DarkShadows: What reason could you *possibly* have for starting this over again?
[12:08:47 PM] Solomon: You may not realize this
[12:08:55 PM] Solomon: but I'm actually trying to help
[12:09:20 PM] DarkShadows: Fucking *how* is trying to get the world destroyed helping?
[12:09:37 PM] DarkShadows: Because right now all it's doing is making me panic.
[12:10:19 PM] Solomon: Do you know how the book operates?
[12:10:25 PM] Solomon: Do you know who controls the book?
[12:10:33 PM | Edited 12:10:34 PM] Solomon: do you know who controls everyone?
[12:10:40 PM] Solomon: That is the person
[12:10:45 PM] Solomon: I'm trying to destroy
[12:10:48 PM] Solomon: I'm trying to free you
[12:10:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... You're trying to destroy the Blind Man?
[12:11:32 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm sorry I'm just confused. First I get told this shit isn't even halfway over, then I get told I don't even have *free fucking will*.
[12:11:49 PM] Solomon: Not the blind man
[12:11:56 PM] Solomon: the blind man has no control over the book
[12:12:00 PM] Solomon: he just reads it
[12:12:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... then who...?
[12:12:44 PM] Solomon: Care to guess?
[12:12:50 PM] Solomon: I love people's guesses
[12:13:36 PM] DarkShadows: Well controlling people would obviously make me think of that splintery creep Wooden Girl. But I doubt she's behind this. I mean I wouldn't put it past her, but this seems too much even for her.
[12:13:59 PM] DarkShadows: Exa seems to have a thing for control and for experimenting, if this is some sort of experiment I wouldn't call her innocent.
[12:14:22 PM] DarkShadows: It can't be any of the Altered that were previously Sealed, they had no means of escape.
[12:15:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... I still don't necessarly trust any of the Altered, or the Fears, and I'm well aware of the possibility of someone working behind our back.
[12:15:23 PM] DarkShadows: Possibly even a Sentimental working behind our back, but I'm not sure they would have enough power to control Blindy's book...
[12:15:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... Fuck I just pissed him off by calling him Blindy didn't I?
[12:15:42 PM] Solomon: XD
[12:15:48 PM] Solomon: Its actually none of these things
[12:15:52 PM] Solomon: not altered
[12:15:53 PM] Solomon: not fears
[12:15:56 PM] Solomon: not sentimentals
[12:15:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what?
[12:16:06 PM] DarkShadows: What the Hell are we dealing with now?
[12:16:07 PM] Solomon: Its a phenonemon that I cant even explain myself
[12:16:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... Fuck, is it that creep Lovi? I cannot deal with that. I can't do that again, nope, not happening.
[12:16:32 PM] Solomon: It's called "God's Wife" or at least I gave it that name.
[12:16:42 PM] Solomon: no it isnt any of the chasers either
[12:16:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... God's Wife...
[12:16:47 PM] Solomon: yes
[12:17:02 PM] DarkShadows: Is it a being, or...
[12:17:10 PM] Solomon: yes and no, let me explain
[12:17:12 PM] Bunny: Wait
[12:17:16 PM] Bunny: God's Wife
[12:17:19 PM] Bunny: SHit.
[12:17:26 PM] Solomon: ?
[12:17:27 PM] DarkShadows: Bunny... what?
[12:18:17 PM] Bunny: Where have I heard that before
[12:18:37 PM] DarkShadows: I have no idea and I have never heard of it.
[12:19:29 PM] Solomon: God's wife is basically...a force kind of in the universe that manifests itself as a being, humanoid even. Its a girl that frankly doesnt even know what she is doing.
[12:19:43 PM] Solomon: Her commands come from the subconcious
[12:20:17 PM] DarkShadows: ... and do you have any idea what or who exactly this being looks like, or is?
[12:20:26 PM] Solomon: For a while
[12:20:29 PM] Solomon: I thought it was you
[12:20:41 PM] Solomon: because of how interested everyone seemed to be in you
[12:20:51 PM] Solomon: I'm still not 100% sure that it isnt
[12:21:00 PM] Solomon: but I have a new suspect that seems to be closer to it
[12:21:20 PM] DarkShadows: who?
[12:21:58 PM] Solomon: A girl named Sasha, lives in Queens. Is an honor student
[12:22:14 PM] Solomon: is an orphan and has basically adopted her little sister and is taking care of her.
[12:22:26 PM] Solomon: 20 years old
[12:22:36 PM] Solomon: has a girlfriend if I recall
[12:22:41 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[12:24:25 PM] Solomon: Your job is to help me kill her, if the universe becomes good again then she was God's wife
[12:24:33 PM] Solomon: if not, then what you gonna do
[12:24:44 PM] Solomon: Ah reminds me of the witch hunts
[12:24:46 PM] Solomon: good times
[12:25:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... Realize I killed someone and feel horribly guilty.
[12:25:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... I... I don't wanna kill someone.
[12:26:05 PM] DarkShadows: I can't even kill *spiders*.
[12:26:14 PM] Solomon: You wouldnt kill her
[12:26:16 PM] Solomon: I would
[12:26:21 PM] Solomon: you need to help me find her
[12:26:45 PM] Solomon: she kind of got freaked out at me showing up at her house with a shotgun, ran away.
[12:26:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... how can we guarantee that getting rid of her wouldn't cause more problems?
[12:26:47 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:26:54 PM] DarkShadows: well YEAH SO WOULD I.
[12:26:59 PM] DarkShadows: dude.
[12:27:47 PM] DarkShadows: this... this isn't...
[12:27:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:28:10 PM] DarkShadows: Why does the universe like putting me in improbable fucking scenarios
[12:28:15 PM] Solomon: All I'm asking is to help find a girl so I can murder her in cold blood in order to save the world.
[12:28:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... You sound like a *nutcase*.
[12:28:45 PM] Solomon: So do you, all perspective my dear
[12:28:48 PM] DarkShadows: You sound like those people who think Reptilians rule the earth, you know that?
[12:29:04 PM] Solomon: -------------------------------33323#$"$#"$#"
[12:29:09 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:29:12 PM] DarkShadows: oh what now?
[12:29:31 PM] DarkShadows: *curls up and quietly cries* Why. Why the fuck does this shit have to happen *again*
[12:29:41 PM] DarkShadows: I had a job! I had a fucking life, and now *this shit*.
[12:29:43 PM] DarkShadows: Again.
[12:29:55 PM] Solomon: (X)
[12:30:04 PM] Solomon: (X)(X)(X)
[12:30:06 PM] Solomon: (X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)
[12:30:08 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh not you again.
[12:30:14 PM] DarkShadows: Jesus fucking Christ not again
[12:30:20 PM] Solomon: Hello.
[12:30:34 PM] Solomon: Thats.no.way.togreet
[12:30:37 PM] DarkShadows: I thought you left me alone
[12:30:43 PM] Solomon: I.did
[12:30:54 PM] Solomon: Ifelt.likeyouwerein.danger
[12:31:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I just want this shit to end to be honest. Then Pandora decides, "LOL no, let's fuck the universe up again! Shadows can't have a normal life! What the fuck is NORMAL?!"
[12:32:04 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not doing this again, I can't do this again. As it is my shrink thinks it's a nightmare I had, because I'm a damn good liar.
[12:32:28 PM] DarkShadows: That is what this whole ordeal did to me, made me need to go talk to a *fucking psychotherapist* just to *deal* with half of it.
[12:32:53 PM] DarkShadows: So now that you know the update on what's going on with me, how the fuck do I save the universe, again? I'm a chemist not fucking Rambo.
[12:33:02 PM] Solomon: (hug) There there
[12:33:09 PM] Solomon: dont cry dear
[12:33:15 PM] DarkShadows: I'm just one woman I'm not special...
[12:33:32 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not special. I don't want to be special.
[12:33:38 PM] DarkShadows: I want to be left alone...
[12:33:38 PM] Solomon: You are special
[12:33:40 PM] Solomon: to me
[12:33:43 PM] Solomon: (hug)
[12:34:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... why? Why am I important to anyfuckingone or anyfuckingthing anywhere, I don't want to be important.
[12:34:58 PM] DarkShadows: I want to live a halfway decent, unobtrusive life.
[12:35:13 PM] DarkShadows: I want to believe that science exists and things like... things like what I saw...
[12:35:24 PM] Solomon: I'm trying to make that happen for you dear, I just am one being
[12:35:28 PM] Solomon: I can't work miracles
[12:35:43 PM] DarkShadows: Why do you care about one human being? I;m one of billions.
[12:36:08 PM] DarkShadows: You could probably crush me like an ant and never take notice, why am I so damn important?
[12:36:18 PM] Solomon: (heart) you are special to me, you make me feel ... happy almost.
[12:37:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay this isn't happening. I am now convinced I'm dreaming.
[12:37:44 PM] DarkShadows: *pinches self. It doesn't help*.
[12:37:46 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:37:55 PM] DarkShadows: There's no way. There's no logical fucking way...
[12:38:37 PM] DarkShadows: That something as... powerful, as incredibly inhumanly powerful as you...
[12:38:57 PM] Solomon: Cant it just be that you make me feel like I'm not such a horrible being, like I have a purpose. You know I do have feelings, you've met them. I feel like you...understand me.
[12:39:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... About as much as I can comprehend...
[12:39:18 PM] DarkShadows: Yes.
[12:39:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Everything has a purpose... You know that's the one thing that kept me from losing it completely? Believing that there's a reason for all this to happen?
[12:40:12 PM] Solomon: I believe so too
[12:40:18 PM] Solomon: so what is it that I can do for you
[12:40:19 PM] Solomon: my dear
[12:40:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... what can you tell me about something called "God's Wife"?
[12:41:58 PM] Solomon: It's a person chosen by a being most likely the universe or the thing you humans call god. It's a person that basically alters reality at her will.
[12:42:07 PM] Solomon: That's how Pandora became Solomon
[12:42:13 PM] Solomon: God's wife wished so
[12:42:16 PM] Solomon: subconciously
[12:42:31 PM] Solomon: meaning that Pandora knew God's wife, hence why he thought it was you
[12:42:34 PM] Solomon: at first
[12:42:45 PM] DarkShadows: But it's not me. Definatively not me?
[12:43:22 PM] Solomon: Would you ever wish for Pandora to become what he is now?
[12:43:43 PM] Solomon: I doubt it
[12:43:54 PM] Solomon: So I think we can rule you out
[12:44:00 PM] DarkShadows: no. I wouldn't wish something like what's happened on anyone.
[12:44:09 PM] Solomon: [12:43 PM] The Jazz: <<< So I think we can rule you out
[12:45:13 PM] Solomon: I think I know who God's wife is
[12:45:19 PM] Solomon: and its not the girl Solomon mentioned
[12:45:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... who, then?
[12:52:40 PM] Solomon: Willow
[12:53:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... why... why would Willow...
[12:53:46 PM] DarkShadows: Fuck. If it's Willow... we can't kill her. doing that would fuck things up.
[12:53:54 PM] DarkShadows: and that means Pandora is going to kill an innocent girl.
[12:54:06 PM] Solomon: I can absorb her powers
[12:54:15 PM] Solomon: then she's human
[12:54:19 PM] Solomon: then we can
[12:54:23 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[12:54:33 PM] DarkShadows: Yes, you could do that.
[12:54:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... I... don't want people to die, but...
[12:55:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... what must be done. The needs of the many...
[12:55:14 PM] Solomon: She would still live
[12:55:17 PM] Solomon: as a part of me
[12:55:29 PM] Solomon: her powers have her conciousness (sic) inside it
[12:57:00 PM] DarkShadows: ... Do we have absolute proof that she's the one?
[12:57:39 PM] DarkShadows: I'm a scientist, Tall One. I don't do anything without at least some idea that it might or might not work. And I sure as hell don't work without some sort of credible proof or basis for believing something.
[12:58:04 PM] Solomon: I do have proof
[12:58:25 PM] Solomon: The thing is, you weren't one to be born.
[12:58:34 PM] Solomon: Your existence is the proof
[12:58:39 PM] Solomon: she made that happen
[12:58:42 PM] Solomon: by wishing it
[1:01:05 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[1:01:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... I wasn't born.
[1:01:11 PM] DarkShadows: I was...
[1:01:18 PM] DarkShadows: I was just thought up one day, and...
[1:01:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm... I'm not human, then?
[1:01:31 PM] DarkShadows: I'm... I'm a...
[1:01:58 PM] Solomon: closer to being a sentimental
[1:02:26 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[1:02:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what exactly am I?
[1:03:15 PM] Solomon: A tulpa
[1:04:27 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[1:04:43 PM] DarkShadows: I could... *soft laugh* I could stop existing in an instant if she willed it...
[1:04:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... I need time. Alone. Now.
[1:05:38 PM] Solomon: ok
[1:05:41 PM] Solomon: I understand
[1:05:44 PM] Solomon: bye
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
AnotherYear Log 16 - Harry Potter and the Blind Man's Book
[7:04:54 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Hello
[7:04:56 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Dark
[7:05:03 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: did you recieve my gift?
[7:05:59 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Personally I think it would help
[7:06:06 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: but I might be wrong, use it as you please
[7:06:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... yes. I did.
[7:06:42 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Good
[7:06:43 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: tell the others
[7:06:47 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: what it is
[7:08:05 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'll do so.
[7:08:17 PM] DarkShadows: Although I'm not sure how this is supposed to help.
[7:10:31 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: say it for the record
[7:10:55 PM] DarkShadows: It's a copy of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". I haven't read a Harry Potter novel for years now...
[7:11:08 PM] DarkShadows: Maybe it'd be good to escape for five seonds.
[7:11:22 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: It will help
[7:11:27 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: the help is in the plot
[7:11:30 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: search
[7:11:34 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: and you'll find
[7:11:37 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: goodbye
[7:12:03 PM] Brahian: The Chamber of Secrets?
[7:12:07 PM] Brahian: I own that book
[7:12:12 PM] Brahian: lemme see if I can find it...
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: ... the help is in the plot, huh?
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: Hm
[7:13:16 PM] DarkShadows: Now if I can remember all the plot details...
[7:13:39 PM] Brahian: I could probably finish it in a day or two :I
[7:15:36 PM] DarkShadows: *nods* so could I, if I had the time.
[7:33:50 PM] Lily: HEY
[7:34:05 PM] Lily: hey
[7:34:22 PM] Brahian: ohai Lily
[7:34:43 PM] Lily: sorry for not appearing for long
[7:34:54 PM] Brahian: iscool
[7:34:54 PM] Lily: Ive been dealing with stuff x.x
[7:35:14 PM] Brahian: I think it's safe to say we've all been dealing with stuff :/
[7:35:35 PM] Lily: Is Dark here I need to talk to her .w.
[7:36:09 PM] Brahian: I dunno, she's sorta been on and off lately
[7:36:26 PM] Lily: Dark?!
[7:36:59 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[7:37:05 PM] DarkShadows: Lilly what's wrong?
[7:37:36 PM] Lily: I...I think I made things better for you guys
[7:37:44 PM] Lily: but worse for me
[7:37:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Lilly, what did you do?
[7:38:07 PM] Lily: Lovi contacted me and made a deal with me
[7:38:17 PM] Brahian: o:
[7:38:23 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:38:32 PM] DarkShadows: what was the deal.
[7:39:44 PM] Lily: In exchange for her to stop harassing you I had to give her something of mine
[7:40:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... what did you give?
[7:40:47 PM] Lily: My right eye
[7:40:53 PM] Brahian: D:
[7:41:36 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:41:45 PM] DarkShadows: Norse mythology.
[7:42:07 PM] DarkShadows: Why'd she even want your eye?
[7:42:11 PM] DarkShadows: Specifically that eye?
[7:43:16 PM] Lily: She said that it contains something similar to what you have inside you and what brahian has inside his tounge.
[7:43:59 PM] Brahian: my tounge???
[7:44:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... brahian has something in his tongue, and *you gave someone who is one of our... enemies something important!?*
[7:44:04 PM] DarkShadows: WTF IS
[7:44:05 PM] Brahian: what's in my tounge?
[7:44:09 PM] DarkShadows: MY BRAIN HURTS
[7:44:14 PM] Brahian: WHAT THE FUCK
[7:44:18 PM] Brahian: IS IN MY TOUNGE???????
[7:44:32 PM] Lily: She said she isnt an enemy
[7:44:51 PM] Lily: I read the logs...she seems just confused
[7:44:57 PM] Lily: idk Brah
[7:47:07 PM] Lily: guys...say something ._.
[7:47:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... she wanted. to kill me.
[7:48:04 PM] Brahian: it's in. my tounge.
[7:48:41 PM] Lily: Dark...why she wants my eye is beyond me...I do not care. She promised to leave you alone
[7:48:57 PM] DarkShadows: ...She's my daughter and she wanted to kill me, and she made *you* tear out your eye for God's sake.
[7:49:10 PM] DarkShadows: And she's "confused". Right. I believe that.
[7:49:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... Maybe my daughter needs a little bit of dscipline.
[7:50:47 PM] Lily: ...Dark...chill
[7:51:16 PM] Lily: She's still your daughter...show some compassion .-.
[7:52:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... Yeah, she's my daughter, that doesn't mean I suddenly have to love someone who comes up, says that much, *threatens my life*, and tells someone to rip their own eye out.
[7:52:51 PM] DarkShadows: You know what, maybe there's a damn reason some ideas should fucking stay dead.
[7:53:20 PM] Lily: *//%-%8%'/3//::;;;;:'::::::;:,;;/#7726266777
[7:53:36 PM] Brahian: Mother? OuO
[7:53:39 PM] Lily: OuO
[7:53:49 PM] Brahian: Mother! OuO
[7:53:53 PM] Brahian: Brahian hugs Mother
[7:53:55 PM] Lily: Yes my child OuO
[7:53:56 PM] Brahian: (hug)
[7:54:05 PM] Lily: (hug)
[7:54:09 PM] DarkShadows: Willow, is there or is there not a reaosn why some ideas die?
[7:54:42 PM] Lily: IdontknowOuO
[7:55:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... do you know anything about what Lovi intends to do with Lilly's eye?
[7:55:33 PM] Lily: IfeltneededdoyouneedanswersOuO?
[7:55:39 PM] Lily: oh
[7:55:50 PM] Lily: IdoOuO
[7:55:50 PM] DarkShadows: That, and I need a stiff drink.
[7:56:12 PM] DarkShadows: What exactly does she plan to do with said eye?
[7:56:28 PM] Lily: NothingOuO
[7:57:33 PM] Lily: ItshouldnotbeaconcernOuO
[7:59:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... You know I worry about everything.
[7:59:57 PM] Lily: shethinksitmakesherhumanOuO
[8:00:04 PM] Lily: itdoesntOuO
[8:00:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... is she even able to become human?
[8:01:14 PM] Lily: t
[8:01:22 PM] Lily: yes
[8:01:37 PM] Lily: OuO
[8:03:10 PM] Lily: thisisthepart. whereyoushould. becomeconcerned OuO
[8:03:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... if she becomes human, will it cause everything to die horribly?
[8:03:44 PM] Brahian: Brahian is concerned that DarkShadows isn't showing concern...
[8:04:08 PM] Lily: noitwont. ithas no affect
[8:04:35 PM] Lily: but the method ofherbecoming humanisaconcern.
[8:05:13 PM] DarkShadows: brah, I am extremely concerned. that's why I asked.
[8:05:27 PM] Lily: itinvolveseating Darks heart
[8:05:33 PM] Brahian: o_O
[8:05:36 PM] Lily: OuO
[8:05:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[8:05:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm going back to sobbing now.
[8:05:40 PM] DarkShadows: In fear
[8:05:42 PM] DarkShadows: forever.
[8:05:44 PM] Brahian: OnO
[8:05:44 PM] DarkShadows: in the corner.
[8:05:52 PM] Lily: Iwontletthathappen OuO
[8:06:10 PM] Lily: ImhereforyouDark OuO
[8:06:27 PM] Lily: (hug)
[8:07:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... why does everything want this supposed power I have, that I don't even fucking *want*?
[8:07:21 PM] DarkShadows: Why can't I give someone else it, I don't want it, I want to go back to living a normal fucking life.
[8:07:48 PM] Lily: whydont you?
[8:07:59 PM] Lily: nothingisstopping you
[8:08:17 PM] Lily: fromwalkingaway OuO
[8:08:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... yeah but I can't *walk away* from you, or the Tall Guy, because you'd find me anyway and life would be the same damn thing as before.
[8:09:12 PM] DarkShadows: paranoia, sleepless fucking nights, and people thinking I'm crazy if I say what's happening.
[8:09:20 PM] Lily: IcantalktoSlendy OuO
[8:09:30 PM] DarkShadows: Also there's the issue of the *fucking Tulpa I accidentally made that wants to eat my heart*.
[8:09:33 PM] Lily: lethimleaveyoualobe
[8:09:39 PM] Lily: *alone
[8:09:49 PM] DarkShadows: Also, the issue of *the hundreds or so odd beings that want my supposed power*.
[8:09:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... I can't leave, Willow. it's not safe here, and it's not safe out there.
[8:10:16 PM] Lily: Icanwardthemoff OuO
[8:10:59 PM] Lily: Whatever youwant.whateverittakesto.makeyouhappy.Ill do it OuO
[8:13:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... why? Why do you, an inhuman, powerful being, care so much about a human? There's 6 billion of us in the world, probably more now.
[8:13:24 PM] Brahian: 7 billion, actually
[8:13:28 PM] Lily: OuO I careaboutyou
[8:14:13 PM] DarkShadows: I don't think anything is that simple...
[8:14:43 PM] Lily: OuO wanna.knowthe truth?
[8:14:51 PM] DarkShadows: yes.
[8:15:55 PM] Lily: Icareabout.youbecauseyou areagoodperson. Youaresweet and youremindmenotofme.buttheperson I wish I oncewas OuO
[8:18:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what does he want from me? Why is the Slenderman after me, what did I do? All I did was go into the damn forest and I just wanted to help someone I thought was hurt.
[8:18:55 PM] DarkShadows: Because I will be damned if I'm becoming a fucking Proxy at the end of all this.
[8:20:04 PM] Lily: EverthoughtthatmaybeSlendermanisjustobserving you. dontyouthinkifhewanted.youdead hewouldhave done so.yearsago OuO
[8:20:36 PM] DarkShadows: That, or he's waiting until I lose it.
[8:21:17 PM] Lily: whydontyouaskhimyourself
[8:21:56 PM] Lily: (X)--------/////////*&&***************(X)
[8:22:05 PM] DarkShadows: scared... oh.
[8:22:10 PM] Brahian: goodbye Mother OnO
[8:22:16 PM] Lily: H ello
[8:22:24 PM] Brahian: hi Slendy
[8:22:25 PM] DarkShadows: hi...
[8:23:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... any luck in the fight?
[8:23:13 PM] Lily: I was informed that you have a question. So Frank once again is acting as a translator
[8:23:32 PM] Lily: The fight goes well...but he is strongerthan I thought.
[8:24:03 PM] Lily: but what do you want to ask me Joanne?
[8:24:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... There's just one thing I don't understand. Why observe me for 8 years, after a chance encounter? How am I so damn interesting that you had to stalk me for 8 years?
[8:25:02 PM] Lily: oh...thats simple.
[8:25:31 PM] Lily: At first I mistook you for Willow
[8:25:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... how?
[8:25:54 PM] Lily: You look like her
[8:25:59 PM] Lily: humanwise
[8:26:02 PM] Brahian: O___O
[8:26:05 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[8:26:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay. But if you made the mistake, then why keep after me when you realized you made it?
[8:26:50 PM] Lily: then I was curious as to why you look like her...Why she enjoys your presence...
[8:27:21 PM] DarkShadows: so you stalked me... because Willow was stalking me.
[8:27:27 PM] Lily: more questions arose and I became more obsessed with finding the answers.
[8:27:35 PM] Lily: yes
[8:27:50 PM] Brahian: you always were a curious one, weren't you, Slenderman?
[8:28:27 PM] Lily: I like knowing
[8:28:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... the pursuit of knowledge... is one of the few things that keeps men sane I think.
[8:28:34 PM] Lily: very true
[8:28:40 PM] Brahian: but curiousity killed the cat...
[8:29:02 PM] DarkShadows: I'd rather not have a powerful eldritch being die, thanks.
[8:29:04 PM] Lily: I never understood that saying
[8:29:18 PM] Lily: what is the cat curious about?
[8:29:29 PM] Brahian: humans, maybe?
[8:29:34 PM] Brahian: the cat got too close to them
[8:29:37 PM] Brahian: and they killed it
[8:29:57 PM] DarkShadows: It's a saying. Because curiosity can lead to blindness to danger, the cat looked too close at something dangerous and died because of it.
[8:30:11 PM] Lily: why do humans kill cats?
[8:30:13 PM] DarkShadows: It's a warning of... not peering deeper than you can safely fathom.
[8:30:17 PM] Brahian: or, the cat was curous about a strange beast that was invading its home
[8:30:18 PM] DarkShadows: Because humans are fucking cruel.
[8:30:20 PM] Brahian: and it was eaten
[8:30:41 PM] DarkShadows: Most humans actually keep cats as pets.
[8:30:49 PM] Brahian: cats are nice pets
[8:30:52 PM] Lily: Cruelty...I do not understand why humans are cruel.
[8:31:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... I wish I had an answer to that.
[8:31:09 PM] Brahian: but is not Slenderman cruel as well?
[8:31:17 PM] Lily: Do you consider me cruel?
[8:31:20 PM] Brahian: Why do you kill people, Slendy?
[8:31:34 PM | Edited 8:31:50 PM] Brahian: Why do you impale their organs on trees?
[8:31:56 PM] Lily: I dont recall ever ending someones life
[8:32:06 PM] Brahian: Hm.
[8:32:11 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[8:32:22 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[8:33:10 PM] Brahian: Slendy, you do realise there are tales based entirely on the fact that you kill people?
[8:33:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... why toy with human's minds, then, sometimes for years...
[8:33:27 PM] DarkShadows: I... do not understand.
[8:34:05 PM] Lily: I dont understand you
[8:34:34 PM] Brahian: [8:33 PM] Brahian:
<<< Slendy, you do realise there are tales based entirely on the fact that you kill people?
[8:34:40 PM] DarkShadows: what brah said.
[8:35:21 PM] Lily: I am aware of it
[8:35:44 PM] Brahian: And... how do you believe those tales came to existence?
[8:36:29 PM] Lily: Have you seen me. I get why humans would assume I mean them harm
[8:37:17 PM] DarkShadows: Yes. I have seen you, several times, and would prefer not to again because I have *a panic attack* every time you get in range.
[8:37:23 PM] Brahian: Who are you really then, Slenderman?
[8:38:05 PM] Lily: Dark...do you wish me to stop observing you?
[8:38:21 PM] Brahian: *Observing. Capital O.
[8:38:32 PM] DarkShadows: brah maybe correcting the eldritch being is a bad idea.
[8:38:45 PM] Brahian: Hey, he says he doesn't kill people
[8:39:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... All I want is this shitty power taken from me, so I can be safe, and to live a normal fucking life.
[8:39:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... that's all i want.
[8:40:26 PM] Lily: Dark...if I win this fight Ill help you with that
[8:40:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... Can I trust you to? *said more to myself*
[8:42:30 PM] Lily: you dont have to trust me but you have my word and I dont mean you any harm. Also I do not know what proxies are that you are afraid ill turn you into.
[8:42:56 PM] Brahian: [8:37 PM] Brahian:
<<< Who are you really then, Slenderman?
[8:43:23 PM] Lily: You are getting on mg nerves Brahian.
[8:43:39 PM] Lily: would you kindly stop it.
[8:43:42 PM] Brahian: oh?
[8:43:47 PM] Brahian: I just wanted to know
[8:43:58 PM] Lily: I am Slenderman
[8:44:02 PM] Brahian: I mean, you're so different from what everyone makes you look like
[8:44:40 PM] Brahian: So... who are you? If you don't kill things... what do you do?
[8:45:01 PM] Lily: observe
[8:45:08 PM] Lily: learn
[8:45:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... that says a lot, that you could be as long-lived as you are, and possibly immortal, that you're still learning things.
[8:45:47 PM] Lily: figure the world out.
[8:46:07 PM] Brahian: hm
[8:46:08 PM] Lily: the world is strange
[8:46:23 PM] Brahian: see, that's all I wanted to know
[8:46:32 PM] Brahian: I didn't mean to get on your nerves OnO
[8:47:09 PM] Lily: I try making altereds...but I guess thats the only bit about me that may seem cruel
[8:47:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... I won't deny that yes, the world's very strange.
[8:47:36 PM] Lily: but I do that because I dont want to be alone
[8:47:44 PM] DarkShadows: Are you... aware of the pain you're putting those people that become Altereds through?
[8:47:46 PM] Brahian: :c
[8:47:55 PM] Brahian: Do you need a hug, Slendy?
[8:48:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... the Fear of the unknown... is afraid of being all alone.
[8:48:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... everyone has to fear something.
[8:48:44 PM] Lily: thats the nature of fear.
[8:49:11 PM] Lily: Im aware and Im trying to find a simple painfree method
[8:49:44 PM] Brahian: Brahian hugs Slendy despite the lack of an answer
[8:49:47 PM] Lily: people are afraid of me because of how I look so I make them look different. Levels the playing field.
[8:49:48 PM] Brahian: (hug)
[8:49:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm... not sure there is one. You're kind of radically altering people's bodies.
[8:51:31 PM] Lily: I dont want to be alone
[8:52:32 PM] DarkShadows: To be honest Tall One, it was never your looks that scared me 8 years ago. It was the... I suppose you could say the aura you give off. The power, the... I suppose darkness, you could describe it as being pure darkness and strangeness and power...
[8:52:36 PM] DarkShadows: I... couldn't handle it.
[8:52:43 PM] DarkShadows: I still can't.
[8:53:17 PM] Brahian: yeah Slendy, you tend to have sort of aura of Fear surrounding you
[8:53:27 PM] Brahian: I mean, not that I would know anything about that...
[8:54:15 PM] Lily: I dont...want to be left behind,pushed by the world into the dark corners of it because of differentiating details of species. I feel like a puppet...a mere dog on a leash.
[8:54:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I realize you probably can't even control that, but... wait, *you* feel like a puppet?
[8:54:31 PM] DarkShadows: You?
[8:54:50 PM] Lily: yes
[8:55:03 PM] DarkShadows: ... how so, and if so... who pulls the strings?
[8:55:20 PM] DarkShadows: and what is the proper level of fear to show for whoever pulls the strings?
[8:55:54 PM] Lily: I dont know I just feel trapped...controlled...cornered by the world...the universe...something
[8:56:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... well you know what cornered animals do, right? They attack...
[8:56:50 PM] DarkShadows: Not that I'm suggesting you do that but.
[8:57:07 PM] Lily: But what do I attack?
[8:57:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't know.
[8:58:14 PM] Lily: I just want to##################((((((!!!!!?!!!!!!???????????????????2332
[8:58:21 PM] Brahian: ? o_O
[8:58:22 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:58:30 PM] DarkShadows: someone else is taking control apparently.
[8:58:38 PM] Brahian: Who might this be?
[8:58:46 PM] Lily: Hello dearlings
[8:58:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... who are you?
[8:58:54 PM] Brahian: Hello, um...?
[8:59:01 PM] Lily: Oh...where are my manners
[8:59:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... that's a good way to start out before you reveal yourself to be the ultimate enemy. *sarcasm*
[8:59:51 PM] Lily: Cold Boy, Pale Maiden, The Draft...whatever you prefer calling me.
[8:59:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... see?
[9:00:38 PM] DarkShadows: *sighs* so, how painfully are we going to die?
[9:00:42 PM] Lily: What did I do to deserve this treatment?
[9:01:01 PM] Lily: Who says Im going to kill you?
[9:01:28 PM] DarkShadows: Plot to destroy the universe? No one does, I'm just erring on the side of worst case scenario because I always do.
[9:01:33 PM] Brahian: Well, you are planning to destroy the omniverse and everything in it
[9:01:53 PM] Brahian: I think that's a good basis for our conclusion
[9:02:44 PM] DarkShadows: And even if you weren,t all the Fears have apparently "given up on" the Forsaken Creator. Which I possess.
[9:03:45 PM] Lily: oh right that
[9:04:08 PM] Lily: I find that boring is all
[9:04:29 PM] Brahian: um...
[9:04:32 PM] Brahian: what?
[9:04:39 PM] Lily: so you have the ability to create beings...so what.
[9:04:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... destroying the universe... is boring to you.
[9:04:46 PM] DarkShadows: oh. that.
[9:05:18 PM] Lily: But Im thinking of not destroying the universe
[9:05:31 PM] DarkShadows: Please don't, I enjoy the Universe/
[9:05:41 PM] Lily: Im having way too much fun with you people and father.
[9:05:53 PM] Brahian: Oh dear.
[9:06:51 PM] Lily: Hmm existance negated or you being toyed with a bit...wow you humans really are selfish.
[9:07:08 PM] Brahian: What?
[9:07:17 PM] Brahian: I think I prefer being toyed with, thank you
[9:07:41 PM] Lily: On 19/06/2013, at 02:01, Brahian wrote:
> Oh dear.
<<<< ?
[9:07:54 PM] Brahian: well
[9:08:02 PM] Brahian: I still wouldn't like it
[9:08:13 PM] Brahian: but it's preferable to omniversal destruction
[9:08:42 PM] Lily: Where is the girl?
[9:08:52 PM] Brahian: She left
[9:08:56 PM] Brahian: had to do something
[9:09:03 PM] Brahian: She'll be back in a minute or two
[9:09:42 PM] DarkShadows: the girl came back, saw that shit, and is hiding under a desk.
[9:10:00 PM] Lily: Alright Ill go sit in the lobby drink some coffee and read about celebrities while I wait for her.
[9:10:32 PM] Lily: *flips through magazines*
[9:10:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... apparently I am not "the girl".
[9:10:48 PM] Brahian: Is there another girl here? o.O
[9:10:57 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[9:10:57 PM] Brahian: I mean, Lily, but her account is busy
[9:11:09 PM] DarkShadows: oh.
[9:11:28 PM] Brahian: I doubt Lily's "the girl"
[9:11:41 PM] Lily: I was actually waiting for dark...her entrance ruined my comedic comment.
[9:11:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... IDK then.
[9:11:58 PM] Brahian: good to know
[9:12:04 PM] DarkShadows: good.
[9:12:10 PM] Lily: So Dark
[9:12:22 PM] Lily: got something to say to me?
[9:12:30 PM] DarkShadows: So, Mr. Freeze? I have nothing to say.
[9:12:57 PM] Brahian: Brahian cuts through the tension with a butter knife.
[9:12:58 PM] DarkShadows: What do you expect for me to say?
[9:13:15 PM] Lily: I decided not to negate existance...how about a thank you
[9:14:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... thanks for not negating existance, Cold Boy. And also thanks for not considering it in the future, heart DarkShadows.
[9:15:25 PM] Lily: I prefer Pale Maiden but you are welcome
[9:16:26 PM] Lily: I just like toying with you guys
[9:16:46 PM] DarkShadows: So does everything apparently. Nothing new. :c
[9:18:18 PM] Lily: I must say my Maiden form is more comfortable than the Draft form. Also the cold boy form. But meh changes ... anyway where was I?
[9:19:40 PM] Lily: Oh right
[9:19:52 PM] Lily: I was gonna talk to you guys
[9:20:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... about?
[9:21:16 PM] Lily: oh the weather...suzy's football practice on sunday and the latest cookies at the bakery.
[9:21:23 PM] Brahian: um
[9:21:25 PM] Brahian: what?
[9:21:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... ha. ha.
[9:22:00 PM] DarkShadows: no really.
[9:22:54 PM] Lily: I believe I wanted to
[9:23:01 PM] Lily: Ehm
[9:23:16 PM] Lily: I dont remember
[9:23:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[9:23:26 PM] Lily: Where am I again?
[9:23:29 PM] Brahian: hmmmmmm.....
[9:23:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... what.
[9:23:47 PM] DarkShadows: ... I smell books and memory loss.
[9:24:04 PM] Lily: why would you smell books?
[9:24:18 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:24:21 PM] Brahian: oh dear
[9:24:33 PM] Lily: also I just forgot what I came here to say
[9:24:41 PM] Lily: the rest was comedic comment
[9:24:49 PM] DarkShadows: You suddenly don't remember what you were gonna say or where you are... I'm not even sure if Fears can affect other Fears.
[9:24:51 PM] Lily: stop ruining my jokes!!
[9:25:17 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:25:21 PM] DarkShadows: sorry?
[9:25:38 PM] Lily: right i remember now o.o
[9:25:49 PM] Lily: the book
[9:25:51 PM] Brahian: yeeeeees?
[9:26:10 PM] DarkShadows: ... the book. do you know which book?
[9:26:19 PM] Lily: that the neeborn sent
[9:26:19 PM] Brahian: Blind Man's Book?
[9:26:22 PM] Brahian: oh
[9:26:25 PM] Brahian: that book
[9:26:35 PM] DarkShadows: The book Newborn sent me. I still wanna know *how* it got my address.
[9:26:44 PM] DarkShadows: but... what about that book?
[9:26:44 PM] Brahian: The Internet
[9:26:58 PM] DarkShadows: It said the plot was relevant, but...
[9:26:58 PM] Lily: This has nithing to do with blind man ... all he does is say what happens
[9:27:22 PM] Lily: Harry Potter 2
[9:27:31 PM] Brahian: yes, what about it?
[9:27:48 PM] Brahian: wait wait wait
[9:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: *nods* so... what about the plot... matters... what, brah?
[9:27:59 PM] Brahian: The main villian in that book was a memory.
[9:28:08 PM] Brahian: You sure the Blind Man has nothing to do with this?
[9:28:24 PM] Brahian: WAIT OMIGOD
[9:28:28 PM] DarkShadows: Technically he was a piece of Voldemort's... soul...
[9:28:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... OH SHIT
[9:28:32 PM] Brahian: the monster in that book
[9:28:35 PM] Brahian: IT'S A GIANT
[9:28:36 PM] Brahian: SNAKE
[9:28:40 PM] Brahian: MOTHER OF SNAKES
[9:28:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... that too.
[9:29:07 PM] Lily: a group of people facing a powerful manipulator that is magical and have to stick together for it and people are manipulated to betray on countless occations and several die. Yeah how would it be relatable...I wonder.
[9:29:26 PM] DarkShadows: But Brah... Voldemort made horcruxes to piece apart his soul so he could live forever. that is. shards of himself.
[9:29:33 PM] Brahian: No time for your sarcasm, Cold
[9:29:36 PM] Brahian: or Pale
[9:29:40 PM] Brahian: or Draft
[9:29:45 PM] Brahian: or whatever you want to be called
[9:29:57 PM] Lily: Pale
[9:30:11 PM] DarkShadows: Pale it is, then.
[9:30:20 PM] Brahian: So, the Horcruxes.
[9:30:28 PM] Brahian: They're not introduced yet by then.
[9:30:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... true.
[9:31:49 PM] Lily: By the way your recruiter is dead
[9:31:58 PM] Brahian: Samsson?
[9:32:04 PM] Brahian: or Eva?
[9:32:27 PM] Lily: both
[9:32:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[9:32:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... I hope that won't fuck shit up.
[9:32:46 PM] Brahian: so
[9:32:59 PM] Brahian: we'll never know why he did give her that list
[9:33:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... damn
[9:33:51 PM] Lily: I absorbed their eldritch power
[9:33:57 PM] Lily: dont worry
[9:34:04 PM] Lily: im not an idiot
[9:34:05 PM] DarkShadows: oh.
[9:34:11 PM] Brahian: o_O
[9:38:08 PM] Lily: you peeps are boring me
[9:38:09 PM] DarkShadows: well, I tend to see the worst in things.
[9:38:14 PM] DarkShadows: fine
[9:39:04 PM] Lily: Ill throw this phone to some other fear
[9:39:09 PM] Lily: see what happens
[9:39:18 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:39:25 PM] DarkShadows: ... you have a universal telephone, that's terrifying.
[9:39:33 PM] Lily: might be interesting
[9:39:50 PM] Lily: ouch
[9:39:58 PM] DarkShadows: ouch?
[9:40:12 PM] Lily: someone threw a phone at me
[9:40:29 PM] Brahian: who is this, I wonder?
[9:40:46 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[9:41:04 PM] Lily: Aged Man...not sure if thats what you know me as.
[9:42:51 PM | Edited 9:43:11 PM] Brahian: So, it's the Old Man himself
[9:43:04 PM] DarkShadows: Well Brah, you got your wish.
[9:43:27 PM] Lily: why am I talking to you people?
[9:43:36 PM] Brahian: The Seer of Truth, the Keeper of the Book, the Stealer of Memories
[9:43:57 PM] Lily: what do you people want?
[9:43:58 PM] Brahian: How are you today, Blindy?
[9:44:27 PM] Lily: Cut to the chase
[9:44:36 PM] DarkShadows: yeah brah, plz?
[9:45:03 PM] Lily: what is it you want?
[9:45:11 PM | Removed 9:45:39 PM] Brahian: This message has been removed.
[9:45:22 PM] Lily: I was in the middle of a slumber.
[9:46:40 PM] Brahian: Oh, sorry, my Internet was being dumb
[9:46:56 PM] Brahian: So, Blindy, foretell the end of any universes lately?
[9:47:18 PM] Lily: what...do...you...want???
[9:47:26 PM] Lily: oh...no
[9:47:31 PM] DarkShadows: brah. please cut to the chase before the memory-taking being makes you forget how to breathe.
[9:47:36 PM] Lily: I havent o.o
[9:47:42 PM] Brahian: Hm, that's interesting
[9:47:51 PM] Brahian: considering you foretold the end of this one
[9:48:00 PM] Brahian: and it's been causing us a whole ton of trouble
[9:49:26 PM] Lily: the book told me of the ladybugs and what has happened so far.
[9:49:47 PM] Brahian: It told you?
[9:49:53 PM] Brahian: So you didn't write it down?
[9:50:23 PM] Lily: no
[9:50:42 PM] Lily: I read it. It writes itself
[9:50:50 PM] Brahian: Also interesting...
[9:51:06 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[9:51:09 PM] Brahian: But aren't there names in there? The names of the people whose memories you've stolen?
[9:51:14 PM] Brahian: Who writes those?
[9:51:46 PM] Lily: it
[9:52:04 PM] Brahian: So, esentially
[9:52:14 PM] Brahian: it tells you what to do
[9:52:25 PM] Brahian: and you just blindly follow its orders?
[9:52:29 PM] Brahian: (pardon the pun)
[9:52:45 PM] Lily: You cant go against what has beeb foretold
[9:52:54 PM] Lily: *been
[9:53:03 PM] Lily: there is no other choice
[9:53:18 PM] Brahian: Isn't there?
[9:53:31 PM] Brahian: Are you saying there's no such thing as free will?
[9:53:51 PM | Edited 9:54:14 PM] Brahian: If someone, just one person, deviated from what the Book said
[9:53:54 PM] Lily: I dont believe in free will
[9:54:05 PM] Brahian: then wouldn't that prove that it isn't always right?
[9:54:50 PM] Lily: its always right...even a person going against the book is already foretold.
[9:55:08 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[9:55:13 PM] DarkShadows: 100% accuracy. Yeah sounds eldritch to me.
[9:55:19 PM] Lily: like for example here it says that the ladybugs plan to take down the book.
[9:55:25 PM] Brahian: right
[9:55:31 PM] Brahian: now you're just trolling us
[9:56:02 PM] Lily: maybe
[9:56:07 PM] Brahian: What else does the book say, Blindy?
[9:56:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... trying to destroy the book would be a bad idea wouldn't it?
[9:56:19 PM] Brahian: What mistakes will we make?
[9:56:32 PM] Lily: It says Pandora returns. You'll hate him.
[9:56:44 PM] Brahian: Hm.
[9:56:44 PM] DarkShadows: Does it mention Pandora's intent?
[9:56:47 PM] Brahian: There.
[9:56:49 PM] Brahian: Right there.
[9:56:58 PM] Brahian: Is proof that the Book is not always right.
[9:57:35 PM] Lily: I dont think you'll like the time travelling bastard pointing a shotgun at you!
[9:57:48 PM] Lily: just saying
[9:57:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:57:56 PM] DarkShadows: oh. :c
[9:57:59 PM | Edited 9:58:04 PM] Brahian: Time-traveling?
[9:58:08 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[9:58:17 PM] Lily: yes
[9:58:21 PM] Lily: Pandora
[9:58:22 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:58:32 PM] Brahian: talk about a plot twist
[9:58:39 PM] Brahian: How does he travel through time?
[9:59:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... what does Pandora intend to do with his time-travel abilities?
[9:59:14 PM] Lily: I think you already asked him that.
[9:59:38 PM] Lily: @Brahian
[9:59:45 PM] Brahian: Really?
[10:00:13 PM] Brahian: Wait, is this some weird timey-wimey thing? Like I already asked him in the future or something?
[10:00:57 PM] Lily: yeah I belive so. The book says pandora came into the chat and explained his affiliation with Dark's offspring.
[10:01:20 PM] Lily: no its in the past Brahian
[10:01:23 PM] Brahian: I don't seem to recall...
[10:01:24 PM] DarkShadows: I think he may have but I'm not sure when
[10:01:35 PM] DarkShadows: probably in the logs somewhere.
[10:01:40 PM] Brahian: Right
[10:01:42 PM] Brahian: Probably
[10:02:00 PM] Lily: Ever considered he might have used a pseudonym?
[10:02:15 PM] Brahian: ...
[10:02:18 PM] Brahian: why
[10:02:18 PM] DarkShadows: oh... oh shit.
[10:02:29 PM] Brahian: why would he?
[10:02:33 PM] Lily: I think Dark got it
[10:02:39 PM] Brahian: so we wouldn't hate him?
[10:02:42 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:02:49 PM] Brahian: that's
[10:03:05 PM] Lily: dark mind sharing your theories?
[10:03:13 PM] Brahian: we need to talk to Solomon/Panda
[10:03:34 PM] Lily: ah you got it
[10:03:41 PM] Lily: wasnt sure you did
[10:03:46 PM] DarkShadows: So... maybe he was pretending to be another being to get to us?
[10:04:02 PM] Brahian: Wait, does this mean
[10:04:11 PM] Lily: ehm I think you have bigger problems than Solomon.
[10:04:43 PM] Lily: but continue the discussion
[10:05:04 PM] DarkShadows: bigger problems? Like what?
[10:05:09 PM | Edited 10:05:26 PM] Brahian: Does this the Pandora we've been friends with this whole time wasn't really him at all? That this entire time, he was some time-traveling, space-walking being? And he didn't tell us?
[10:05:17 PM] Lily: you already knoe
[10:05:31 PM] Brahian: but... but...
[10:05:37 PM] Brahian: OnO
[10:06:20 PM | Removed 10:06:24 PM] DarkShadows: This message has been removed.
[10:06:35 PM] DarkShadows: dammit didn't mean to remove that.
[10:06:38 PM] Lily: No the boom says between here and six years in the future Pandora gained the ability ti travel through time and used it to go back and masquerade as solomon.
[10:06:53 PM] Brahian: oh
[10:06:53 PM] Lily: *book
[10:06:57 PM] Brahian: good to know
[10:07:07 PM] Lily: think TribeTwelve...
[10:07:08 PM] DarkShadows: does the book mention that my offspring successfully eats my heart? Because that would suck.
[10:07:12 PM] DarkShadows: oh.
[10:07:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... well we're fucked.
[10:07:51 PM] Brahian: What's in my tounge, Blind Man?
[10:07:54 PM] Lily: I meant as in Solomon being similar to Firebrand
[10:07:57 PM | Edited 10:08:06 PM] Brahian: What does your Book say about that?
[10:08:10 PM] Lily: There is nothing in your tounge
[10:08:17 PM] Brahian: Oh?
[10:08:28 PM] Brahian: Then why did Lily say there was?
[10:08:31 PM] Lily: Lovi is full of bullshit
[10:08:48 PM] Brahian: Then there's nothing in Lily's eye either?
[10:08:54 PM] Brahian: What about Dark's heart?
[10:08:56 PM] Lily: nope
[10:09:12 PM] Lily: The Forsaken Creator is a lie the book told.
[10:09:13 PM] DarkShadows: Willow was the one who said Lovi wanted to eat my heart.
[10:09:25 PM] Brahian: WAIT WAIT WAIT
[10:09:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... so then... where did Lovi come from, and how did I create her?
[10:09:38 PM] Brahian: The Book lied about the Forsaken Creator?
[10:09:45 PM] Brahian: Then it isn't always right!
[10:09:47 PM] Lily: the book foretold she would Dark
[10:09:50 PM] Brahian: Explain that!
[10:10:04 PM] Lily: It can make anything right
[10:10:15 PM] Brahian: That doesn't even make any sense!
[10:10:24 PM] DarkShadows: and freaking what, I was put through hell for weeks about all that Forsaken creator stuff, and it was nothing?
[10:10:29 PM] Lily: it bends reality
[10:10:36 PM] Brahian: That's...
[10:10:38 PM] Brahian: what?
[10:10:40 PM] Brahian: No.
[10:10:53 PM] Brahian: You know what?
[10:10:59 PM] Brahian: You infuriate me, Blind Man.
[10:11:07 PM] DarkShadows: Lovi just wants to eat my heart JUST to eat my heart.
[10:11:11 PM] Lily: how so?
[10:11:13 PM] Brahian: Like, real, infuriating, fury.
[10:11:24 PM] Lily: tell me why Brah
[10:11:29 PM] Brahian: Why don't you just take that phone, and throw it somewhere else?
[10:11:43 PM] Lily: TELL ME WHY
[10:11:47 PM] DarkShadows: ... *sighs*
[10:12:29 PM] Lily: because I lied about a few details? Is that why are mad at me.
[10:13:03 PM] Lily: Humans cant comprehend this...the lie is better than the truth at times.
[10:13:22 PM] Lily: but the book part was true
[10:13:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what is the truth...
[10:13:39 PM] Brahian: Because, you and your book and the belief that it's always right. You can't believe everything you read, and you definitely can't follow the orders of a stupid eldritch book! All this talk about prphecies and destiny and I'm tired of it. It's your stupid book's fault we're in this mess and I'm sick of it! So you know what I say? Screw destiny! Screw it, and screw you, too! Good day, sir.
[10:13:42 PM] Lily: but the reality bending and stuff was me joking
[10:13:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... my head hurts.
[10:14:07 PM] DarkShadows: Brah,
[10:14:09 PM] DarkShadows: Brah.
[10:14:13 PM] DarkShadows: dude.
[10:14:14 PM] Brahian: Yes?
[10:15:05 PM] Lily: You do realize the book doesnt talk
[10:15:17 PM] DarkShadows: ... There's honestly been worse, and if you really think being lied to by a book is the worst, you've got a pretty narrow scope of what's wrong.
[10:15:40 PM] Brahian: That's not what I mean at all. It's not the lies, it's the controlling.
[10:15:56 PM] DarkShadows: Brah. You think any of us have ever been in control?
[10:16:02 PM] DarkShadows: It's not just you.
[10:16:03 PM] Lily: Complain to the wooden girl then...
[10:16:25 PM] DarkShadows: Even *Slenderman*, the *goddamned Slenderman* said he felt like he was being controlled.
[10:16:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... it's all of us, Brah.
[10:16:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... I see that now.
[10:17:21 PM] DarkShadows: There is something manipulating all of us, Fears, Altereds, humans, everything... and nobody knows what in the fuck to do about it.
[10:17:44 PM] Brahian: Ugh. I think I've just been having this anger all pent up over everything, and now's the time it finally just... escaped. As I mentioned a few days ago, it's hard being the sane man.
[10:18:25 PM] DarkShadows: ... I know. I wish I could swap places sometimes. Better always sad than always paranoid...
[10:18:37 PM] Brahian: Hm. Yeah...
[10:19:32 PM] Lily: Ouch
[10:19:49 PM] Lily: huh...phone
[10:20:06 PM] DarkShadows: ... apparently Blind man got sick of the phonecall.
[10:20:06 PM] Brahian: oh yay
[10:20:16 PM] Brahian: who is it this time, I wonder?
[10:20:19 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:20:22 PM] DarkShadows: brb
[10:20:25 PM] Lily: uh hello o.o?
[10:20:29 PM] Brahian: hello
[10:20:33 PM] Brahian: who are you?
[10:22:15 PM] DarkShadows: hello?
[10:22:38 PM] Lily: The Book
[10:23:13 PM] Brahian: O__________________________________________________________O
[10:23:23 PM] Lily: speaking through the quiet that is going to tear away reality.
[10:23:35 PM] Brahian: O___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________O
[10:23:46 PM] Lily: in about 5 days
[10:25:19 PM] Brahian: O___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________O
[10:25:32 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[10:25:33 PM] Lily: Pfffff XD
[10:25:38 PM] Brahian: ...
[10:25:41 PM] Brahian: Frank?
[10:25:46 PM] DarkShadows: Frank I want to fucking stab you. -_-"
[10:25:48 PM] Lily: God you guys crack me up
[10:25:55 PM] Brahian: (facepalm)
[10:25:56 PM] Lily: Xad
[10:26:01 PM] Lily: *XD
[10:26:17 PM] Brahian: Frank, just...
[10:26:20 PM] Brahian: XD
[10:26:21 PM] Lily: god Ive never laughed so much
[10:26:34 PM] Brahian: okay, you got us
[10:26:42 PM] DarkShadows: Frank it's getting old.
[10:26:45 PM] Brahian: honestly, I'm not sure how I didn't see that one coming
[10:27:42 PM] Lily: Dark have some sense of humor
[10:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... Lovi wants to tear out my heart and eat it. No. I cannot have a sense of humor.
[10:28:04 PM] Brahian: Honestly, I really needed that
[10:28:07 PM] Brahian: thanks, Frank
[10:28:37 PM] Lily: Lovi is dead Dark...
[10:28:38 PM] DarkShadows: *sighs*
[10:28:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... what.
[10:28:47 PM] DarkShadows: how?
[10:29:02 PM] Brahian: ... I'm not sure whether to believe this one or not...
[10:29:09 PM] DarkShadows: Just earlier tonight Willow said...
[10:29:30 PM] Lily: She decided it. And just stopped believing in herself.
[10:29:36 PM] Brahian: O_O
[10:29:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[10:30:09 PM] DarkShadows: Must have been fairly recent then.
[10:30:18 PM] Lily: An idea cant exist without belief
[10:30:34 PM] Lily: yeah I just git the news from Solomon
[10:30:37 PM] DarkShadows: wow.
[10:30:40 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[10:30:49 PM] Brahian: Solomon?
[10:30:53 PM] Brahian: So, um
[10:30:54 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:31:01 PM] Brahian: are you aware that
[10:31:06 PM] Brahian: Solomon = Pandora
[10:31:11 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:31:22 PM] Lily: Yeah...
[10:31:35 PM | Edited 10:31:42 PM] Brahian: ... good to know.
[10:32:51 PM] Lily: good guy...makes awesome lasagna
[10:33:05 PM] Brahian: ... also good to know.
[10:33:37 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:34:42 PM] Lily: I need to go Wooden Girl is messing with things.
[10:34:49 PM] Brahian: Kk
[10:34:52 PM] Lily: Need to help dad
[10:35:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... good luck
[7:04:56 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Dark
[7:05:03 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: did you recieve my gift?
[7:05:59 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Personally I think it would help
[7:06:06 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: but I might be wrong, use it as you please
[7:06:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... yes. I did.
[7:06:42 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: Good
[7:06:43 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: tell the others
[7:06:47 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: what it is
[7:08:05 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'll do so.
[7:08:17 PM] DarkShadows: Although I'm not sure how this is supposed to help.
[7:10:31 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: say it for the record
[7:10:55 PM] DarkShadows: It's a copy of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". I haven't read a Harry Potter novel for years now...
[7:11:08 PM] DarkShadows: Maybe it'd be good to escape for five seonds.
[7:11:22 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: It will help
[7:11:27 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: the help is in the plot
[7:11:30 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: search
[7:11:34 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: and you'll find
[7:11:37 PM] NEWBORN.DLL: goodbye
[7:12:03 PM] Brahian: The Chamber of Secrets?
[7:12:07 PM] Brahian: I own that book
[7:12:12 PM] Brahian: lemme see if I can find it...
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: ... the help is in the plot, huh?
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: Hm
[7:13:16 PM] DarkShadows: Now if I can remember all the plot details...
[7:13:39 PM] Brahian: I could probably finish it in a day or two :I
[7:15:36 PM] DarkShadows: *nods* so could I, if I had the time.
[7:33:50 PM] Lily: HEY
[7:34:05 PM] Lily: hey
[7:34:22 PM] Brahian: ohai Lily
[7:34:43 PM] Lily: sorry for not appearing for long
[7:34:54 PM] Brahian: iscool
[7:34:54 PM] Lily: Ive been dealing with stuff x.x
[7:35:14 PM] Brahian: I think it's safe to say we've all been dealing with stuff :/
[7:35:35 PM] Lily: Is Dark here I need to talk to her .w.
[7:36:09 PM] Brahian: I dunno, she's sorta been on and off lately
[7:36:26 PM] Lily: Dark?!
[7:36:59 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[7:37:05 PM] DarkShadows: Lilly what's wrong?
[7:37:36 PM] Lily: I...I think I made things better for you guys
[7:37:44 PM] Lily: but worse for me
[7:37:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Lilly, what did you do?
[7:38:07 PM] Lily: Lovi contacted me and made a deal with me
[7:38:17 PM] Brahian: o:
[7:38:23 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:38:32 PM] DarkShadows: what was the deal.
[7:39:44 PM] Lily: In exchange for her to stop harassing you I had to give her something of mine
[7:40:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... what did you give?
[7:40:47 PM] Lily: My right eye
[7:40:53 PM] Brahian: D:
[7:41:36 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:41:45 PM] DarkShadows: Norse mythology.
[7:42:07 PM] DarkShadows: Why'd she even want your eye?
[7:42:11 PM] DarkShadows: Specifically that eye?
[7:43:16 PM] Lily: She said that it contains something similar to what you have inside you and what brahian has inside his tounge.
[7:43:59 PM] Brahian: my tounge???
[7:44:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... brahian has something in his tongue, and *you gave someone who is one of our... enemies something important!?*
[7:44:04 PM] DarkShadows: WTF IS
[7:44:05 PM] Brahian: what's in my tounge?
[7:44:09 PM] DarkShadows: MY BRAIN HURTS
[7:44:14 PM] Brahian: WHAT THE FUCK
[7:44:18 PM] Brahian: IS IN MY TOUNGE???????
[7:44:32 PM] Lily: She said she isnt an enemy
[7:44:51 PM] Lily: I read the logs...she seems just confused
[7:44:57 PM] Lily: idk Brah
[7:47:07 PM] Lily: guys...say something ._.
[7:47:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... she wanted. to kill me.
[7:48:04 PM] Brahian: it's in. my tounge.
[7:48:41 PM] Lily: Dark...why she wants my eye is beyond me...I do not care. She promised to leave you alone
[7:48:57 PM] DarkShadows: ...She's my daughter and she wanted to kill me, and she made *you* tear out your eye for God's sake.
[7:49:10 PM] DarkShadows: And she's "confused". Right. I believe that.
[7:49:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... Maybe my daughter needs a little bit of dscipline.
[7:50:47 PM] Lily: ...Dark...chill
[7:51:16 PM] Lily: She's still your daughter...show some compassion .-.
[7:52:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... Yeah, she's my daughter, that doesn't mean I suddenly have to love someone who comes up, says that much, *threatens my life*, and tells someone to rip their own eye out.
[7:52:51 PM] DarkShadows: You know what, maybe there's a damn reason some ideas should fucking stay dead.
[7:53:20 PM] Lily: *//%-%8%'/3//::;;;;:'::::::;:,;;/#7726266777
[7:53:36 PM] Brahian: Mother? OuO
[7:53:39 PM] Lily: OuO
[7:53:49 PM] Brahian: Mother! OuO
[7:53:53 PM] Brahian: Brahian hugs Mother
[7:53:55 PM] Lily: Yes my child OuO
[7:53:56 PM] Brahian: (hug)
[7:54:05 PM] Lily: (hug)
[7:54:09 PM] DarkShadows: Willow, is there or is there not a reaosn why some ideas die?
[7:54:42 PM] Lily: IdontknowOuO
[7:55:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... do you know anything about what Lovi intends to do with Lilly's eye?
[7:55:33 PM] Lily: IfeltneededdoyouneedanswersOuO?
[7:55:39 PM] Lily: oh
[7:55:50 PM] Lily: IdoOuO
[7:55:50 PM] DarkShadows: That, and I need a stiff drink.
[7:56:12 PM] DarkShadows: What exactly does she plan to do with said eye?
[7:56:28 PM] Lily: NothingOuO
[7:57:33 PM] Lily: ItshouldnotbeaconcernOuO
[7:59:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... You know I worry about everything.
[7:59:57 PM] Lily: shethinksitmakesherhumanOuO
[8:00:04 PM] Lily: itdoesntOuO
[8:00:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... is she even able to become human?
[8:01:14 PM] Lily: t
[8:01:22 PM] Lily: yes
[8:01:37 PM] Lily: OuO
[8:03:10 PM] Lily: thisisthepart. whereyoushould. becomeconcerned OuO
[8:03:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... if she becomes human, will it cause everything to die horribly?
[8:03:44 PM] Brahian: Brahian is concerned that DarkShadows isn't showing concern...
[8:04:08 PM] Lily: noitwont. ithas no affect
[8:04:35 PM] Lily: but the method ofherbecoming humanisaconcern.
[8:05:13 PM] DarkShadows: brah, I am extremely concerned. that's why I asked.
[8:05:27 PM] Lily: itinvolveseating Darks heart
[8:05:33 PM] Brahian: o_O
[8:05:36 PM] Lily: OuO
[8:05:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[8:05:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm going back to sobbing now.
[8:05:40 PM] DarkShadows: In fear
[8:05:42 PM] DarkShadows: forever.
[8:05:44 PM] Brahian: OnO
[8:05:44 PM] DarkShadows: in the corner.
[8:05:52 PM] Lily: Iwontletthathappen OuO
[8:06:10 PM] Lily: ImhereforyouDark OuO
[8:06:27 PM] Lily: (hug)
[8:07:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... why does everything want this supposed power I have, that I don't even fucking *want*?
[8:07:21 PM] DarkShadows: Why can't I give someone else it, I don't want it, I want to go back to living a normal fucking life.
[8:07:48 PM] Lily: whydont you?
[8:07:59 PM] Lily: nothingisstopping you
[8:08:17 PM] Lily: fromwalkingaway OuO
[8:08:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... yeah but I can't *walk away* from you, or the Tall Guy, because you'd find me anyway and life would be the same damn thing as before.
[8:09:12 PM] DarkShadows: paranoia, sleepless fucking nights, and people thinking I'm crazy if I say what's happening.
[8:09:20 PM] Lily: IcantalktoSlendy OuO
[8:09:30 PM] DarkShadows: Also there's the issue of the *fucking Tulpa I accidentally made that wants to eat my heart*.
[8:09:33 PM] Lily: lethimleaveyoualobe
[8:09:39 PM] Lily: *alone
[8:09:49 PM] DarkShadows: Also, the issue of *the hundreds or so odd beings that want my supposed power*.
[8:09:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... I can't leave, Willow. it's not safe here, and it's not safe out there.
[8:10:16 PM] Lily: Icanwardthemoff OuO
[8:10:59 PM] Lily: Whatever youwant.whateverittakesto.makeyouhappy.Ill do it OuO
[8:13:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... why? Why do you, an inhuman, powerful being, care so much about a human? There's 6 billion of us in the world, probably more now.
[8:13:24 PM] Brahian: 7 billion, actually
[8:13:28 PM] Lily: OuO I careaboutyou
[8:14:13 PM] DarkShadows: I don't think anything is that simple...
[8:14:43 PM] Lily: OuO wanna.knowthe truth?
[8:14:51 PM] DarkShadows: yes.
[8:15:55 PM] Lily: Icareabout.youbecauseyou areagoodperson. Youaresweet and youremindmenotofme.buttheperson I wish I oncewas OuO
[8:18:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what does he want from me? Why is the Slenderman after me, what did I do? All I did was go into the damn forest and I just wanted to help someone I thought was hurt.
[8:18:55 PM] DarkShadows: Because I will be damned if I'm becoming a fucking Proxy at the end of all this.
[8:20:04 PM] Lily: EverthoughtthatmaybeSlendermanisjustobserving you. dontyouthinkifhewanted.youdead hewouldhave done so.yearsago OuO
[8:20:36 PM] DarkShadows: That, or he's waiting until I lose it.
[8:21:17 PM] Lily: whydontyouaskhimyourself
[8:21:56 PM] Lily: (X)--------/////////*&&***************(X)
[8:22:05 PM] DarkShadows: scared... oh.
[8:22:10 PM] Brahian: goodbye Mother OnO
[8:22:16 PM] Lily: H ello
[8:22:24 PM] Brahian: hi Slendy
[8:22:25 PM] DarkShadows: hi...
[8:23:04 PM] DarkShadows: ... any luck in the fight?
[8:23:13 PM] Lily: I was informed that you have a question. So Frank once again is acting as a translator
[8:23:32 PM] Lily: The fight goes well...but he is strongerthan I thought.
[8:24:03 PM] Lily: but what do you want to ask me Joanne?
[8:24:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... There's just one thing I don't understand. Why observe me for 8 years, after a chance encounter? How am I so damn interesting that you had to stalk me for 8 years?
[8:25:02 PM] Lily: oh...thats simple.
[8:25:31 PM] Lily: At first I mistook you for Willow
[8:25:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... how?
[8:25:54 PM] Lily: You look like her
[8:25:59 PM] Lily: humanwise
[8:26:02 PM] Brahian: O___O
[8:26:05 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[8:26:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay. But if you made the mistake, then why keep after me when you realized you made it?
[8:26:50 PM] Lily: then I was curious as to why you look like her...Why she enjoys your presence...
[8:27:21 PM] DarkShadows: so you stalked me... because Willow was stalking me.
[8:27:27 PM] Lily: more questions arose and I became more obsessed with finding the answers.
[8:27:35 PM] Lily: yes
[8:27:50 PM] Brahian: you always were a curious one, weren't you, Slenderman?
[8:28:27 PM] Lily: I like knowing
[8:28:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... the pursuit of knowledge... is one of the few things that keeps men sane I think.
[8:28:34 PM] Lily: very true
[8:28:40 PM] Brahian: but curiousity killed the cat...
[8:29:02 PM] DarkShadows: I'd rather not have a powerful eldritch being die, thanks.
[8:29:04 PM] Lily: I never understood that saying
[8:29:18 PM] Lily: what is the cat curious about?
[8:29:29 PM] Brahian: humans, maybe?
[8:29:34 PM] Brahian: the cat got too close to them
[8:29:37 PM] Brahian: and they killed it
[8:29:57 PM] DarkShadows: It's a saying. Because curiosity can lead to blindness to danger, the cat looked too close at something dangerous and died because of it.
[8:30:11 PM] Lily: why do humans kill cats?
[8:30:13 PM] DarkShadows: It's a warning of... not peering deeper than you can safely fathom.
[8:30:17 PM] Brahian: or, the cat was curous about a strange beast that was invading its home
[8:30:18 PM] DarkShadows: Because humans are fucking cruel.
[8:30:20 PM] Brahian: and it was eaten
[8:30:41 PM] DarkShadows: Most humans actually keep cats as pets.
[8:30:49 PM] Brahian: cats are nice pets
[8:30:52 PM] Lily: Cruelty...I do not understand why humans are cruel.
[8:31:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... I wish I had an answer to that.
[8:31:09 PM] Brahian: but is not Slenderman cruel as well?
[8:31:17 PM] Lily: Do you consider me cruel?
[8:31:20 PM] Brahian: Why do you kill people, Slendy?
[8:31:34 PM | Edited 8:31:50 PM] Brahian: Why do you impale their organs on trees?
[8:31:56 PM] Lily: I dont recall ever ending someones life
[8:32:06 PM] Brahian: Hm.
[8:32:11 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[8:32:22 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[8:33:10 PM] Brahian: Slendy, you do realise there are tales based entirely on the fact that you kill people?
[8:33:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... why toy with human's minds, then, sometimes for years...
[8:33:27 PM] DarkShadows: I... do not understand.
[8:34:05 PM] Lily: I dont understand you
[8:34:34 PM] Brahian: [8:33 PM] Brahian:
<<< Slendy, you do realise there are tales based entirely on the fact that you kill people?
[8:34:40 PM] DarkShadows: what brah said.
[8:35:21 PM] Lily: I am aware of it
[8:35:44 PM] Brahian: And... how do you believe those tales came to existence?
[8:36:29 PM] Lily: Have you seen me. I get why humans would assume I mean them harm
[8:37:17 PM] DarkShadows: Yes. I have seen you, several times, and would prefer not to again because I have *a panic attack* every time you get in range.
[8:37:23 PM] Brahian: Who are you really then, Slenderman?
[8:38:05 PM] Lily: Dark...do you wish me to stop observing you?
[8:38:21 PM] Brahian: *Observing. Capital O.
[8:38:32 PM] DarkShadows: brah maybe correcting the eldritch being is a bad idea.
[8:38:45 PM] Brahian: Hey, he says he doesn't kill people
[8:39:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... All I want is this shitty power taken from me, so I can be safe, and to live a normal fucking life.
[8:39:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... that's all i want.
[8:40:26 PM] Lily: Dark...if I win this fight Ill help you with that
[8:40:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... Can I trust you to? *said more to myself*
[8:42:30 PM] Lily: you dont have to trust me but you have my word and I dont mean you any harm. Also I do not know what proxies are that you are afraid ill turn you into.
[8:42:56 PM] Brahian: [8:37 PM] Brahian:
<<< Who are you really then, Slenderman?
[8:43:23 PM] Lily: You are getting on mg nerves Brahian.
[8:43:39 PM] Lily: would you kindly stop it.
[8:43:42 PM] Brahian: oh?
[8:43:47 PM] Brahian: I just wanted to know
[8:43:58 PM] Lily: I am Slenderman
[8:44:02 PM] Brahian: I mean, you're so different from what everyone makes you look like
[8:44:40 PM] Brahian: So... who are you? If you don't kill things... what do you do?
[8:45:01 PM] Lily: observe
[8:45:08 PM] Lily: learn
[8:45:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... that says a lot, that you could be as long-lived as you are, and possibly immortal, that you're still learning things.
[8:45:47 PM] Lily: figure the world out.
[8:46:07 PM] Brahian: hm
[8:46:08 PM] Lily: the world is strange
[8:46:23 PM] Brahian: see, that's all I wanted to know
[8:46:32 PM] Brahian: I didn't mean to get on your nerves OnO
[8:47:09 PM] Lily: I try making altereds...but I guess thats the only bit about me that may seem cruel
[8:47:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... I won't deny that yes, the world's very strange.
[8:47:36 PM] Lily: but I do that because I dont want to be alone
[8:47:44 PM] DarkShadows: Are you... aware of the pain you're putting those people that become Altereds through?
[8:47:46 PM] Brahian: :c
[8:47:55 PM] Brahian: Do you need a hug, Slendy?
[8:48:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... the Fear of the unknown... is afraid of being all alone.
[8:48:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... everyone has to fear something.
[8:48:44 PM] Lily: thats the nature of fear.
[8:49:11 PM] Lily: Im aware and Im trying to find a simple painfree method
[8:49:44 PM] Brahian: Brahian hugs Slendy despite the lack of an answer
[8:49:47 PM] Lily: people are afraid of me because of how I look so I make them look different. Levels the playing field.
[8:49:48 PM] Brahian: (hug)
[8:49:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm... not sure there is one. You're kind of radically altering people's bodies.
[8:51:31 PM] Lily: I dont want to be alone
[8:52:32 PM] DarkShadows: To be honest Tall One, it was never your looks that scared me 8 years ago. It was the... I suppose you could say the aura you give off. The power, the... I suppose darkness, you could describe it as being pure darkness and strangeness and power...
[8:52:36 PM] DarkShadows: I... couldn't handle it.
[8:52:43 PM] DarkShadows: I still can't.
[8:53:17 PM] Brahian: yeah Slendy, you tend to have sort of aura of Fear surrounding you
[8:53:27 PM] Brahian: I mean, not that I would know anything about that...
[8:54:15 PM] Lily: I dont...want to be left behind,pushed by the world into the dark corners of it because of differentiating details of species. I feel like a puppet...a mere dog on a leash.
[8:54:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I realize you probably can't even control that, but... wait, *you* feel like a puppet?
[8:54:31 PM] DarkShadows: You?
[8:54:50 PM] Lily: yes
[8:55:03 PM] DarkShadows: ... how so, and if so... who pulls the strings?
[8:55:20 PM] DarkShadows: and what is the proper level of fear to show for whoever pulls the strings?
[8:55:54 PM] Lily: I dont know I just feel trapped...controlled...cornered by the world...the universe...something
[8:56:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... well you know what cornered animals do, right? They attack...
[8:56:50 PM] DarkShadows: Not that I'm suggesting you do that but.
[8:57:07 PM] Lily: But what do I attack?
[8:57:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't know.
[8:58:14 PM] Lily: I just want to##################((((((!!!!!?!!!!!!???????????????????2332
[8:58:21 PM] Brahian: ? o_O
[8:58:22 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:58:30 PM] DarkShadows: someone else is taking control apparently.
[8:58:38 PM] Brahian: Who might this be?
[8:58:46 PM] Lily: Hello dearlings
[8:58:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... who are you?
[8:58:54 PM] Brahian: Hello, um...?
[8:59:01 PM] Lily: Oh...where are my manners
[8:59:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... that's a good way to start out before you reveal yourself to be the ultimate enemy. *sarcasm*
[8:59:51 PM] Lily: Cold Boy, Pale Maiden, The Draft...whatever you prefer calling me.
[8:59:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... see?
[9:00:38 PM] DarkShadows: *sighs* so, how painfully are we going to die?
[9:00:42 PM] Lily: What did I do to deserve this treatment?
[9:01:01 PM] Lily: Who says Im going to kill you?
[9:01:28 PM] DarkShadows: Plot to destroy the universe? No one does, I'm just erring on the side of worst case scenario because I always do.
[9:01:33 PM] Brahian: Well, you are planning to destroy the omniverse and everything in it
[9:01:53 PM] Brahian: I think that's a good basis for our conclusion
[9:02:44 PM] DarkShadows: And even if you weren,t all the Fears have apparently "given up on" the Forsaken Creator. Which I possess.
[9:03:45 PM] Lily: oh right that
[9:04:08 PM] Lily: I find that boring is all
[9:04:29 PM] Brahian: um...
[9:04:32 PM] Brahian: what?
[9:04:39 PM] Lily: so you have the ability to create beings...so what.
[9:04:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... destroying the universe... is boring to you.
[9:04:46 PM] DarkShadows: oh. that.
[9:05:18 PM] Lily: But Im thinking of not destroying the universe
[9:05:31 PM] DarkShadows: Please don't, I enjoy the Universe/
[9:05:41 PM] Lily: Im having way too much fun with you people and father.
[9:05:53 PM] Brahian: Oh dear.
[9:06:51 PM] Lily: Hmm existance negated or you being toyed with a bit...wow you humans really are selfish.
[9:07:08 PM] Brahian: What?
[9:07:17 PM] Brahian: I think I prefer being toyed with, thank you
[9:07:41 PM] Lily: On 19/06/2013, at 02:01, Brahian wrote:
> Oh dear.
<<<< ?
[9:07:54 PM] Brahian: well
[9:08:02 PM] Brahian: I still wouldn't like it
[9:08:13 PM] Brahian: but it's preferable to omniversal destruction
[9:08:42 PM] Lily: Where is the girl?
[9:08:52 PM] Brahian: She left
[9:08:56 PM] Brahian: had to do something
[9:09:03 PM] Brahian: She'll be back in a minute or two
[9:09:42 PM] DarkShadows: the girl came back, saw that shit, and is hiding under a desk.
[9:10:00 PM] Lily: Alright Ill go sit in the lobby drink some coffee and read about celebrities while I wait for her.
[9:10:32 PM] Lily: *flips through magazines*
[9:10:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... apparently I am not "the girl".
[9:10:48 PM] Brahian: Is there another girl here? o.O
[9:10:57 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[9:10:57 PM] Brahian: I mean, Lily, but her account is busy
[9:11:09 PM] DarkShadows: oh.
[9:11:28 PM] Brahian: I doubt Lily's "the girl"
[9:11:41 PM] Lily: I was actually waiting for dark...her entrance ruined my comedic comment.
[9:11:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... IDK then.
[9:11:58 PM] Brahian: good to know
[9:12:04 PM] DarkShadows: good.
[9:12:10 PM] Lily: So Dark
[9:12:22 PM] Lily: got something to say to me?
[9:12:30 PM] DarkShadows: So, Mr. Freeze? I have nothing to say.
[9:12:57 PM] Brahian: Brahian cuts through the tension with a butter knife.
[9:12:58 PM] DarkShadows: What do you expect for me to say?
[9:13:15 PM] Lily: I decided not to negate existance...how about a thank you
[9:14:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... thanks for not negating existance, Cold Boy. And also thanks for not considering it in the future, heart DarkShadows.
[9:15:25 PM] Lily: I prefer Pale Maiden but you are welcome
[9:16:26 PM] Lily: I just like toying with you guys
[9:16:46 PM] DarkShadows: So does everything apparently. Nothing new. :c
[9:18:18 PM] Lily: I must say my Maiden form is more comfortable than the Draft form. Also the cold boy form. But meh changes ... anyway where was I?
[9:19:40 PM] Lily: Oh right
[9:19:52 PM] Lily: I was gonna talk to you guys
[9:20:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... about?
[9:21:16 PM] Lily: oh the weather...suzy's football practice on sunday and the latest cookies at the bakery.
[9:21:23 PM] Brahian: um
[9:21:25 PM] Brahian: what?
[9:21:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... ha. ha.
[9:22:00 PM] DarkShadows: no really.
[9:22:54 PM] Lily: I believe I wanted to
[9:23:01 PM] Lily: Ehm
[9:23:16 PM] Lily: I dont remember
[9:23:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[9:23:26 PM] Lily: Where am I again?
[9:23:29 PM] Brahian: hmmmmmm.....
[9:23:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... what.
[9:23:47 PM] DarkShadows: ... I smell books and memory loss.
[9:24:04 PM] Lily: why would you smell books?
[9:24:18 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:24:21 PM] Brahian: oh dear
[9:24:33 PM] Lily: also I just forgot what I came here to say
[9:24:41 PM] Lily: the rest was comedic comment
[9:24:49 PM] DarkShadows: You suddenly don't remember what you were gonna say or where you are... I'm not even sure if Fears can affect other Fears.
[9:24:51 PM] Lily: stop ruining my jokes!!
[9:25:17 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:25:21 PM] DarkShadows: sorry?
[9:25:38 PM] Lily: right i remember now o.o
[9:25:49 PM] Lily: the book
[9:25:51 PM] Brahian: yeeeeees?
[9:26:10 PM] DarkShadows: ... the book. do you know which book?
[9:26:19 PM] Lily: that the neeborn sent
[9:26:19 PM] Brahian: Blind Man's Book?
[9:26:22 PM] Brahian: oh
[9:26:25 PM] Brahian: that book
[9:26:35 PM] DarkShadows: The book Newborn sent me. I still wanna know *how* it got my address.
[9:26:44 PM] DarkShadows: but... what about that book?
[9:26:44 PM] Brahian: The Internet
[9:26:58 PM] DarkShadows: It said the plot was relevant, but...
[9:26:58 PM] Lily: This has nithing to do with blind man ... all he does is say what happens
[9:27:22 PM] Lily: Harry Potter 2
[9:27:31 PM] Brahian: yes, what about it?
[9:27:48 PM] Brahian: wait wait wait
[9:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: *nods* so... what about the plot... matters... what, brah?
[9:27:59 PM] Brahian: The main villian in that book was a memory.
[9:28:08 PM] Brahian: You sure the Blind Man has nothing to do with this?
[9:28:24 PM] Brahian: WAIT OMIGOD
[9:28:28 PM] DarkShadows: Technically he was a piece of Voldemort's... soul...
[9:28:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... OH SHIT
[9:28:32 PM] Brahian: the monster in that book
[9:28:35 PM] Brahian: IT'S A GIANT
[9:28:36 PM] Brahian: SNAKE
[9:28:40 PM] Brahian: MOTHER OF SNAKES
[9:28:41 PM] DarkShadows: ... that too.
[9:29:07 PM] Lily: a group of people facing a powerful manipulator that is magical and have to stick together for it and people are manipulated to betray on countless occations and several die. Yeah how would it be relatable...I wonder.
[9:29:26 PM] DarkShadows: But Brah... Voldemort made horcruxes to piece apart his soul so he could live forever. that is. shards of himself.
[9:29:33 PM] Brahian: No time for your sarcasm, Cold
[9:29:36 PM] Brahian: or Pale
[9:29:40 PM] Brahian: or Draft
[9:29:45 PM] Brahian: or whatever you want to be called
[9:29:57 PM] Lily: Pale
[9:30:11 PM] DarkShadows: Pale it is, then.
[9:30:20 PM] Brahian: So, the Horcruxes.
[9:30:28 PM] Brahian: They're not introduced yet by then.
[9:30:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... true.
[9:31:49 PM] Lily: By the way your recruiter is dead
[9:31:58 PM] Brahian: Samsson?
[9:32:04 PM] Brahian: or Eva?
[9:32:27 PM] Lily: both
[9:32:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[9:32:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... I hope that won't fuck shit up.
[9:32:46 PM] Brahian: so
[9:32:59 PM] Brahian: we'll never know why he did give her that list
[9:33:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... damn
[9:33:51 PM] Lily: I absorbed their eldritch power
[9:33:57 PM] Lily: dont worry
[9:34:04 PM] Lily: im not an idiot
[9:34:05 PM] DarkShadows: oh.
[9:34:11 PM] Brahian: o_O
[9:38:08 PM] Lily: you peeps are boring me
[9:38:09 PM] DarkShadows: well, I tend to see the worst in things.
[9:38:14 PM] DarkShadows: fine
[9:39:04 PM] Lily: Ill throw this phone to some other fear
[9:39:09 PM] Lily: see what happens
[9:39:18 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:39:25 PM] DarkShadows: ... you have a universal telephone, that's terrifying.
[9:39:33 PM] Lily: might be interesting
[9:39:50 PM] Lily: ouch
[9:39:58 PM] DarkShadows: ouch?
[9:40:12 PM] Lily: someone threw a phone at me
[9:40:29 PM] Brahian: who is this, I wonder?
[9:40:46 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[9:41:04 PM] Lily: Aged Man...not sure if thats what you know me as.
[9:42:51 PM | Edited 9:43:11 PM] Brahian: So, it's the Old Man himself
[9:43:04 PM] DarkShadows: Well Brah, you got your wish.
[9:43:27 PM] Lily: why am I talking to you people?
[9:43:36 PM] Brahian: The Seer of Truth, the Keeper of the Book, the Stealer of Memories
[9:43:57 PM] Lily: what do you people want?
[9:43:58 PM] Brahian: How are you today, Blindy?
[9:44:27 PM] Lily: Cut to the chase
[9:44:36 PM] DarkShadows: yeah brah, plz?
[9:45:03 PM] Lily: what is it you want?
[9:45:11 PM | Removed 9:45:39 PM] Brahian: This message has been removed.
[9:45:22 PM] Lily: I was in the middle of a slumber.
[9:46:40 PM] Brahian: Oh, sorry, my Internet was being dumb
[9:46:56 PM] Brahian: So, Blindy, foretell the end of any universes lately?
[9:47:18 PM] Lily: what...do...you...want???
[9:47:26 PM] Lily: oh...no
[9:47:31 PM] DarkShadows: brah. please cut to the chase before the memory-taking being makes you forget how to breathe.
[9:47:36 PM] Lily: I havent o.o
[9:47:42 PM] Brahian: Hm, that's interesting
[9:47:51 PM] Brahian: considering you foretold the end of this one
[9:48:00 PM] Brahian: and it's been causing us a whole ton of trouble
[9:49:26 PM] Lily: the book told me of the ladybugs and what has happened so far.
[9:49:47 PM] Brahian: It told you?
[9:49:53 PM] Brahian: So you didn't write it down?
[9:50:23 PM] Lily: no
[9:50:42 PM] Lily: I read it. It writes itself
[9:50:50 PM] Brahian: Also interesting...
[9:51:06 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[9:51:09 PM] Brahian: But aren't there names in there? The names of the people whose memories you've stolen?
[9:51:14 PM] Brahian: Who writes those?
[9:51:46 PM] Lily: it
[9:52:04 PM] Brahian: So, esentially
[9:52:14 PM] Brahian: it tells you what to do
[9:52:25 PM] Brahian: and you just blindly follow its orders?
[9:52:29 PM] Brahian: (pardon the pun)
[9:52:45 PM] Lily: You cant go against what has beeb foretold
[9:52:54 PM] Lily: *been
[9:53:03 PM] Lily: there is no other choice
[9:53:18 PM] Brahian: Isn't there?
[9:53:31 PM] Brahian: Are you saying there's no such thing as free will?
[9:53:51 PM | Edited 9:54:14 PM] Brahian: If someone, just one person, deviated from what the Book said
[9:53:54 PM] Lily: I dont believe in free will
[9:54:05 PM] Brahian: then wouldn't that prove that it isn't always right?
[9:54:50 PM] Lily: its always right...even a person going against the book is already foretold.
[9:55:08 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[9:55:13 PM] DarkShadows: 100% accuracy. Yeah sounds eldritch to me.
[9:55:19 PM] Lily: like for example here it says that the ladybugs plan to take down the book.
[9:55:25 PM] Brahian: right
[9:55:31 PM] Brahian: now you're just trolling us
[9:56:02 PM] Lily: maybe
[9:56:07 PM] Brahian: What else does the book say, Blindy?
[9:56:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... trying to destroy the book would be a bad idea wouldn't it?
[9:56:19 PM] Brahian: What mistakes will we make?
[9:56:32 PM] Lily: It says Pandora returns. You'll hate him.
[9:56:44 PM] Brahian: Hm.
[9:56:44 PM] DarkShadows: Does it mention Pandora's intent?
[9:56:47 PM] Brahian: There.
[9:56:49 PM] Brahian: Right there.
[9:56:58 PM] Brahian: Is proof that the Book is not always right.
[9:57:35 PM] Lily: I dont think you'll like the time travelling bastard pointing a shotgun at you!
[9:57:48 PM] Lily: just saying
[9:57:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[9:57:56 PM] DarkShadows: oh. :c
[9:57:59 PM | Edited 9:58:04 PM] Brahian: Time-traveling?
[9:58:08 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[9:58:17 PM] Lily: yes
[9:58:21 PM] Lily: Pandora
[9:58:22 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:58:32 PM] Brahian: talk about a plot twist
[9:58:39 PM] Brahian: How does he travel through time?
[9:59:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... what does Pandora intend to do with his time-travel abilities?
[9:59:14 PM] Lily: I think you already asked him that.
[9:59:38 PM] Lily: @Brahian
[9:59:45 PM] Brahian: Really?
[10:00:13 PM] Brahian: Wait, is this some weird timey-wimey thing? Like I already asked him in the future or something?
[10:00:57 PM] Lily: yeah I belive so. The book says pandora came into the chat and explained his affiliation with Dark's offspring.
[10:01:20 PM] Lily: no its in the past Brahian
[10:01:23 PM] Brahian: I don't seem to recall...
[10:01:24 PM] DarkShadows: I think he may have but I'm not sure when
[10:01:35 PM] DarkShadows: probably in the logs somewhere.
[10:01:40 PM] Brahian: Right
[10:01:42 PM] Brahian: Probably
[10:02:00 PM] Lily: Ever considered he might have used a pseudonym?
[10:02:15 PM] Brahian: ...
[10:02:18 PM] Brahian: why
[10:02:18 PM] DarkShadows: oh... oh shit.
[10:02:29 PM] Brahian: why would he?
[10:02:33 PM] Lily: I think Dark got it
[10:02:39 PM] Brahian: so we wouldn't hate him?
[10:02:42 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:02:49 PM] Brahian: that's
[10:03:05 PM] Lily: dark mind sharing your theories?
[10:03:13 PM] Brahian: we need to talk to Solomon/Panda
[10:03:34 PM] Lily: ah you got it
[10:03:41 PM] Lily: wasnt sure you did
[10:03:46 PM] DarkShadows: So... maybe he was pretending to be another being to get to us?
[10:04:02 PM] Brahian: Wait, does this mean
[10:04:11 PM] Lily: ehm I think you have bigger problems than Solomon.
[10:04:43 PM] Lily: but continue the discussion
[10:05:04 PM] DarkShadows: bigger problems? Like what?
[10:05:09 PM | Edited 10:05:26 PM] Brahian: Does this the Pandora we've been friends with this whole time wasn't really him at all? That this entire time, he was some time-traveling, space-walking being? And he didn't tell us?
[10:05:17 PM] Lily: you already knoe
[10:05:31 PM] Brahian: but... but...
[10:05:37 PM] Brahian: OnO
[10:06:20 PM | Removed 10:06:24 PM] DarkShadows: This message has been removed.
[10:06:35 PM] DarkShadows: dammit didn't mean to remove that.
[10:06:38 PM] Lily: No the boom says between here and six years in the future Pandora gained the ability ti travel through time and used it to go back and masquerade as solomon.
[10:06:53 PM] Brahian: oh
[10:06:53 PM] Lily: *book
[10:06:57 PM] Brahian: good to know
[10:07:07 PM] Lily: think TribeTwelve...
[10:07:08 PM] DarkShadows: does the book mention that my offspring successfully eats my heart? Because that would suck.
[10:07:12 PM] DarkShadows: oh.
[10:07:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... well we're fucked.
[10:07:51 PM] Brahian: What's in my tounge, Blind Man?
[10:07:54 PM] Lily: I meant as in Solomon being similar to Firebrand
[10:07:57 PM | Edited 10:08:06 PM] Brahian: What does your Book say about that?
[10:08:10 PM] Lily: There is nothing in your tounge
[10:08:17 PM] Brahian: Oh?
[10:08:28 PM] Brahian: Then why did Lily say there was?
[10:08:31 PM] Lily: Lovi is full of bullshit
[10:08:48 PM] Brahian: Then there's nothing in Lily's eye either?
[10:08:54 PM] Brahian: What about Dark's heart?
[10:08:56 PM] Lily: nope
[10:09:12 PM] Lily: The Forsaken Creator is a lie the book told.
[10:09:13 PM] DarkShadows: Willow was the one who said Lovi wanted to eat my heart.
[10:09:25 PM] Brahian: WAIT WAIT WAIT
[10:09:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... so then... where did Lovi come from, and how did I create her?
[10:09:38 PM] Brahian: The Book lied about the Forsaken Creator?
[10:09:45 PM] Brahian: Then it isn't always right!
[10:09:47 PM] Lily: the book foretold she would Dark
[10:09:50 PM] Brahian: Explain that!
[10:10:04 PM] Lily: It can make anything right
[10:10:15 PM] Brahian: That doesn't even make any sense!
[10:10:24 PM] DarkShadows: and freaking what, I was put through hell for weeks about all that Forsaken creator stuff, and it was nothing?
[10:10:29 PM] Lily: it bends reality
[10:10:36 PM] Brahian: That's...
[10:10:38 PM] Brahian: what?
[10:10:40 PM] Brahian: No.
[10:10:53 PM] Brahian: You know what?
[10:10:59 PM] Brahian: You infuriate me, Blind Man.
[10:11:07 PM] DarkShadows: Lovi just wants to eat my heart JUST to eat my heart.
[10:11:11 PM] Lily: how so?
[10:11:13 PM] Brahian: Like, real, infuriating, fury.
[10:11:24 PM] Lily: tell me why Brah
[10:11:29 PM] Brahian: Why don't you just take that phone, and throw it somewhere else?
[10:11:43 PM] Lily: TELL ME WHY
[10:11:47 PM] DarkShadows: ... *sighs*
[10:12:29 PM] Lily: because I lied about a few details? Is that why are mad at me.
[10:13:03 PM] Lily: Humans cant comprehend this...the lie is better than the truth at times.
[10:13:22 PM] Lily: but the book part was true
[10:13:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what is the truth...
[10:13:39 PM] Brahian: Because, you and your book and the belief that it's always right. You can't believe everything you read, and you definitely can't follow the orders of a stupid eldritch book! All this talk about prphecies and destiny and I'm tired of it. It's your stupid book's fault we're in this mess and I'm sick of it! So you know what I say? Screw destiny! Screw it, and screw you, too! Good day, sir.
[10:13:42 PM] Lily: but the reality bending and stuff was me joking
[10:13:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... my head hurts.
[10:14:07 PM] DarkShadows: Brah,
[10:14:09 PM] DarkShadows: Brah.
[10:14:13 PM] DarkShadows: dude.
[10:14:14 PM] Brahian: Yes?
[10:15:05 PM] Lily: You do realize the book doesnt talk
[10:15:17 PM] DarkShadows: ... There's honestly been worse, and if you really think being lied to by a book is the worst, you've got a pretty narrow scope of what's wrong.
[10:15:40 PM] Brahian: That's not what I mean at all. It's not the lies, it's the controlling.
[10:15:56 PM] DarkShadows: Brah. You think any of us have ever been in control?
[10:16:02 PM] DarkShadows: It's not just you.
[10:16:03 PM] Lily: Complain to the wooden girl then...
[10:16:25 PM] DarkShadows: Even *Slenderman*, the *goddamned Slenderman* said he felt like he was being controlled.
[10:16:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... it's all of us, Brah.
[10:16:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... I see that now.
[10:17:21 PM] DarkShadows: There is something manipulating all of us, Fears, Altereds, humans, everything... and nobody knows what in the fuck to do about it.
[10:17:44 PM] Brahian: Ugh. I think I've just been having this anger all pent up over everything, and now's the time it finally just... escaped. As I mentioned a few days ago, it's hard being the sane man.
[10:18:25 PM] DarkShadows: ... I know. I wish I could swap places sometimes. Better always sad than always paranoid...
[10:18:37 PM] Brahian: Hm. Yeah...
[10:19:32 PM] Lily: Ouch
[10:19:49 PM] Lily: huh...phone
[10:20:06 PM] DarkShadows: ... apparently Blind man got sick of the phonecall.
[10:20:06 PM] Brahian: oh yay
[10:20:16 PM] Brahian: who is it this time, I wonder?
[10:20:19 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:20:22 PM] DarkShadows: brb
[10:20:25 PM] Lily: uh hello o.o?
[10:20:29 PM] Brahian: hello
[10:20:33 PM] Brahian: who are you?
[10:22:15 PM] DarkShadows: hello?
[10:22:38 PM] Lily: The Book
[10:23:13 PM] Brahian: O__________________________________________________________O
[10:23:23 PM] Lily: speaking through the quiet that is going to tear away reality.
[10:23:35 PM] Brahian: O___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________O
[10:23:46 PM] Lily: in about 5 days
[10:25:19 PM] Brahian: O___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________O
[10:25:32 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[10:25:33 PM] Lily: Pfffff XD
[10:25:38 PM] Brahian: ...
[10:25:41 PM] Brahian: Frank?
[10:25:46 PM] DarkShadows: Frank I want to fucking stab you. -_-"
[10:25:48 PM] Lily: God you guys crack me up
[10:25:55 PM] Brahian: (facepalm)
[10:25:56 PM] Lily: Xad
[10:26:01 PM] Lily: *XD
[10:26:17 PM] Brahian: Frank, just...
[10:26:20 PM] Brahian: XD
[10:26:21 PM] Lily: god Ive never laughed so much
[10:26:34 PM] Brahian: okay, you got us
[10:26:42 PM] DarkShadows: Frank it's getting old.
[10:26:45 PM] Brahian: honestly, I'm not sure how I didn't see that one coming
[10:27:42 PM] Lily: Dark have some sense of humor
[10:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... Lovi wants to tear out my heart and eat it. No. I cannot have a sense of humor.
[10:28:04 PM] Brahian: Honestly, I really needed that
[10:28:07 PM] Brahian: thanks, Frank
[10:28:37 PM] Lily: Lovi is dead Dark...
[10:28:38 PM] DarkShadows: *sighs*
[10:28:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... what.
[10:28:47 PM] DarkShadows: how?
[10:29:02 PM] Brahian: ... I'm not sure whether to believe this one or not...
[10:29:09 PM] DarkShadows: Just earlier tonight Willow said...
[10:29:30 PM] Lily: She decided it. And just stopped believing in herself.
[10:29:36 PM] Brahian: O_O
[10:29:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh.
[10:30:09 PM] DarkShadows: Must have been fairly recent then.
[10:30:18 PM] Lily: An idea cant exist without belief
[10:30:34 PM] Lily: yeah I just git the news from Solomon
[10:30:37 PM] DarkShadows: wow.
[10:30:40 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[10:30:49 PM] Brahian: Solomon?
[10:30:53 PM] Brahian: So, um
[10:30:54 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:31:01 PM] Brahian: are you aware that
[10:31:06 PM] Brahian: Solomon = Pandora
[10:31:11 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:31:22 PM] Lily: Yeah...
[10:31:35 PM | Edited 10:31:42 PM] Brahian: ... good to know.
[10:32:51 PM] Lily: good guy...makes awesome lasagna
[10:33:05 PM] Brahian: ... also good to know.
[10:33:37 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[10:34:42 PM] Lily: I need to go Wooden Girl is messing with things.
[10:34:49 PM] Brahian: Kk
[10:34:52 PM] Lily: Need to help dad
[10:35:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... good luck
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Recap Number Six
Haven't had a recap in a long time, have we? Well, I guess all the stuff that's going on has left us too emotional to really handle it. At least, that's how I've been feeling... But someone needs to do these things. And since no one else is, I finally offered myself to do the job.
So, Exa came along one day. The rest of us were busy, so Shadows had to talk to her alone. Exa revealed herself to be a scientist, conducting experiments on different proxies. Pandora... Pandora is... was... one of those experiments. Then...
Excuse me for a moment, I need to go bawl eyes out...
Okay, I'm back. So, Exa also told Shadows her title: The Forsaken Creator. This is what she is called in the Blind Man's Book. We have yet to figure out what exactly this means.
The next log... My memory is too fogged up to remember it well, and it's way too sad to read over... Pandora died. He was eaten by the Handed One. The Seal ate the Handed One, but it was too late. Pandora's dead, and... and we really need him right now.
... This just in: Panda's not really dead. REJOICE! But more on that later...
The next log shows us that a mysterious entity named Lovi hacked into the Seal's YouTube account and posted a video. Lovi later sent the Seal a mysterious message involving DarkShadows.
Afterwards, the Seal found a blog belonging to a mysterious person named Solomon. He began posting about us and we soon realized he'd been reading our conversations. Then he joined the skype chat and we began talking about stuff.
Solomon revealed he was part of a group called the Chasers, named so because they "chase their dreams." He, Lovi, and two other people named Salem and Gideon.They're all eldritch (well, sot of...) and they all have their own agendas, but they help each other to fulfill their individual "dreams."
Solomon then told us something else. There are two beings trapped in the center of the Earth, one good and one bad, and Panda is the key to freeing them both... I... We forgot to tell him that... But more on that later.
The next day or something (I forgot when exactly these individual events happened, okay?) Salem sent us a creepy video. I didn't get to see it because my computer was having issues, but the others assured me, it was creepy. That was when Salem came. She told us she wanted Pandora dead, because, long ago, when she was human, Pandora had practically fed her to the Slenderman. After talking to him, Pandora claimed to have no memory of such a thing, but more on that later.
Then, well... Ein came in. Me and the guys know Ein, we were sort of friends... But then he sort of gave Shadows a panic attack and... I don't want to talk about him. Just thinking of him makes me so angry...
Is it normal to be feeling this anger? The guys said that as a Melancholy, the only thing I can feel is sadness... And while that is what I'm feeling much of the time, I... I think my other emotions have gotten more powerful as well...
No matter. I'll just figure that out after all this Ladybug stuff is over with. Although, that will probably not be as soon as I'd thought...
Anyway, today, DarkShadows received a note from Lovi. She wanted her dead. But then, when she came into the chat, she apparently changed her mind. Lovi revealed that Shadows created her... subconsciously. So, all Lovi wants is to become a real girl. However, nobody has any idea how to do that. She left... and then, well...
Pandora returned. He told us he was just hiding, that the Handed One hadn't really eaten him, that he was afraid we would hate him, because of the prophecy. He told us that Exa let him go, and that he had did know Salem when she was a human, but doesn't remember feeding her to Slenderman. Then he... Well, he left. I don't know if or when he's coming back.
Then Jazz came and pulled some mean pranks on us. The end. Well, not the end, but that's all that happened today :I
So, Exa came along one day. The rest of us were busy, so Shadows had to talk to her alone. Exa revealed herself to be a scientist, conducting experiments on different proxies. Pandora... Pandora is... was... one of those experiments. Then...
Excuse me for a moment, I need to go bawl eyes out...
Okay, I'm back. So, Exa also told Shadows her title: The Forsaken Creator. This is what she is called in the Blind Man's Book. We have yet to figure out what exactly this means.
The next log... My memory is too fogged up to remember it well, and it's way too sad to read over... Pandora died. He was eaten by the Handed One. The Seal ate the Handed One, but it was too late. Pandora's dead, and... and we really need him right now.
... This just in: Panda's not really dead. REJOICE! But more on that later...
The next log shows us that a mysterious entity named Lovi hacked into the Seal's YouTube account and posted a video. Lovi later sent the Seal a mysterious message involving DarkShadows.
Afterwards, the Seal found a blog belonging to a mysterious person named Solomon. He began posting about us and we soon realized he'd been reading our conversations. Then he joined the skype chat and we began talking about stuff.
Solomon revealed he was part of a group called the Chasers, named so because they "chase their dreams." He, Lovi, and two other people named Salem and Gideon.They're all eldritch (well, sot of...) and they all have their own agendas, but they help each other to fulfill their individual "dreams."
Solomon then told us something else. There are two beings trapped in the center of the Earth, one good and one bad, and Panda is the key to freeing them both... I... We forgot to tell him that... But more on that later.
The next day or something (I forgot when exactly these individual events happened, okay?) Salem sent us a creepy video. I didn't get to see it because my computer was having issues, but the others assured me, it was creepy. That was when Salem came. She told us she wanted Pandora dead, because, long ago, when she was human, Pandora had practically fed her to the Slenderman. After talking to him, Pandora claimed to have no memory of such a thing, but more on that later.
Then, well... Ein came in. Me and the guys know Ein, we were sort of friends... But then he sort of gave Shadows a panic attack and... I don't want to talk about him. Just thinking of him makes me so angry...
Is it normal to be feeling this anger? The guys said that as a Melancholy, the only thing I can feel is sadness... And while that is what I'm feeling much of the time, I... I think my other emotions have gotten more powerful as well...
No matter. I'll just figure that out after all this Ladybug stuff is over with. Although, that will probably not be as soon as I'd thought...
Anyway, today, DarkShadows received a note from Lovi. She wanted her dead. But then, when she came into the chat, she apparently changed her mind. Lovi revealed that Shadows created her... subconsciously. So, all Lovi wants is to become a real girl. However, nobody has any idea how to do that. She left... and then, well...
Pandora returned. He told us he was just hiding, that the Handed One hadn't really eaten him, that he was afraid we would hate him, because of the prophecy. He told us that Exa let him go, and that he had did know Salem when she was a human, but doesn't remember feeding her to Slenderman. Then he... Well, he left. I don't know if or when he's coming back.
Then Jazz came and pulled some mean pranks on us. The end. Well, not the end, but that's all that happened today :I
AnotherYear Log 15 - Loviatar and Pandora
[5:27:55 PM] DarkShadows: Is anyone online at all>
[5:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[5:28:08 PM] DarkShadows: I'm scared.
[5:28:13 PM] DarkShadows: I found something.
I waited in the chat for nearly an hour and a half before anyone else entered . ~Shadows
[6:50:16 PM] Wally: Hello everyone
[6:50:43 PM] Doraxie: I'm here o.o
[6:51:55 PM] Salem: Dark?
[6:52:12 PM] Wally: So what's been happening lately
[6:52:15 PM] DarkShadows: hai
[6:52:19 PM] Salem: Dark found something
[6:52:21 PM] Salem: appearantly
[6:52:22 PM] DarkShadows: I'm scared.
[6:52:28 PM] Salem: why D: ?
[6:52:50 PM] DarkShadows: I found a note taped to my computer this morning, when I woke up...
[6:52:54 PM] DarkShadows: the top part of my laptop.
[6:52:57 PM] *** DarkShadows sent note.jpg ***
[6:53:00 PM] DarkShadows: I took a picture.
[6:53:29 PM] DarkShadows: I don't know who left it and it scares me.
[6:53:37 PM] DarkShadows: It was definitely intended for me though...
[6:54:23 PM] Salem: The Forsaken Creator; I can see the giant, my mother, all darkshadows, I wish her dead.
[6:54:26 PM] Salem: hmm
[6:55:03 PM] Salem: what could it mean?
[6:55:06 PM] Salem: wait
[6:55:10 PM] DarkShadows: I don't wanna die
[6:55:13 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[6:55:20 PM] Salem: did it reference ICANSEETHEGIANT?
[6:55:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh ha ha, nice catch. cute.
[6:55:43 PM] DarkShadows: *sarcasm*
[6:56:12 PM] Salem: lol
[6:56:15 PM] Salem: sorry
[6:56:18 PM] Salem: ehm
[6:56:23 PM] Salem: whats this weird symbol?
[6:56:37 PM] DarkShadows: What's with the symbol on it, it reminds me of the Observer symbol kinda and that scares me. ;-;
[6:56:56 PM] DarkShadows: Please tell me the Collective does not actually exist just because the Tall Guy does, and that it's not really out for my skin.
[6:57:00 PM] DarkShadows: Please please please.
[6:57:15 PM] Salem: I doubt it
[6:57:20 PM] Salem: wait
[6:57:24 PM] Salem: this is Lorvi's symbol
[6:57:30 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[6:57:30 PM] Salem: and her hand writing
[6:57:40 PM] Salem: I recognize it now
[6:57:43 PM] Salem: its definatly hers
[6:57:48 PM] DarkShadows: So then what the fuck does she want from me?
[6:58:00 PM] Salem: she called you her mother
[6:58:03 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[6:58:06 PM] Salem: ...
[6:58:10 PM] Salem: this is a longshot
[6:58:12 PM] Salem: but maybe
[6:58:15 PM] Salem: you created Lorvi?
[6:58:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... no way, there's...
[6:58:23 PM] DarkShadows: I just...
[6:58:59 PM] DarkShadows: I-I've never even *been* pregnant...
[6:59:09 PM] DarkShadows: I-I don't think...
[6:59:11 PM] Salem: I meant as in
[6:59:14 PM] Salem: created her
[6:59:15 PM] Salem: with your mind
[6:59:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... You're saying she's a Tulpa.
[6:59:43 PM] Salem: possibly
[6:59:45 PM] Salem: yeah
[7:00:02 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:00:16 PM] DarkShadows: Why the fuck does she want me dead, I don't understand...
[7:00:48 PM] Salem: Good question
[7:00:56 PM] DarkShadows: What did I do?
[7:00:58 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[7:01:04 PM] Salem: Why would a---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7:01:10 PM] DarkShadows: ... Salem?
[7:01:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... hello?
[7:01:26 PM] Salem: Hello
[7:01:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... you alright there?
[7:01:35 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:01:36 PM] DarkShadows: shit
[7:01:41 PM] Loviatar: ----Imfinemother
[7:02:11 PM] Loviatar: ----somother
[7:02:15 PM] Loviatar: ----Ifindyou
[7:02:19 PM] Loviatar: ----finally
[7:02:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... what are you after me for? What did I do?
[7:02:45 PM] Loviatar: ----Iwantyoudead
[7:02:53 PM] Loviatar: ----didntyougetmynote?
[7:03:03 PM] DarkShadows: ... why do you want me dead though?
[7:03:28 PM] Loviatar: ----Ihavemyreasons
[7:03:30 PM] DarkShadows: how the HELL did you figure out where I live
[7:03:41 PM] DarkShadows: why the FUCK is Slenderman so damn important to you
[7:03:48 PM] DarkShadows: if I'm your target?
[7:03:56 PM] Loviatar: ----easymother
[7:04:02 PM] Loviatar: ----relax
[7:04:05 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:09 PM] DarkShadows: back the fuck off
[7:04:13 PM] DarkShadows: and leave me the fuck alone
[7:04:16 PM] DarkShadows: I am not dying yet.
[7:04:16 PM] Loviatar: ----butmother
[7:04:21 PM] DarkShadows: so you can just fuck right off
[7:04:22 PM] Loviatar: ----Ihaveplans
[7:04:23 PM] DarkShadows: and die
[7:04:27 PM] DarkShadows: because I'm not doing this shit
[7:04:28 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:28 PM] DarkShadows: anymore
[7:04:36 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:40 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:42 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:42 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:44 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:45 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:47 PM] Loviatar: -----mother
[7:04:48 PM] DarkShadows: SHUT UP
[7:04:52 PM] Loviatar: -------------------------------------------MOTHER
[7:04:55 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:05:10 PM] Loviatar: ----letmetalkmother
[7:05:16 PM] Loviatar: ----letmeexplain
[7:05:26 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:05:27 PM] Loviatar: ----letme
[7:05:31 PM] Loviatar: ---mother
[7:05:35 PM] DarkShadows: then start talking
[7:05:36 PM] Loviatar: --please
[7:06:04 PM] Loviatar: -----iwantyoudeadbutnotyoumother
[7:06:11 PM] Loviatar: -----Ilikeyou
[7:06:25 PM] DarkShadows: I am not schrodinger's fucking cat. i can't be alive and dead too.
[7:06:52 PM] Loviatar: ----iwanttheforsakencreatordead
[7:06:54 PM] Bunny: What the hell is going on here
[7:06:57 PM] Loviatar: ----notyou
[7:07:00 PM] DarkShadows: Bunny I'm scared
[7:07:03 PM] Loviatar: ----hellobunny
[7:07:12 PM] DarkShadows: there was a note. this creep left it
[7:07:17 PM] DarkShadows: and now she's calling me her mother.
[7:07:18 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[7:07:24 PM] Loviatar: ----youaremymother
[7:07:28 PM] Loviatar: ----youcreatedme
[7:07:41 PM] DarkShadows: I can't fucking do this...
[7:07:49 PM] Bunny: How did she create you...?
[7:08:01 PM] Loviatar: ----idontknow
[7:08:05 PM] Loviatar: ----iwanttofindout
[7:08:22 PM] DarkShadows: Loviatar. I AM THE FORSAKEN CREATOR. You *do* want me dead.
[7:08:37 PM] Loviatar: ---forsakencreatorisnotyou
[7:08:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... then who is it... if I'm not...?
[7:08:49 PM] Loviatar: ---forsakencreatorissomethingyouhave
[7:08:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh
[7:09:02 PM] Loviatar: ----itsinsideyou
[7:09:06 PM] Loviatar: ----apartofyou
[7:09:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... why should I trust you?
[7:09:29 PM] Loviatar: ----youshouldnt
[7:09:50 PM] Loviatar: ----ijustcametowarnyouthatsall
[7:09:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what exactly are you warning me of?
[7:10:04 PM] Loviatar: ----theothers
[7:10:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... which others?
[7:10:16 PM] Loviatar: -----eldritchbeingsdontunderstand
[7:10:23 PM] Loviatar: ----theconceptofsouls
[7:10:29 PM] Loviatar: ----theconceptofsubconcious
[7:10:37 PM] Loviatar: ----theywilltryrippingtheforsakencreator
[7:10:41 PM] Loviatar: ----outofyou
[7:10:46 PM] Loviatar: ----byforce
[7:11:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... are you telling me something's going to try and take my soul?
[7:11:15 PM] Loviatar: ----ifbysoulyoumeanheartandflesh
[7:11:19 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:11:21 PM] Loviatar: ----thenyes
[7:11:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... which being?
[7:11:38 PM] DarkShadows: intends that, that is?
[7:12:09 PM] Loviatar: ----afriend
[7:12:14 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:12:26 PM] DarkShadows: which friend?
[7:12:51 PM] Loviatar: ----aneldritchfriend
[7:12:54 PM] Loviatar: ----moreidontknow
[7:13:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay then what exactly does Slenderman, the Giant, what does he ahve to do with anything on the note?
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: Unless he'd...
[7:13:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay kid that thing's not my firend, and hasn't been, ever, at all.
[7:13:31 PM] DarkShadows: *friend
[7:13:50 PM] Loviatar: ----itsnotthegiant
[7:14:00 PM] Loviatar: ----thegiantisanotherpiece
[7:14:14 PM] Loviatar: ----therubberbandthatholdstheworldafloat
[7:14:27 PM] DarkShadows: alright...
[7:14:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... but someone on our side, who's a potential ally or friend, is going to try and kill me.
[7:14:54 PM] Loviatar: ----correct
[7:14:57 PM] Loviatar: ----thenagain
[7:15:04 PM] Loviatar: ----iconsideryouanally
[7:15:06 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:15:16 PM] Loviatar: ----justsaying
[7:15:23 PM] Loviatar: ---youdbefoolishtotrustme
[7:15:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't trust much of anyone these days and I haven't for 8 years.
[7:16:00 PM] Loviatar: ---right
[7:16:04 PM] Loviatar: ---butwithoutthegiant
[7:16:08 PM] Loviatar: ---iwouldntexist
[7:16:18 PM] DarkShadows: And I'd be in a much fucking better state of mind, now wouldn't I?
[7:16:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... you're a tulpa, correct?
[7:16:33 PM] Loviatar: ---yes
[7:16:39 PM] DarkShadows: Did he do something that made you?
[7:16:53 PM] Loviatar: ---createdbyyourfearsandanxietyforthegiant
[7:16:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... that explains it.
[7:17:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... why would you want to help me if you're my fear?
[7:17:27 PM] Loviatar: ----idontwishtohelpyou
[7:17:34 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishyoudead
[7:17:40 PM] Loviatar: ---ithoughtiwasclear
[7:17:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... You just said you wanted the Forsaken Creator dead.
[7:17:54 PM] DarkShadows: And you just said that wasn't me, but something I had.
[7:18:01 PM] Loviatar: ----yes
[7:18:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... but you still want me dead. I... have no fucking clue what even.
[7:18:21 PM] Loviatar: ----firstobjective
[7:18:27 PM] Loviatar: ----killforsakencreator
[7:18:33 PM] Loviatar: ---secondobjective
[7:18:37 PM] Loviatar: ---havefunwithyou
[7:18:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh. :c
[7:18:44 PM] Wally: D:
[7:18:45 PM] Loviatar: ---*laugh*
[7:19:05 PM] DarkShadows: And you third objective is to try and kill the Giant, isn't it?
[7:19:13 PM] Loviatar: ---no
[7:19:19 PM] DarkShadows: Wally hug me plz. ;-;
[7:19:28 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtospeaktothegiant
[7:19:32 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtohughim
[7:19:37 PM] Wally: Wally hugs Dark tightly
[7:19:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... Like hell I'm letting you near an ally.
[7:19:43 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtobebyhisside
[7:19:56 PM] DarkShadows: He might scare the everloving shit out of me but I'm not letting you near any ally of ours.
[7:19:59 PM] Wally: ...
[7:20:08 PM] Loviatar: ----iwishtobe
[7:20:11 PM] Loviatar: ---withhim
[7:20:16 PM] DarkShadows: And honestly... i'd doubt he'd want you by his side anyway.
[7:20:19 PM] Wally: ...
[7:20:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... hate to break it to ya kiddo but I don't think he's ever going to take you to the prom. Sweetheart.
[7:20:58 PM] Loviatar: ----thatsaddensme
[7:21:09 PM] Loviatar: ----ifihademotions
[7:22:42 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not going to let you near anyone in here even if it means sacrificing myself.
[7:22:45 PM] DarkShadows: Fuck that.
[7:22:51 PM] Wally: I would never go for someone that threatens my friends
[7:23:32 PM] Wally: So the answer is no Loviatar
[7:23:55 PM] Loviatar: ----alright
[7:23:57 PM] Loviatar: ---newplan
[7:24:07 PM] Loviatar: ---illjoinupwithsalemtofindpandora
[7:24:15 PM] Loviatar: ---thatisstepone
[7:24:32 PM] DarkShadows: So you go right the fuck ahead, you torture me, bite off my fingers, destroy my mind, but you are not touching anyone in here. Including Salem.
[7:24:51 PM] Loviatar: ----shewantstofindpandora
[7:24:56 PM] Loviatar: ----iknowwhereheis
[7:25:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... Until we know what the fuck Pandora is doing, you're not getting near our prisoner of war, either.
[7:25:37 PM] Loviatar: ---ohheishererightnow
[7:25:44 PM] Loviatar: ---watchingthisdiscussion
[7:25:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... where.
[7:25:57 PM] Loviatar: ---here
[7:26:06 PM] Wally: ?
[7:26:08 PM] DarkShadows: Give me an answer that makes fucking sense or so help me.
[7:27:17 PM] Loviatar: ---pandora
[7:27:20 PM] Loviatar: ---ishere
[7:27:25 PM] Loviatar: ---aninvisibleuser
[7:27:28 PM] Loviatar: ---inthischat
[7:27:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... tell me what Pandora wants, then.
[7:27:48 PM] Loviatar: ---hislifeback
[7:27:54 PM] DarkShadows: and if he gets it?
[7:28:03 PM] Loviatar: ---ohimnotspoilingthatpart
[7:28:14 PM] Loviatar: ---imgettingpopcorn
[7:28:21 PM] Loviatar: ---enjoyingtheshow
[7:28:34 PM] DarkShadows: Hey if I'm your mother, that means I get to give you a spanking. What the fuck is he doing, Lovi? i won't ask again.
[7:28:50 PM] Loviatar: ---heiswatchingyouall
[7:29:01 PM] DarkShadows: Like I'm *not fucking used to that*
[7:29:05 PM] DarkShadows: I'm losing patience
[7:29:16 PM] Loviatar: ---whatdoyouwanttoknow
[7:29:19 PM] Loviatar: ----bespecific
[7:29:23 PM] Loviatar: ---andillanswer
[7:29:45 PM] DarkShadows: I want to know *exactly* what you think killing me will accomplish, and I want to know WHY you want Salem's help.
[7:30:17 PM] Loviatar: ---tounleashpandora
[7:30:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... which will do what?
[7:31:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... which would do what, Lovi?
[7:31:46 PM] DarkShadows: Destroy reality? Like fuck we're letting that happen.
[7:31:49 PM] Loviatar: ---thinkaboutit
[7:31:52 PM] DarkShadows: No.
[7:32:06 PM] Loviatar: ---aneldritchpersonfullofhateandwantsrevengeforhisfriends
[7:32:13 PM] DarkShadows: If you're my fears then you know damn well what dwelling on them does to me.
[7:32:16 PM] Loviatar: ---powerfulthingtohaveonyourside
[7:32:30 PM] Loviatar: ----idontwantrealitydestroyed
[7:32:30 PM] DarkShadows: or something that you can sway to your side.
[7:32:35 PM] DarkShadows: like fuck you don't.
[7:32:40 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttobe
[7:32:41 PM] DarkShadows: you might as fucking well.
[7:32:47 PM] Loviatar: ---iwantmydream
[7:32:49 PM] Loviatar: ---tobereal
[7:33:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... which is to kill me, which *is not going to happen* because like hell if anyone here will let you touch me.
[7:33:21 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttofeel
[7:33:25 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttobearealgirl
[7:33:47 PM] DarkShadows: yeah well you know what I want? Slenderman and the Willow to *leave me the fuck alone*, and you to *go the fuck away, forever*.
[7:34:00 PM] DarkShadows: But fuck that, we don't always get what we want, do we?
[7:34:05 PM] Loviatar: ---icangrantyourwishifyoudomeafavor
[7:34:17 PM] DarkShadows: No. Like you said... it'd be foolish to trust you.
[7:34:42 PM] DarkShadows: So if I don't get what I want, neither do you.
[7:34:52 PM] Loviatar: ---helpmeatleast
[7:35:08 PM] DarkShadows: why should I?
[7:35:21 PM] DarkShadows: 'cause I'm your mom? Then I fucking disown you.
[7:35:58 PM] Loviatar: ----dark
[7:36:04 PM] Loviatar: ---ibegyou
[7:36:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... give me one good fucking reason why I should help.
[7:36:48 PM] Loviatar: ---iloveyou
[7:36:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:37:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... if you love me... then why is your aim to have fun with, and then kill me?
[7:37:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... that isn't what love it, Lovi.
[7:37:16 PM] DarkShadows: *is
[7:37:17 PM] Loviatar: ---ok
[7:37:23 PM] Loviatar: ---iwasntthinking
[7:37:26 PM] Loviatar: ---newplan
[7:37:31 PM] Loviatar: ---gettingyoutohelpme
[7:37:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... you know you shouldn't call your attacks.
[7:37:45 PM] Loviatar: ----dark
[7:37:54 PM] Loviatar: ---iloveyouwithmyentireheart
[7:37:59 PM] Loviatar: ---letmebemother
[7:38:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... you just said you don't feel.
[7:38:17 PM] Loviatar: ---itrynottoo
[7:38:22 PM] Loviatar: ---feelingshurt
[7:38:25 PM] Loviatar: ---itpainsme
[7:38:31 PM] Loviatar: ---everything
[7:38:37 PM] DarkShadows: ... then you can understand why I'm not going to help you, and why I *don't trust anyone*.
[7:38:39 PM] Loviatar: ---myentireexistanceispain
[7:38:48 PM] Loviatar: ---andiguessonsomeleveliblameyou
[7:38:49 PM] DarkShadows: Good, you deserve it for wanting to kill someone.
[7:38:53 PM] Loviatar: ---whichisntfair
[7:38:57 PM] Loviatar: ---youareagoodperson
[7:39:05 PM] Loviatar: --youarentthereasonformypain
[7:39:11 PM] Loviatar: --ishouldntbeangryatyou
[7:39:33 PM] Loviatar: -ishouldntventmyfrustrations
[7:39:36 PM] Loviatar: -onyou
[7:39:50 PM] DarkShadows: ... tell me exactly what your goal is.
[7:40:14 PM] Loviatar: ---toeitherdie
[7:40:19 PM] Loviatar: ---orbecomereal
[7:40:21 PM] Loviatar: --yourchoice
[7:40:24 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:40:36 PM] Loviatar: -chooseoneortheother
[7:40:36 PM] DarkShadows: and if I choose neither?
[7:40:56 PM] Loviatar: -thenilltakethatasachoicethatineedtodie
[7:41:06 PM] Loviatar: -sincethatwillbetheonlychoicethen
[7:41:29 PM] DarkShadows: and if you die, if one more being of any sort of power dies, reality implodes.
[7:41:42 PM] DarkShadows: So if you want reality to exist, you can't do that either.
[7:41:46 PM] Loviatar: -nodark
[7:41:49 PM] Loviatar: -ifidie
[7:41:53 PM] Loviatar: -nothinghappens
[7:41:57 PM] Loviatar: -idonthavepower
[7:42:01 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:42:06 PM] Loviatar: -imnoteldritch
[7:42:14 PM] Loviatar: -medyingdoeshavenoeffect
[7:42:24 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:42:29 PM] Loviatar: -so
[7:42:32 PM] Loviatar: -choose
[7:42:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm not making a choice until I have all the evidence or enough data to come to a conclusion.
[7:43:02 PM] DarkShadows: But you wouldn't understand logic, would you?
[7:43:05 PM] DarkShadows: You're all emotion.
[7:44:42 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:44:53 PM] Loviatar: -howcaniproof
[7:45:00 PM] Loviatar: -thattulpasarenteldritch
[7:45:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... Nobody else is dying on my watch, Lovi.
[7:45:33 PM] DarkShadows: Nobody, nothing, no more death.
[7:45:51 PM] DarkShadows: I don't care if Pandora actually lives or not, but I'm not seeing anyone else die.
[7:46:02 PM] Loviatar: -choose
[7:46:08 PM] Loviatar: -itsuptoyoudark
[7:46:16 PM] Brahian: Oh snap, bad time for my Internet to come back...
[7:46:24 PM] Loviatar: -hellobrahian
[7:46:39 PM] Brahian: hi Lovi
[7:46:44 PM] DarkShadows: If you want to die... then it has no bearing on me.
[7:47:05 PM] DarkShadows: But I have no idea how.
[7:47:08 PM] Loviatar: -iwouldwanttoliveasahuman
[7:47:10 PM] DarkShadows: and I refuse to kill you.
[7:47:20 PM] Loviatar: -butifyouwantmetodiethenishallperish
[7:47:33 PM] DarkShadows: You want to be human, to do fucking what, Lovi?
[7:47:41 PM] Loviatar: -liveanormallife
[7:47:51 PM] DarkShadows: now why the fuck don't I trust that?
[7:48:31 PM] Loviatar: -iamcapableofkillingmyselfdark
[7:48:41 PM] Loviatar: -soimjustwaitingforyouranswer
[7:48:56 PM] DarkShadows: I CAN'T GIVE YOU ONE!
[7:48:58 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:49:04 PM] DarkShadows: I can't give you one.
[7:49:09 PM] Loviatar: -doyouwantmetodie
[7:49:13 PM] Loviatar: -ordoyouwantmetolive
[7:49:28 PM] Brahian: ... can I say something?
[7:49:51 PM] DarkShadows: Do you fucking understand me, Lovi? I don't want anyoen to die, and I don't care enough about you to want you to live. I can't. Give you. An answer.
[7:50:06 PM] DarkShadows: With any degree of certainty. and that fucking *hurts*, and...
[7:50:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... you're doing this on purpose aren't you?
[7:50:17 PM] DarkShadows: You're *fucking laughing at me*
[7:50:21 PM] DarkShadows: Toying with me
[7:50:23 PM] DarkShadows: I'm done.
[7:50:25 PM] DarkShadows: I. am done.
[7:50:35 PM] Brahian: [7:49 PM] Brahian:
<<< ... can I say something?
[7:50:37 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[7:50:47 PM] DarkShadows: brah, say soemthing before I go cry myself to fucking sleep.
[7:51:20 PM] Brahian: I sort of skimmed through the previous messages, so... how exactly do you plan on becoming "real", Lovi?
[7:51:31 PM] Loviatar: -idonthaveplan
[7:51:35 PM] Loviatar: -dark
[7:51:48 PM] Loviatar: -whywouldyouafterivebeennothingbutabothertoyou
[7:51:52 PM] Loviatar: -wantmetolive?
[7:52:24 PM] DarkShadows: answer brah's question first, how exactly do you want to be real?
[7:52:49 PM] DarkShadows: how do you intend to become real?
[7:52:55 PM] Loviatar: [7:51 PM] Loviatar:
<<< -idonthaveplan
[7:53:00 PM] Loviatar: -alreadyanswered
[7:53:10 PM] Brahian: Then how do you even know it can happen?
[7:53:14 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[7:53:31 PM] Loviatar: -idontknow
[7:53:43 PM] Brahian: ...
[7:53:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... how do I know you'll really leave me alone if I tell you to go live?
[7:54:12 PM] DarkShadows: How do I know it won't mess things up?
[7:54:14 PM] Loviatar: -seethisisthething
[7:54:22 PM] Loviatar: --itwouldbeeasierforyou
[7:54:26 PM] Loviatar: -totellmetodie
[7:54:43 PM] Brahian: Do you want to die, Lovi?
[7:54:50 PM] Brahian: If you do, nobody's stopping you :I
[7:54:56 PM] Loviatar: -sheis
[7:55:05 PM] DarkShadows: Why would you need my permission?
[7:55:08 PM] Loviatar: -icanonlydiewithherconcent
[7:55:11 PM] Loviatar: -imapartofyou
[7:55:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... How the fuck do I kill fear, and how do i know you won't come back?
[7:55:42 PM] Loviatar: -1.bytellingmetodie
[7:55:51 PM] Loviatar: -2.fearmightcomeback
[7:55:56 PM] Loviatar: -butitwontbeme
[7:56:04 PM] Loviatar: -iwillneverexistagain
[7:56:08 PM] DarkShadows: yeah and then it will be something ten fucking times worse.
[7:56:25 PM] Loviatar: -no
[7:56:29 PM] Loviatar: -itwillbethesame
[7:56:36 PM] Loviatar: -andmightnotevenbeintulpaform
[7:56:55 PM] DarkShadows: *frustrated laugh* Yeah the same damn shit over and over again, for my entire fucking life, *all because I ran into Slenderman in the woods once*.
[7:57:11 PM] Loviatar: [7:56 PM] Loviatar:
<<< -andmightnotevenbeintulpaform
[7:57:12 PM] DarkShadows: Did it ever occur to you, Lovi, that maye *I* wanna die?
[7:57:30 PM] DarkShadows: Maybe *I'm* fucking sick of all this bullshit?
[7:57:32 PM] Loviatar: -youshouldnt
[7:57:41 PM] Loviatar: -youareawonderfulhumanbeing
[7:57:42 PM] DarkShadows: But you know why I'm not dead yet, 'cause people actually need me.
[7:57:58 PM] DarkShadows: If i'm so wonderful, why do you want me to die?
[7:58:05 PM] Loviatar: -idont
[7:58:06 PM] DarkShadows: yes, I'm *still* hung up on that.
[7:58:07 PM] Loviatar: -ichangedmymind
[7:58:20 PM] DarkShadows: Give me one reason to believe that.
[7:58:31 PM] Loviatar: -becauseicouldvekilledyoualready
[7:58:34 PM] Loviatar: -ifiwantedto
[7:58:37 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:04:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... Get out of here. go live.
[8:04:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't care what happens anymore.
[8:05:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... I just want this shit to end.
[8:05:22 PM] Loviatar: -icantdoanything
[8:05:29 PM] Loviatar: -imatulpa
[8:05:42 PM] Loviatar: -ihavenoideahowtoturnintoarealbeing
[8:05:55 PM] DarkShadows: I just made my decision. Go live! Go be human or whatever. Because I'm sick of watching people die.
[8:06:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... you think I know how to make you exist?
[8:06:18 PM] Loviatar: -imnotpeople
[8:06:34 PM] Loviatar: -whetheriexistornot
[8:06:37 PM] Loviatar: -itdoesntmatter
[8:06:51 PM] Loviatar: -ifistoppedexistingnothingwouldchange
[8:06:54 PM] Loviatar: -nothing
[8:06:58 PM] Loviatar: -ihavenopoint
[8:07:15 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:07:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... do you want to die, Lovi?
[8:07:36 PM] Loviatar: -no
[8:07:48 PM] Loviatar: -mydreamistobereal
[8:07:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't know how to make you real.
[8:08:21 PM] Loviatar: -goodbye
[8:08:28 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:08:39 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:08:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... I can't fucking take much mroe of this shit, brah
[8:09:11 PM] Brahian: I... don't know what to say.
[8:09:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... number number number number number number... that's too many octothorpes.
[8:10:01 PM] DarkShadows: XD
[8:10:09 PM] Brahian: :)
[8:10:43 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:10:51 PM] ####################: XD
[8:10:57 PM] DarkShadows: who are you now?
[8:11:01 PM | Edited 8:11:10 PM] Brahian: o_O
[8:11:20 PM] ####################: Oh shit
[8:11:31 PM] ####################: you can see me posting
[8:11:38 PM] ####################: I thought I was invisible
[8:11:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora...?
[8:11:51 PM | Edited 8:11:55 PM] ####################: the very same
[8:11:57 PM] Brahian: O___________O
[8:12:02 PM] Brahian: Panda?
[8:12:08 PM] Brahian: Are you really alive?
[8:12:15 PM] Wally: Panda!
[8:12:22 PM] ####################: Hello
[8:12:29 PM] Brahian: Panda, tell us
[8:12:35 PM | Edited 8:13:19 PM] DarkShadows: ... how the hell are you alive, 1. 2, why's the prophecy calling you a betrayer
[8:12:55 PM] ####################: ah nothing like the loving support of your friends
[8:13:04 PM] DarkShadows: 3. Did you really leave Salem for Slenderchow? because that's so fucking terrible dude, why?
[8:13:25 PM] ####################: slenderchow
[8:13:27 PM] ####################: thats funny
[8:13:36 PM] DarkShadows: no, no it's kind of actually not.
[8:13:39 PM] Brahian: ^
[8:13:45 PM] DarkShadows: please Pandora, answer the questions.
[8:13:57 PM] ####################: ok, I'm alive because I am and I have no idea about the prophecy
[8:14:08 PM] DarkShadows: Do you have any fucking clue how many tenterhooks I've been on for the past week
[8:14:31 PM] ####################: on the blog it says I was eaten
[8:14:32 PM] ####################: by the handed one
[8:14:42 PM] ####################: thats a load of bollogne
[8:14:58 PM] Brahian: Then what really happened?
[8:15:05 PM] ####################: he came here
[8:15:08 PM] ####################: took my computer
[8:15:13 PM] ####################: talked to you guys
[8:15:14 PM] ####################: and left
[8:15:29 PM] Brahian: ... why have you been hiding from us, then?
[8:15:43 PM] ####################: because of the prophecy
[8:15:51 PM] ####################: didnt want you guys to hate me
[8:16:01 PM] Brahian: We don't hate you, Panda
[8:16:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... why didn't you bring it up before we found out about that then?
[8:16:21 PM | Edited 8:16:31 PM] Brahian: But... I'm afraid I can't bring myself to trust you anymore...
[8:16:21 PM] DarkShadows: why didn't you say something?
[8:16:52 PM] DarkShadows: We don't hate you, and neither do I. But now I'll definitely be keeping closer watch on you.
[8:16:58 PM] ####################: see
[8:17:00 PM] ####################: this is why
[8:17:43 PM] Brahian: This has nothing to do with the prophecy, Panda. This is about why you left. Why you hid from us.
[8:17:46 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:17:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... just tell us the truth.
[8:17:57 PM] Brahian: Please.
[8:18:01 PM] DarkShadows: what's been going on that you've been hiding>
[8:18:03 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[8:18:08 PM] ####################: oh the truth of multiple entities hacking my account?
[8:18:24 PM] ####################: I havent been able to get on
[8:18:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... if there's something else you know, tell me.
[8:18:43 PM] ####################: I know as much as you guys
[8:18:48 PM] ####################: honest
[8:18:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... alright.
[8:18:57 PM | Edited 8:19:12 PM] Brahian: What about Salem? Did you really know her?
[8:18:59 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:19:33 PM] ####################: I knew Salem
[8:19:36 PM] ####################: as a human
[8:19:43 PM] ####################: I believe we dated
[8:19:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... you realize Salem wants to kill you.
[8:19:57 PM] Brahian: skip to the part
[8:20:01 PM | Edited 8:20:16 PM] Brahian: where you fed her
[8:20:04 PM] Brahian: to the Slenderman
[8:20:07 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:20:19 PM] ####################: I dont remember having done that o.o
[8:20:27 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:20:31 PM] ####################: I remember going camping
[8:20:38 PM] ####################: and then she dissappeared
[8:20:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... maybe Slendy blanked Pandora's memory?
[8:20:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... brb
[8:20:54 PM] Brahian: ... I can't help but feel...
[8:21:01 PM] Brahian: There's something missing here...
[8:23:08 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:23:09 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:25:42 PM] ####################: yay
[8:25:45 PM] ####################: anyway
[8:25:53 PM] ####################: do you got more questions or ?
[8:26:07 PM] Brahian: I'm sorta writing the recap
[8:26:09 PM] DarkShadows: you sure that's all the details?
[8:26:14 PM] Brahian: because I remembered we needed one
[8:26:35 PM] ####################: thats all I remember
[8:26:43 PM] ####################: and I'm probably not gonna be around longer than this
[8:26:53 PM] Brahian: Ynot?
[8:26:57 PM] Brahian: Tony backwards?
[8:27:07 PM] ####################: I dont want you to not trust me
[8:27:18 PM] ####################: I dont want to be the one blamed for everything
[8:27:30 PM] ####################: I dont want you to think that I would ever stab you guys in the back
[8:28:00 PM] ####################: so if feel like I have to leave, forever until this whole thing is sorted out
[8:28:45 PM] ####################: so yeah
[8:28:47 PM] ####################: goodbye
[8:28:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... goodbye
[8:29:06 PM] Brahian: WAIT PANDA DON'T GO
[8:29:08 PM] Brahian: D:
[8:29:10 PM] ####################: what?
[8:29:14 PM] ####################: why?
[8:29:19 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora...
[8:29:20 PM] Brahian: because
[8:29:23 PM] Brahian: We need you
[8:29:33 PM] Brahian: We love you, Panda :c
[8:29:36 PM] DarkShadows: you have something extremely powerful in you, that other beings want to awaken.
[8:29:41 PM] Brahian: But not as much as Wally...
[8:29:44 PM] DarkShadows: if you leave, they could use it to destroy everything.
[8:29:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... we need you here.
[8:29:51 PM] ####################: I doubt it
[8:29:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... you never know
[8:30:03 PM] ####################: then fine
[8:30:06 PM] ####################: I'll just die
[8:30:09 PM] DarkShadows: Please Panda, just trust me NO
[8:30:12 PM] ####################: im sick of this shit
[8:30:12 PM] Brahian: NO.
[8:30:14 PM] Brahian: NO.
[8:30:14 PM] DarkShadows: NO DO NOT DO THAT
[8:30:17 PM] Brahian: PANDA.
[8:30:19 PM] Brahian: STOP.
[8:30:20 PM] ####################: why not?
[8:30:21 PM] Brahian: RIGHT.
[8:30:22 PM] Brahian: NOW.
[8:30:25 PM] DarkShadows: If you do that then reality collapses, Pandora, you're Eldritch.
[8:30:39 PM] ####################: no
[8:30:47 PM] ####################: Exa let me go
[8:30:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... you've got something else in you, some power...
[8:30:53 PM] Brahian: Exa...
[8:30:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... Exa
[8:30:56 PM | Edited 8:31:06 PM] Brahian: ...let you go?
[8:31:00 PM] ####################: yes
[8:31:07 PM] DarkShadows: huh
[8:31:14 PM] Brahian: What happened with the slime, Panda?
[8:31:20 PM] ####################: I ate it o.o
[8:31:21 PM] Brahian: What are its effects on people?
[8:31:25 PM] ####################: dunno
[8:31:39 PM] Brahian: hmmmm.....
[8:32:44 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora. I am not letting anyone else die.
[8:32:48 PM] DarkShadows: on my watch
[8:32:49 PM] DarkShadows: ever
[8:32:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora?
[8:33:04 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: ################################################
[8:33:06 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:33:08 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:33:30 PM] Brahian: hello?
[8:33:35 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora?
[8:33:40 PM] Brahian: anyone home?
[8:34:02 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: ##############################################
[8:34:05 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:34:38 PM] Brahian: oh dear.
[8:34:40 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:35:18 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: seriously guys XD twice for the same prank. You are too easy
[8:35:31 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: I mean XD
[8:35:33 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:35:34 PM] Brahian: -______________________________-
[8:35:37 PM] DarkShadows: JAZZ
[8:35:41 PM] DarkShadows: YOU FUCKING
[8:35:42 PM] Frank: *laughs*
[8:35:42 PM] DarkShadows: FUCK
[8:35:49 PM] Frank: god that was a good one
[8:36:02 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:05 PM] Brahian: -________________________________________________________________-
[8:36:18 PM] Frank: sorry
[8:36:22 PM] DarkShadows: Jazz I swear to god.
[8:36:23 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:34 PM] Frank: fine, I wont do the MNEWBORN.exe thing again
[8:36:38 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:48 PM] Frank: anyway whats up?
[8:36:52 PM] Frank: did I miss anything?
[8:36:55 PM] Brahian: your mom. :I
[8:37:07 PM] DarkShadows: brb
[8:40:34 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:40:56 PM] DarkShadows: You missed Loviatar telling me she wanted me to die, then telling eveyrone *she* wantred to die.
[8:41:50 PM] Frank: fun
[8:41:52 PM] Frank: I guess
[8:42:10 PM] Frank: the second part at least, I mean you have one less thing to worry about
[8:42:37 PM] Frank: anyway
[8:42:48 PM] Frank: I've recieved word from dad
[8:43:08 PM] Frank: the battle still continues
[8:43:21 PM] Brahian: hm
[8:43:52 PM] DarkShadows: is he at least winning?
[8:44:01 PM] Frank: I think he's close
[8:44:28 PM] DarkShadows: at least there's that.
[8:44:45 PM] Frank: FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKPAND aklmsasjajbnsnbsabjbasbabhabab..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
[8:45:23 PM] Brahian: not falling for it, Frank
[8:45:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... Frank so help me
[8:45:55 PM] DarkShadows: he did say "Fuck Panda" though.
[8:45:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Frank?
... How? How do I tell something I made to die when it so wants to live? How do I trust Pandora after what we've been told so far? God damn it, all I want is to help. So why does everything want me to choose destruction over construction?
~ Shadows
[5:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[5:28:08 PM] DarkShadows: I'm scared.
[5:28:13 PM] DarkShadows: I found something.
![]() |
The note I found. ~Shadows |
I waited in the chat for nearly an hour and a half before anyone else entered . ~Shadows
[6:50:16 PM] Wally: Hello everyone
[6:50:43 PM] Doraxie: I'm here o.o
[6:51:55 PM] Salem: Dark?
[6:52:12 PM] Wally: So what's been happening lately
[6:52:15 PM] DarkShadows: hai
[6:52:19 PM] Salem: Dark found something
[6:52:21 PM] Salem: appearantly
[6:52:22 PM] DarkShadows: I'm scared.
[6:52:28 PM] Salem: why D: ?
[6:52:50 PM] DarkShadows: I found a note taped to my computer this morning, when I woke up...
[6:52:54 PM] DarkShadows: the top part of my laptop.
[6:52:57 PM] *** DarkShadows sent note.jpg ***
[6:53:00 PM] DarkShadows: I took a picture.
[6:53:29 PM] DarkShadows: I don't know who left it and it scares me.
[6:53:37 PM] DarkShadows: It was definitely intended for me though...
[6:54:23 PM] Salem: The Forsaken Creator; I can see the giant, my mother, all darkshadows, I wish her dead.
[6:54:26 PM] Salem: hmm
[6:55:03 PM] Salem: what could it mean?
[6:55:06 PM] Salem: wait
[6:55:10 PM] DarkShadows: I don't wanna die
[6:55:13 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[6:55:20 PM] Salem: did it reference ICANSEETHEGIANT?
[6:55:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh ha ha, nice catch. cute.
[6:55:43 PM] DarkShadows: *sarcasm*
[6:56:12 PM] Salem: lol
[6:56:15 PM] Salem: sorry
[6:56:18 PM] Salem: ehm
[6:56:23 PM] Salem: whats this weird symbol?
[6:56:37 PM] DarkShadows: What's with the symbol on it, it reminds me of the Observer symbol kinda and that scares me. ;-;
[6:56:56 PM] DarkShadows: Please tell me the Collective does not actually exist just because the Tall Guy does, and that it's not really out for my skin.
[6:57:00 PM] DarkShadows: Please please please.
[6:57:15 PM] Salem: I doubt it
[6:57:20 PM] Salem: wait
[6:57:24 PM] Salem: this is Lorvi's symbol
[6:57:30 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[6:57:30 PM] Salem: and her hand writing
[6:57:40 PM] Salem: I recognize it now
[6:57:43 PM] Salem: its definatly hers
[6:57:48 PM] DarkShadows: So then what the fuck does she want from me?
[6:58:00 PM] Salem: she called you her mother
[6:58:03 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[6:58:06 PM] Salem: ...
[6:58:10 PM] Salem: this is a longshot
[6:58:12 PM] Salem: but maybe
[6:58:15 PM] Salem: you created Lorvi?
[6:58:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... no way, there's...
[6:58:23 PM] DarkShadows: I just...
[6:58:59 PM] DarkShadows: I-I've never even *been* pregnant...
[6:59:09 PM] DarkShadows: I-I don't think...
[6:59:11 PM] Salem: I meant as in
[6:59:14 PM] Salem: created her
[6:59:15 PM] Salem: with your mind
[6:59:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... You're saying she's a Tulpa.
[6:59:43 PM] Salem: possibly
[6:59:45 PM] Salem: yeah
[7:00:02 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:00:16 PM] DarkShadows: Why the fuck does she want me dead, I don't understand...
[7:00:48 PM] Salem: Good question
[7:00:56 PM] DarkShadows: What did I do?
[7:00:58 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[7:01:04 PM] Salem: Why would a---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7:01:10 PM] DarkShadows: ... Salem?
[7:01:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... hello?
[7:01:26 PM] Salem: Hello
[7:01:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... you alright there?
[7:01:35 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:01:36 PM] DarkShadows: shit
[7:01:41 PM] Loviatar: ----Imfinemother
[7:02:11 PM] Loviatar: ----somother
[7:02:15 PM] Loviatar: ----Ifindyou
[7:02:19 PM] Loviatar: ----finally
[7:02:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... what are you after me for? What did I do?
[7:02:45 PM] Loviatar: ----Iwantyoudead
[7:02:53 PM] Loviatar: ----didntyougetmynote?
[7:03:03 PM] DarkShadows: ... why do you want me dead though?
[7:03:28 PM] Loviatar: ----Ihavemyreasons
[7:03:30 PM] DarkShadows: how the HELL did you figure out where I live
[7:03:41 PM] DarkShadows: why the FUCK is Slenderman so damn important to you
[7:03:48 PM] DarkShadows: if I'm your target?
[7:03:56 PM] Loviatar: ----easymother
[7:04:02 PM] Loviatar: ----relax
[7:04:05 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:09 PM] DarkShadows: back the fuck off
[7:04:13 PM] DarkShadows: and leave me the fuck alone
[7:04:16 PM] DarkShadows: I am not dying yet.
[7:04:16 PM] Loviatar: ----butmother
[7:04:21 PM] DarkShadows: so you can just fuck right off
[7:04:22 PM] Loviatar: ----Ihaveplans
[7:04:23 PM] DarkShadows: and die
[7:04:27 PM] DarkShadows: because I'm not doing this shit
[7:04:28 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:28 PM] DarkShadows: anymore
[7:04:36 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:40 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:42 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:42 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:44 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:45 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:47 PM] Loviatar: -----mother
[7:04:48 PM] DarkShadows: SHUT UP
[7:04:52 PM] Loviatar: -------------------------------------------MOTHER
[7:04:55 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:05:10 PM] Loviatar: ----letmetalkmother
[7:05:16 PM] Loviatar: ----letmeexplain
[7:05:26 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:05:27 PM] Loviatar: ----letme
[7:05:31 PM] Loviatar: ---mother
[7:05:35 PM] DarkShadows: then start talking
[7:05:36 PM] Loviatar: --please
[7:06:04 PM] Loviatar: -----iwantyoudeadbutnotyoumother
[7:06:11 PM] Loviatar: -----Ilikeyou
[7:06:25 PM] DarkShadows: I am not schrodinger's fucking cat. i can't be alive and dead too.
[7:06:52 PM] Loviatar: ----iwanttheforsakencreatordead
[7:06:54 PM] Bunny: What the hell is going on here
[7:06:57 PM] Loviatar: ----notyou
[7:07:00 PM] DarkShadows: Bunny I'm scared
[7:07:03 PM] Loviatar: ----hellobunny
[7:07:12 PM] DarkShadows: there was a note. this creep left it
[7:07:17 PM] DarkShadows: and now she's calling me her mother.
[7:07:18 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[7:07:24 PM] Loviatar: ----youaremymother
[7:07:28 PM] Loviatar: ----youcreatedme
[7:07:41 PM] DarkShadows: I can't fucking do this...
[7:07:49 PM] Bunny: How did she create you...?
[7:08:01 PM] Loviatar: ----idontknow
[7:08:05 PM] Loviatar: ----iwanttofindout
[7:08:22 PM] DarkShadows: Loviatar. I AM THE FORSAKEN CREATOR. You *do* want me dead.
[7:08:37 PM] Loviatar: ---forsakencreatorisnotyou
[7:08:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... then who is it... if I'm not...?
[7:08:49 PM] Loviatar: ---forsakencreatorissomethingyouhave
[7:08:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh
[7:09:02 PM] Loviatar: ----itsinsideyou
[7:09:06 PM] Loviatar: ----apartofyou
[7:09:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... why should I trust you?
[7:09:29 PM] Loviatar: ----youshouldnt
[7:09:50 PM] Loviatar: ----ijustcametowarnyouthatsall
[7:09:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what exactly are you warning me of?
[7:10:04 PM] Loviatar: ----theothers
[7:10:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... which others?
[7:10:16 PM] Loviatar: -----eldritchbeingsdontunderstand
[7:10:23 PM] Loviatar: ----theconceptofsouls
[7:10:29 PM] Loviatar: ----theconceptofsubconcious
[7:10:37 PM] Loviatar: ----theywilltryrippingtheforsakencreator
[7:10:41 PM] Loviatar: ----outofyou
[7:10:46 PM] Loviatar: ----byforce
[7:11:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... are you telling me something's going to try and take my soul?
[7:11:15 PM] Loviatar: ----ifbysoulyoumeanheartandflesh
[7:11:19 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:11:21 PM] Loviatar: ----thenyes
[7:11:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... which being?
[7:11:38 PM] DarkShadows: intends that, that is?
[7:12:09 PM] Loviatar: ----afriend
[7:12:14 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:12:26 PM] DarkShadows: which friend?
[7:12:51 PM] Loviatar: ----aneldritchfriend
[7:12:54 PM] Loviatar: ----moreidontknow
[7:13:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay then what exactly does Slenderman, the Giant, what does he ahve to do with anything on the note?
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: Unless he'd...
[7:13:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay kid that thing's not my firend, and hasn't been, ever, at all.
[7:13:31 PM] DarkShadows: *friend
[7:13:50 PM] Loviatar: ----itsnotthegiant
[7:14:00 PM] Loviatar: ----thegiantisanotherpiece
[7:14:14 PM] Loviatar: ----therubberbandthatholdstheworldafloat
[7:14:27 PM] DarkShadows: alright...
[7:14:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... but someone on our side, who's a potential ally or friend, is going to try and kill me.
[7:14:54 PM] Loviatar: ----correct
[7:14:57 PM] Loviatar: ----thenagain
[7:15:04 PM] Loviatar: ----iconsideryouanally
[7:15:06 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:15:16 PM] Loviatar: ----justsaying
[7:15:23 PM] Loviatar: ---youdbefoolishtotrustme
[7:15:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't trust much of anyone these days and I haven't for 8 years.
[7:16:00 PM] Loviatar: ---right
[7:16:04 PM] Loviatar: ---butwithoutthegiant
[7:16:08 PM] Loviatar: ---iwouldntexist
[7:16:18 PM] DarkShadows: And I'd be in a much fucking better state of mind, now wouldn't I?
[7:16:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... you're a tulpa, correct?
[7:16:33 PM] Loviatar: ---yes
[7:16:39 PM] DarkShadows: Did he do something that made you?
[7:16:53 PM] Loviatar: ---createdbyyourfearsandanxietyforthegiant
[7:16:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... that explains it.
[7:17:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... why would you want to help me if you're my fear?
[7:17:27 PM] Loviatar: ----idontwishtohelpyou
[7:17:34 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishyoudead
[7:17:40 PM] Loviatar: ---ithoughtiwasclear
[7:17:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... You just said you wanted the Forsaken Creator dead.
[7:17:54 PM] DarkShadows: And you just said that wasn't me, but something I had.
[7:18:01 PM] Loviatar: ----yes
[7:18:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... but you still want me dead. I... have no fucking clue what even.
[7:18:21 PM] Loviatar: ----firstobjective
[7:18:27 PM] Loviatar: ----killforsakencreator
[7:18:33 PM] Loviatar: ---secondobjective
[7:18:37 PM] Loviatar: ---havefunwithyou
[7:18:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh. :c
[7:18:44 PM] Wally: D:
[7:18:45 PM] Loviatar: ---*laugh*
[7:19:05 PM] DarkShadows: And you third objective is to try and kill the Giant, isn't it?
[7:19:13 PM] Loviatar: ---no
[7:19:19 PM] DarkShadows: Wally hug me plz. ;-;
[7:19:28 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtospeaktothegiant
[7:19:32 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtohughim
[7:19:37 PM] Wally: Wally hugs Dark tightly
[7:19:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... Like hell I'm letting you near an ally.
[7:19:43 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtobebyhisside
[7:19:56 PM] DarkShadows: He might scare the everloving shit out of me but I'm not letting you near any ally of ours.
[7:19:59 PM] Wally: ...
[7:20:08 PM] Loviatar: ----iwishtobe
[7:20:11 PM] Loviatar: ---withhim
[7:20:16 PM] DarkShadows: And honestly... i'd doubt he'd want you by his side anyway.
[7:20:19 PM] Wally: ...
[7:20:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... hate to break it to ya kiddo but I don't think he's ever going to take you to the prom. Sweetheart.
[7:20:58 PM] Loviatar: ----thatsaddensme
[7:21:09 PM] Loviatar: ----ifihademotions
[7:22:42 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not going to let you near anyone in here even if it means sacrificing myself.
[7:22:45 PM] DarkShadows: Fuck that.
[7:22:51 PM] Wally: I would never go for someone that threatens my friends
[7:23:32 PM] Wally: So the answer is no Loviatar
[7:23:55 PM] Loviatar: ----alright
[7:23:57 PM] Loviatar: ---newplan
[7:24:07 PM] Loviatar: ---illjoinupwithsalemtofindpandora
[7:24:15 PM] Loviatar: ---thatisstepone
[7:24:32 PM] DarkShadows: So you go right the fuck ahead, you torture me, bite off my fingers, destroy my mind, but you are not touching anyone in here. Including Salem.
[7:24:51 PM] Loviatar: ----shewantstofindpandora
[7:24:56 PM] Loviatar: ----iknowwhereheis
[7:25:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... Until we know what the fuck Pandora is doing, you're not getting near our prisoner of war, either.
[7:25:37 PM] Loviatar: ---ohheishererightnow
[7:25:44 PM] Loviatar: ---watchingthisdiscussion
[7:25:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... where.
[7:25:57 PM] Loviatar: ---here
[7:26:06 PM] Wally: ?
[7:26:08 PM] DarkShadows: Give me an answer that makes fucking sense or so help me.
[7:27:17 PM] Loviatar: ---pandora
[7:27:20 PM] Loviatar: ---ishere
[7:27:25 PM] Loviatar: ---aninvisibleuser
[7:27:28 PM] Loviatar: ---inthischat
[7:27:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... tell me what Pandora wants, then.
[7:27:48 PM] Loviatar: ---hislifeback
[7:27:54 PM] DarkShadows: and if he gets it?
[7:28:03 PM] Loviatar: ---ohimnotspoilingthatpart
[7:28:14 PM] Loviatar: ---imgettingpopcorn
[7:28:21 PM] Loviatar: ---enjoyingtheshow
[7:28:34 PM] DarkShadows: Hey if I'm your mother, that means I get to give you a spanking. What the fuck is he doing, Lovi? i won't ask again.
[7:28:50 PM] Loviatar: ---heiswatchingyouall
[7:29:01 PM] DarkShadows: Like I'm *not fucking used to that*
[7:29:05 PM] DarkShadows: I'm losing patience
[7:29:16 PM] Loviatar: ---whatdoyouwanttoknow
[7:29:19 PM] Loviatar: ----bespecific
[7:29:23 PM] Loviatar: ---andillanswer
[7:29:45 PM] DarkShadows: I want to know *exactly* what you think killing me will accomplish, and I want to know WHY you want Salem's help.
[7:30:17 PM] Loviatar: ---tounleashpandora
[7:30:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... which will do what?
[7:31:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... which would do what, Lovi?
[7:31:46 PM] DarkShadows: Destroy reality? Like fuck we're letting that happen.
[7:31:49 PM] Loviatar: ---thinkaboutit
[7:31:52 PM] DarkShadows: No.
[7:32:06 PM] Loviatar: ---aneldritchpersonfullofhateandwantsrevengeforhisfriends
[7:32:13 PM] DarkShadows: If you're my fears then you know damn well what dwelling on them does to me.
[7:32:16 PM] Loviatar: ---powerfulthingtohaveonyourside
[7:32:30 PM] Loviatar: ----idontwantrealitydestroyed
[7:32:30 PM] DarkShadows: or something that you can sway to your side.
[7:32:35 PM] DarkShadows: like fuck you don't.
[7:32:40 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttobe
[7:32:41 PM] DarkShadows: you might as fucking well.
[7:32:47 PM] Loviatar: ---iwantmydream
[7:32:49 PM] Loviatar: ---tobereal
[7:33:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... which is to kill me, which *is not going to happen* because like hell if anyone here will let you touch me.
[7:33:21 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttofeel
[7:33:25 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttobearealgirl
[7:33:47 PM] DarkShadows: yeah well you know what I want? Slenderman and the Willow to *leave me the fuck alone*, and you to *go the fuck away, forever*.
[7:34:00 PM] DarkShadows: But fuck that, we don't always get what we want, do we?
[7:34:05 PM] Loviatar: ---icangrantyourwishifyoudomeafavor
[7:34:17 PM] DarkShadows: No. Like you said... it'd be foolish to trust you.
[7:34:42 PM] DarkShadows: So if I don't get what I want, neither do you.
[7:34:52 PM] Loviatar: ---helpmeatleast
[7:35:08 PM] DarkShadows: why should I?
[7:35:21 PM] DarkShadows: 'cause I'm your mom? Then I fucking disown you.
[7:35:58 PM] Loviatar: ----dark
[7:36:04 PM] Loviatar: ---ibegyou
[7:36:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... give me one good fucking reason why I should help.
[7:36:48 PM] Loviatar: ---iloveyou
[7:36:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:37:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... if you love me... then why is your aim to have fun with, and then kill me?
[7:37:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... that isn't what love it, Lovi.
[7:37:16 PM] DarkShadows: *is
[7:37:17 PM] Loviatar: ---ok
[7:37:23 PM] Loviatar: ---iwasntthinking
[7:37:26 PM] Loviatar: ---newplan
[7:37:31 PM] Loviatar: ---gettingyoutohelpme
[7:37:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... you know you shouldn't call your attacks.
[7:37:45 PM] Loviatar: ----dark
[7:37:54 PM] Loviatar: ---iloveyouwithmyentireheart
[7:37:59 PM] Loviatar: ---letmebemother
[7:38:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... you just said you don't feel.
[7:38:17 PM] Loviatar: ---itrynottoo
[7:38:22 PM] Loviatar: ---feelingshurt
[7:38:25 PM] Loviatar: ---itpainsme
[7:38:31 PM] Loviatar: ---everything
[7:38:37 PM] DarkShadows: ... then you can understand why I'm not going to help you, and why I *don't trust anyone*.
[7:38:39 PM] Loviatar: ---myentireexistanceispain
[7:38:48 PM] Loviatar: ---andiguessonsomeleveliblameyou
[7:38:49 PM] DarkShadows: Good, you deserve it for wanting to kill someone.
[7:38:53 PM] Loviatar: ---whichisntfair
[7:38:57 PM] Loviatar: ---youareagoodperson
[7:39:05 PM] Loviatar: --youarentthereasonformypain
[7:39:11 PM] Loviatar: --ishouldntbeangryatyou
[7:39:33 PM] Loviatar: -ishouldntventmyfrustrations
[7:39:36 PM] Loviatar: -onyou
[7:39:50 PM] DarkShadows: ... tell me exactly what your goal is.
[7:40:14 PM] Loviatar: ---toeitherdie
[7:40:19 PM] Loviatar: ---orbecomereal
[7:40:21 PM] Loviatar: --yourchoice
[7:40:24 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:40:36 PM] Loviatar: -chooseoneortheother
[7:40:36 PM] DarkShadows: and if I choose neither?
[7:40:56 PM] Loviatar: -thenilltakethatasachoicethatineedtodie
[7:41:06 PM] Loviatar: -sincethatwillbetheonlychoicethen
[7:41:29 PM] DarkShadows: and if you die, if one more being of any sort of power dies, reality implodes.
[7:41:42 PM] DarkShadows: So if you want reality to exist, you can't do that either.
[7:41:46 PM] Loviatar: -nodark
[7:41:49 PM] Loviatar: -ifidie
[7:41:53 PM] Loviatar: -nothinghappens
[7:41:57 PM] Loviatar: -idonthavepower
[7:42:01 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:42:06 PM] Loviatar: -imnoteldritch
[7:42:14 PM] Loviatar: -medyingdoeshavenoeffect
[7:42:24 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:42:29 PM] Loviatar: -so
[7:42:32 PM] Loviatar: -choose
[7:42:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm not making a choice until I have all the evidence or enough data to come to a conclusion.
[7:43:02 PM] DarkShadows: But you wouldn't understand logic, would you?
[7:43:05 PM] DarkShadows: You're all emotion.
[7:44:42 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:44:53 PM] Loviatar: -howcaniproof
[7:45:00 PM] Loviatar: -thattulpasarenteldritch
[7:45:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... Nobody else is dying on my watch, Lovi.
[7:45:33 PM] DarkShadows: Nobody, nothing, no more death.
[7:45:51 PM] DarkShadows: I don't care if Pandora actually lives or not, but I'm not seeing anyone else die.
[7:46:02 PM] Loviatar: -choose
[7:46:08 PM] Loviatar: -itsuptoyoudark
[7:46:16 PM] Brahian: Oh snap, bad time for my Internet to come back...
[7:46:24 PM] Loviatar: -hellobrahian
[7:46:39 PM] Brahian: hi Lovi
[7:46:44 PM] DarkShadows: If you want to die... then it has no bearing on me.
[7:47:05 PM] DarkShadows: But I have no idea how.
[7:47:08 PM] Loviatar: -iwouldwanttoliveasahuman
[7:47:10 PM] DarkShadows: and I refuse to kill you.
[7:47:20 PM] Loviatar: -butifyouwantmetodiethenishallperish
[7:47:33 PM] DarkShadows: You want to be human, to do fucking what, Lovi?
[7:47:41 PM] Loviatar: -liveanormallife
[7:47:51 PM] DarkShadows: now why the fuck don't I trust that?
[7:48:31 PM] Loviatar: -iamcapableofkillingmyselfdark
[7:48:41 PM] Loviatar: -soimjustwaitingforyouranswer
[7:48:56 PM] DarkShadows: I CAN'T GIVE YOU ONE!
[7:48:58 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:49:04 PM] DarkShadows: I can't give you one.
[7:49:09 PM] Loviatar: -doyouwantmetodie
[7:49:13 PM] Loviatar: -ordoyouwantmetolive
[7:49:28 PM] Brahian: ... can I say something?
[7:49:51 PM] DarkShadows: Do you fucking understand me, Lovi? I don't want anyoen to die, and I don't care enough about you to want you to live. I can't. Give you. An answer.
[7:50:06 PM] DarkShadows: With any degree of certainty. and that fucking *hurts*, and...
[7:50:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... you're doing this on purpose aren't you?
[7:50:17 PM] DarkShadows: You're *fucking laughing at me*
[7:50:21 PM] DarkShadows: Toying with me
[7:50:23 PM] DarkShadows: I'm done.
[7:50:25 PM] DarkShadows: I. am done.
[7:50:35 PM] Brahian: [7:49 PM] Brahian:
<<< ... can I say something?
[7:50:37 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[7:50:47 PM] DarkShadows: brah, say soemthing before I go cry myself to fucking sleep.
[7:51:20 PM] Brahian: I sort of skimmed through the previous messages, so... how exactly do you plan on becoming "real", Lovi?
[7:51:31 PM] Loviatar: -idonthaveplan
[7:51:35 PM] Loviatar: -dark
[7:51:48 PM] Loviatar: -whywouldyouafterivebeennothingbutabothertoyou
[7:51:52 PM] Loviatar: -wantmetolive?
[7:52:24 PM] DarkShadows: answer brah's question first, how exactly do you want to be real?
[7:52:49 PM] DarkShadows: how do you intend to become real?
[7:52:55 PM] Loviatar: [7:51 PM] Loviatar:
<<< -idonthaveplan
[7:53:00 PM] Loviatar: -alreadyanswered
[7:53:10 PM] Brahian: Then how do you even know it can happen?
[7:53:14 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[7:53:31 PM] Loviatar: -idontknow
[7:53:43 PM] Brahian: ...
[7:53:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... how do I know you'll really leave me alone if I tell you to go live?
[7:54:12 PM] DarkShadows: How do I know it won't mess things up?
[7:54:14 PM] Loviatar: -seethisisthething
[7:54:22 PM] Loviatar: --itwouldbeeasierforyou
[7:54:26 PM] Loviatar: -totellmetodie
[7:54:43 PM] Brahian: Do you want to die, Lovi?
[7:54:50 PM] Brahian: If you do, nobody's stopping you :I
[7:54:56 PM] Loviatar: -sheis
[7:55:05 PM] DarkShadows: Why would you need my permission?
[7:55:08 PM] Loviatar: -icanonlydiewithherconcent
[7:55:11 PM] Loviatar: -imapartofyou
[7:55:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... How the fuck do I kill fear, and how do i know you won't come back?
[7:55:42 PM] Loviatar: -1.bytellingmetodie
[7:55:51 PM] Loviatar: -2.fearmightcomeback
[7:55:56 PM] Loviatar: -butitwontbeme
[7:56:04 PM] Loviatar: -iwillneverexistagain
[7:56:08 PM] DarkShadows: yeah and then it will be something ten fucking times worse.
[7:56:25 PM] Loviatar: -no
[7:56:29 PM] Loviatar: -itwillbethesame
[7:56:36 PM] Loviatar: -andmightnotevenbeintulpaform
[7:56:55 PM] DarkShadows: *frustrated laugh* Yeah the same damn shit over and over again, for my entire fucking life, *all because I ran into Slenderman in the woods once*.
[7:57:11 PM] Loviatar: [7:56 PM] Loviatar:
<<< -andmightnotevenbeintulpaform
[7:57:12 PM] DarkShadows: Did it ever occur to you, Lovi, that maye *I* wanna die?
[7:57:30 PM] DarkShadows: Maybe *I'm* fucking sick of all this bullshit?
[7:57:32 PM] Loviatar: -youshouldnt
[7:57:41 PM] Loviatar: -youareawonderfulhumanbeing
[7:57:42 PM] DarkShadows: But you know why I'm not dead yet, 'cause people actually need me.
[7:57:58 PM] DarkShadows: If i'm so wonderful, why do you want me to die?
[7:58:05 PM] Loviatar: -idont
[7:58:06 PM] DarkShadows: yes, I'm *still* hung up on that.
[7:58:07 PM] Loviatar: -ichangedmymind
[7:58:20 PM] DarkShadows: Give me one reason to believe that.
[7:58:31 PM] Loviatar: -becauseicouldvekilledyoualready
[7:58:34 PM] Loviatar: -ifiwantedto
[7:58:37 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:04:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... Get out of here. go live.
[8:04:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't care what happens anymore.
[8:05:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... I just want this shit to end.
[8:05:22 PM] Loviatar: -icantdoanything
[8:05:29 PM] Loviatar: -imatulpa
[8:05:42 PM] Loviatar: -ihavenoideahowtoturnintoarealbeing
[8:05:55 PM] DarkShadows: I just made my decision. Go live! Go be human or whatever. Because I'm sick of watching people die.
[8:06:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... you think I know how to make you exist?
[8:06:18 PM] Loviatar: -imnotpeople
[8:06:34 PM] Loviatar: -whetheriexistornot
[8:06:37 PM] Loviatar: -itdoesntmatter
[8:06:51 PM] Loviatar: -ifistoppedexistingnothingwouldchange
[8:06:54 PM] Loviatar: -nothing
[8:06:58 PM] Loviatar: -ihavenopoint
[8:07:15 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:07:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... do you want to die, Lovi?
[8:07:36 PM] Loviatar: -no
[8:07:48 PM] Loviatar: -mydreamistobereal
[8:07:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't know how to make you real.
[8:08:21 PM] Loviatar: -goodbye
[8:08:28 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:08:39 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:08:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... I can't fucking take much mroe of this shit, brah
[8:09:11 PM] Brahian: I... don't know what to say.
[8:09:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... number number number number number number... that's too many octothorpes.
[8:10:01 PM] DarkShadows: XD
[8:10:09 PM] Brahian: :)
[8:10:43 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:10:51 PM] ####################: XD
[8:10:57 PM] DarkShadows: who are you now?
[8:11:01 PM | Edited 8:11:10 PM] Brahian: o_O
[8:11:20 PM] ####################: Oh shit
[8:11:31 PM] ####################: you can see me posting
[8:11:38 PM] ####################: I thought I was invisible
[8:11:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora...?
[8:11:51 PM | Edited 8:11:55 PM] ####################: the very same
[8:11:57 PM] Brahian: O___________O
[8:12:02 PM] Brahian: Panda?
[8:12:08 PM] Brahian: Are you really alive?
[8:12:15 PM] Wally: Panda!
[8:12:22 PM] ####################: Hello
[8:12:29 PM] Brahian: Panda, tell us
[8:12:35 PM | Edited 8:13:19 PM] DarkShadows: ... how the hell are you alive, 1. 2, why's the prophecy calling you a betrayer
[8:12:55 PM] ####################: ah nothing like the loving support of your friends
[8:13:04 PM] DarkShadows: 3. Did you really leave Salem for Slenderchow? because that's so fucking terrible dude, why?
[8:13:25 PM] ####################: slenderchow
[8:13:27 PM] ####################: thats funny
[8:13:36 PM] DarkShadows: no, no it's kind of actually not.
[8:13:39 PM] Brahian: ^
[8:13:45 PM] DarkShadows: please Pandora, answer the questions.
[8:13:57 PM] ####################: ok, I'm alive because I am and I have no idea about the prophecy
[8:14:08 PM] DarkShadows: Do you have any fucking clue how many tenterhooks I've been on for the past week
[8:14:31 PM] ####################: on the blog it says I was eaten
[8:14:32 PM] ####################: by the handed one
[8:14:42 PM] ####################: thats a load of bollogne
[8:14:58 PM] Brahian: Then what really happened?
[8:15:05 PM] ####################: he came here
[8:15:08 PM] ####################: took my computer
[8:15:13 PM] ####################: talked to you guys
[8:15:14 PM] ####################: and left
[8:15:29 PM] Brahian: ... why have you been hiding from us, then?
[8:15:43 PM] ####################: because of the prophecy
[8:15:51 PM] ####################: didnt want you guys to hate me
[8:16:01 PM] Brahian: We don't hate you, Panda
[8:16:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... why didn't you bring it up before we found out about that then?
[8:16:21 PM | Edited 8:16:31 PM] Brahian: But... I'm afraid I can't bring myself to trust you anymore...
[8:16:21 PM] DarkShadows: why didn't you say something?
[8:16:52 PM] DarkShadows: We don't hate you, and neither do I. But now I'll definitely be keeping closer watch on you.
[8:16:58 PM] ####################: see
[8:17:00 PM] ####################: this is why
[8:17:43 PM] Brahian: This has nothing to do with the prophecy, Panda. This is about why you left. Why you hid from us.
[8:17:46 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:17:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... just tell us the truth.
[8:17:57 PM] Brahian: Please.
[8:18:01 PM] DarkShadows: what's been going on that you've been hiding>
[8:18:03 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[8:18:08 PM] ####################: oh the truth of multiple entities hacking my account?
[8:18:24 PM] ####################: I havent been able to get on
[8:18:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... if there's something else you know, tell me.
[8:18:43 PM] ####################: I know as much as you guys
[8:18:48 PM] ####################: honest
[8:18:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... alright.
[8:18:57 PM | Edited 8:19:12 PM] Brahian: What about Salem? Did you really know her?
[8:18:59 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:19:33 PM] ####################: I knew Salem
[8:19:36 PM] ####################: as a human
[8:19:43 PM] ####################: I believe we dated
[8:19:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... you realize Salem wants to kill you.
[8:19:57 PM] Brahian: skip to the part
[8:20:01 PM | Edited 8:20:16 PM] Brahian: where you fed her
[8:20:04 PM] Brahian: to the Slenderman
[8:20:07 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:20:19 PM] ####################: I dont remember having done that o.o
[8:20:27 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:20:31 PM] ####################: I remember going camping
[8:20:38 PM] ####################: and then she dissappeared
[8:20:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... maybe Slendy blanked Pandora's memory?
[8:20:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... brb
[8:20:54 PM] Brahian: ... I can't help but feel...
[8:21:01 PM] Brahian: There's something missing here...
[8:23:08 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:23:09 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:25:42 PM] ####################: yay
[8:25:45 PM] ####################: anyway
[8:25:53 PM] ####################: do you got more questions or ?
[8:26:07 PM] Brahian: I'm sorta writing the recap
[8:26:09 PM] DarkShadows: you sure that's all the details?
[8:26:14 PM] Brahian: because I remembered we needed one
[8:26:35 PM] ####################: thats all I remember
[8:26:43 PM] ####################: and I'm probably not gonna be around longer than this
[8:26:53 PM] Brahian: Ynot?
[8:26:57 PM] Brahian: Tony backwards?
[8:27:07 PM] ####################: I dont want you to not trust me
[8:27:18 PM] ####################: I dont want to be the one blamed for everything
[8:27:30 PM] ####################: I dont want you to think that I would ever stab you guys in the back
[8:28:00 PM] ####################: so if feel like I have to leave, forever until this whole thing is sorted out
[8:28:45 PM] ####################: so yeah
[8:28:47 PM] ####################: goodbye
[8:28:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... goodbye
[8:29:06 PM] Brahian: WAIT PANDA DON'T GO
[8:29:08 PM] Brahian: D:
[8:29:10 PM] ####################: what?
[8:29:14 PM] ####################: why?
[8:29:19 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora...
[8:29:20 PM] Brahian: because
[8:29:23 PM] Brahian: We need you
[8:29:33 PM] Brahian: We love you, Panda :c
[8:29:36 PM] DarkShadows: you have something extremely powerful in you, that other beings want to awaken.
[8:29:41 PM] Brahian: But not as much as Wally...
[8:29:44 PM] DarkShadows: if you leave, they could use it to destroy everything.
[8:29:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... we need you here.
[8:29:51 PM] ####################: I doubt it
[8:29:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... you never know
[8:30:03 PM] ####################: then fine
[8:30:06 PM] ####################: I'll just die
[8:30:09 PM] DarkShadows: Please Panda, just trust me NO
[8:30:12 PM] ####################: im sick of this shit
[8:30:12 PM] Brahian: NO.
[8:30:14 PM] Brahian: NO.
[8:30:14 PM] DarkShadows: NO DO NOT DO THAT
[8:30:17 PM] Brahian: PANDA.
[8:30:19 PM] Brahian: STOP.
[8:30:20 PM] ####################: why not?
[8:30:21 PM] Brahian: RIGHT.
[8:30:22 PM] Brahian: NOW.
[8:30:25 PM] DarkShadows: If you do that then reality collapses, Pandora, you're Eldritch.
[8:30:39 PM] ####################: no
[8:30:47 PM] ####################: Exa let me go
[8:30:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... you've got something else in you, some power...
[8:30:53 PM] Brahian: Exa...
[8:30:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... Exa
[8:30:56 PM | Edited 8:31:06 PM] Brahian: ...let you go?
[8:31:00 PM] ####################: yes
[8:31:07 PM] DarkShadows: huh
[8:31:14 PM] Brahian: What happened with the slime, Panda?
[8:31:20 PM] ####################: I ate it o.o
[8:31:21 PM] Brahian: What are its effects on people?
[8:31:25 PM] ####################: dunno
[8:31:39 PM] Brahian: hmmmm.....
[8:32:44 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora. I am not letting anyone else die.
[8:32:48 PM] DarkShadows: on my watch
[8:32:49 PM] DarkShadows: ever
[8:32:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora?
[8:33:04 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: ################################################
[8:33:06 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:33:08 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:33:30 PM] Brahian: hello?
[8:33:35 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora?
[8:33:40 PM] Brahian: anyone home?
[8:34:02 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: ##############################################
[8:34:05 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:34:38 PM] Brahian: oh dear.
[8:34:40 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:35:18 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: seriously guys XD twice for the same prank. You are too easy
[8:35:31 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: I mean XD
[8:35:33 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:35:34 PM] Brahian: -______________________________-
[8:35:37 PM] DarkShadows: JAZZ
[8:35:41 PM] DarkShadows: YOU FUCKING
[8:35:42 PM] Frank: *laughs*
[8:35:42 PM] DarkShadows: FUCK
[8:35:49 PM] Frank: god that was a good one
[8:36:02 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:05 PM] Brahian: -________________________________________________________________-
[8:36:18 PM] Frank: sorry
[8:36:22 PM] DarkShadows: Jazz I swear to god.
[8:36:23 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:34 PM] Frank: fine, I wont do the MNEWBORN.exe thing again
[8:36:38 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:48 PM] Frank: anyway whats up?
[8:36:52 PM] Frank: did I miss anything?
[8:36:55 PM] Brahian: your mom. :I
[8:37:07 PM] DarkShadows: brb
[8:40:34 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:40:56 PM] DarkShadows: You missed Loviatar telling me she wanted me to die, then telling eveyrone *she* wantred to die.
[8:41:50 PM] Frank: fun
[8:41:52 PM] Frank: I guess
[8:42:10 PM] Frank: the second part at least, I mean you have one less thing to worry about
[8:42:37 PM] Frank: anyway
[8:42:48 PM] Frank: I've recieved word from dad
[8:43:08 PM] Frank: the battle still continues
[8:43:21 PM] Brahian: hm
[8:43:52 PM] DarkShadows: is he at least winning?
[8:44:01 PM] Frank: I think he's close
[8:44:28 PM] DarkShadows: at least there's that.
[8:44:45 PM] Frank: FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKPAND aklmsasjajbnsnbsabjbasbabhabab..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
[8:45:23 PM] Brahian: not falling for it, Frank
[8:45:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... Frank so help me
[8:45:55 PM] DarkShadows: he did say "Fuck Panda" though.
[8:45:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Frank?
... How? How do I tell something I made to die when it so wants to live? How do I trust Pandora after what we've been told so far? God damn it, all I want is to help. So why does everything want me to choose destruction over construction?
~ Shadows
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