[5:27:56 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[5:28:08 PM] DarkShadows: I'm scared.
[5:28:13 PM] DarkShadows: I found something.
![]() |
The note I found. ~Shadows |
I waited in the chat for nearly an hour and a half before anyone else entered . ~Shadows
[6:50:16 PM] Wally: Hello everyone
[6:50:43 PM] Doraxie: I'm here o.o
[6:51:55 PM] Salem: Dark?
[6:52:12 PM] Wally: So what's been happening lately
[6:52:15 PM] DarkShadows: hai
[6:52:19 PM] Salem: Dark found something
[6:52:21 PM] Salem: appearantly
[6:52:22 PM] DarkShadows: I'm scared.
[6:52:28 PM] Salem: why D: ?
[6:52:50 PM] DarkShadows: I found a note taped to my computer this morning, when I woke up...
[6:52:54 PM] DarkShadows: the top part of my laptop.
[6:52:57 PM] *** DarkShadows sent note.jpg ***
[6:53:00 PM] DarkShadows: I took a picture.
[6:53:29 PM] DarkShadows: I don't know who left it and it scares me.
[6:53:37 PM] DarkShadows: It was definitely intended for me though...
[6:54:23 PM] Salem: The Forsaken Creator; I can see the giant, my mother, all darkshadows, I wish her dead.
[6:54:26 PM] Salem: hmm
[6:55:03 PM] Salem: what could it mean?
[6:55:06 PM] Salem: wait
[6:55:10 PM] DarkShadows: I don't wanna die
[6:55:13 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[6:55:20 PM] Salem: did it reference ICANSEETHEGIANT?
[6:55:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh ha ha, nice catch. cute.
[6:55:43 PM] DarkShadows: *sarcasm*
[6:56:12 PM] Salem: lol
[6:56:15 PM] Salem: sorry
[6:56:18 PM] Salem: ehm
[6:56:23 PM] Salem: whats this weird symbol?
[6:56:37 PM] DarkShadows: What's with the symbol on it, it reminds me of the Observer symbol kinda and that scares me. ;-;
[6:56:56 PM] DarkShadows: Please tell me the Collective does not actually exist just because the Tall Guy does, and that it's not really out for my skin.
[6:57:00 PM] DarkShadows: Please please please.
[6:57:15 PM] Salem: I doubt it
[6:57:20 PM] Salem: wait
[6:57:24 PM] Salem: this is Lorvi's symbol
[6:57:30 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[6:57:30 PM] Salem: and her hand writing
[6:57:40 PM] Salem: I recognize it now
[6:57:43 PM] Salem: its definatly hers
[6:57:48 PM] DarkShadows: So then what the fuck does she want from me?
[6:58:00 PM] Salem: she called you her mother
[6:58:03 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[6:58:06 PM] Salem: ...
[6:58:10 PM] Salem: this is a longshot
[6:58:12 PM] Salem: but maybe
[6:58:15 PM] Salem: you created Lorvi?
[6:58:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... no way, there's...
[6:58:23 PM] DarkShadows: I just...
[6:58:59 PM] DarkShadows: I-I've never even *been* pregnant...
[6:59:09 PM] DarkShadows: I-I don't think...
[6:59:11 PM] Salem: I meant as in
[6:59:14 PM] Salem: created her
[6:59:15 PM] Salem: with your mind
[6:59:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... You're saying she's a Tulpa.
[6:59:43 PM] Salem: possibly
[6:59:45 PM] Salem: yeah
[7:00:02 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:00:16 PM] DarkShadows: Why the fuck does she want me dead, I don't understand...
[7:00:48 PM] Salem: Good question
[7:00:56 PM] DarkShadows: What did I do?
[7:00:58 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[7:01:04 PM] Salem: Why would a---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7:01:10 PM] DarkShadows: ... Salem?
[7:01:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... hello?
[7:01:26 PM] Salem: Hello
[7:01:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... you alright there?
[7:01:35 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:01:36 PM] DarkShadows: shit
[7:01:41 PM] Loviatar: ----Imfinemother
[7:02:11 PM] Loviatar: ----somother
[7:02:15 PM] Loviatar: ----Ifindyou
[7:02:19 PM] Loviatar: ----finally
[7:02:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... what are you after me for? What did I do?
[7:02:45 PM] Loviatar: ----Iwantyoudead
[7:02:53 PM] Loviatar: ----didntyougetmynote?
[7:03:03 PM] DarkShadows: ... why do you want me dead though?
[7:03:28 PM] Loviatar: ----Ihavemyreasons
[7:03:30 PM] DarkShadows: how the HELL did you figure out where I live
[7:03:41 PM] DarkShadows: why the FUCK is Slenderman so damn important to you
[7:03:48 PM] DarkShadows: if I'm your target?
[7:03:56 PM] Loviatar: ----easymother
[7:04:02 PM] Loviatar: ----relax
[7:04:05 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:09 PM] DarkShadows: back the fuck off
[7:04:13 PM] DarkShadows: and leave me the fuck alone
[7:04:16 PM] DarkShadows: I am not dying yet.
[7:04:16 PM] Loviatar: ----butmother
[7:04:21 PM] DarkShadows: so you can just fuck right off
[7:04:22 PM] Loviatar: ----Ihaveplans
[7:04:23 PM] DarkShadows: and die
[7:04:27 PM] DarkShadows: because I'm not doing this shit
[7:04:28 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:28 PM] DarkShadows: anymore
[7:04:36 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:40 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:42 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:42 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:44 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:04:45 PM] Loviatar: ----mother
[7:04:47 PM] Loviatar: -----mother
[7:04:48 PM] DarkShadows: SHUT UP
[7:04:52 PM] Loviatar: -------------------------------------------MOTHER
[7:04:55 PM] DarkShadows: NO
[7:05:10 PM] Loviatar: ----letmetalkmother
[7:05:16 PM] Loviatar: ----letmeexplain
[7:05:26 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:05:27 PM] Loviatar: ----letme
[7:05:31 PM] Loviatar: ---mother
[7:05:35 PM] DarkShadows: then start talking
[7:05:36 PM] Loviatar: --please
[7:06:04 PM] Loviatar: -----iwantyoudeadbutnotyoumother
[7:06:11 PM] Loviatar: -----Ilikeyou
[7:06:25 PM] DarkShadows: I am not schrodinger's fucking cat. i can't be alive and dead too.
[7:06:52 PM] Loviatar: ----iwanttheforsakencreatordead
[7:06:54 PM] Bunny: What the hell is going on here
[7:06:57 PM] Loviatar: ----notyou
[7:07:00 PM] DarkShadows: Bunny I'm scared
[7:07:03 PM] Loviatar: ----hellobunny
[7:07:12 PM] DarkShadows: there was a note. this creep left it
[7:07:17 PM] DarkShadows: and now she's calling me her mother.
[7:07:18 PM] DarkShadows: ;-;
[7:07:24 PM] Loviatar: ----youaremymother
[7:07:28 PM] Loviatar: ----youcreatedme
[7:07:41 PM] DarkShadows: I can't fucking do this...
[7:07:49 PM] Bunny: How did she create you...?
[7:08:01 PM] Loviatar: ----idontknow
[7:08:05 PM] Loviatar: ----iwanttofindout
[7:08:22 PM] DarkShadows: Loviatar. I AM THE FORSAKEN CREATOR. You *do* want me dead.
[7:08:37 PM] Loviatar: ---forsakencreatorisnotyou
[7:08:45 PM] DarkShadows: ... then who is it... if I'm not...?
[7:08:49 PM] Loviatar: ---forsakencreatorissomethingyouhave
[7:08:53 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh
[7:09:02 PM] Loviatar: ----itsinsideyou
[7:09:06 PM] Loviatar: ----apartofyou
[7:09:21 PM] DarkShadows: ... why should I trust you?
[7:09:29 PM] Loviatar: ----youshouldnt
[7:09:50 PM] Loviatar: ----ijustcametowarnyouthatsall
[7:09:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what exactly are you warning me of?
[7:10:04 PM] Loviatar: ----theothers
[7:10:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... which others?
[7:10:16 PM] Loviatar: -----eldritchbeingsdontunderstand
[7:10:23 PM] Loviatar: ----theconceptofsouls
[7:10:29 PM] Loviatar: ----theconceptofsubconcious
[7:10:37 PM] Loviatar: ----theywilltryrippingtheforsakencreator
[7:10:41 PM] Loviatar: ----outofyou
[7:10:46 PM] Loviatar: ----byforce
[7:11:01 PM] DarkShadows: ... are you telling me something's going to try and take my soul?
[7:11:15 PM] Loviatar: ----ifbysoulyoumeanheartandflesh
[7:11:19 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:11:21 PM] Loviatar: ----thenyes
[7:11:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... which being?
[7:11:38 PM] DarkShadows: intends that, that is?
[7:12:09 PM] Loviatar: ----afriend
[7:12:14 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:12:26 PM] DarkShadows: which friend?
[7:12:51 PM] Loviatar: ----aneldritchfriend
[7:12:54 PM] Loviatar: ----moreidontknow
[7:13:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay then what exactly does Slenderman, the Giant, what does he ahve to do with anything on the note?
[7:13:15 PM] DarkShadows: Unless he'd...
[7:13:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... okay kid that thing's not my firend, and hasn't been, ever, at all.
[7:13:31 PM] DarkShadows: *friend
[7:13:50 PM] Loviatar: ----itsnotthegiant
[7:14:00 PM] Loviatar: ----thegiantisanotherpiece
[7:14:14 PM] Loviatar: ----therubberbandthatholdstheworldafloat
[7:14:27 PM] DarkShadows: alright...
[7:14:44 PM] DarkShadows: ... but someone on our side, who's a potential ally or friend, is going to try and kill me.
[7:14:54 PM] Loviatar: ----correct
[7:14:57 PM] Loviatar: ----thenagain
[7:15:04 PM] Loviatar: ----iconsideryouanally
[7:15:06 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:15:16 PM] Loviatar: ----justsaying
[7:15:23 PM] Loviatar: ---youdbefoolishtotrustme
[7:15:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't trust much of anyone these days and I haven't for 8 years.
[7:16:00 PM] Loviatar: ---right
[7:16:04 PM] Loviatar: ---butwithoutthegiant
[7:16:08 PM] Loviatar: ---iwouldntexist
[7:16:18 PM] DarkShadows: And I'd be in a much fucking better state of mind, now wouldn't I?
[7:16:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... you're a tulpa, correct?
[7:16:33 PM] Loviatar: ---yes
[7:16:39 PM] DarkShadows: Did he do something that made you?
[7:16:53 PM] Loviatar: ---createdbyyourfearsandanxietyforthegiant
[7:16:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... that explains it.
[7:17:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... why would you want to help me if you're my fear?
[7:17:27 PM] Loviatar: ----idontwishtohelpyou
[7:17:34 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishyoudead
[7:17:40 PM] Loviatar: ---ithoughtiwasclear
[7:17:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... You just said you wanted the Forsaken Creator dead.
[7:17:54 PM] DarkShadows: And you just said that wasn't me, but something I had.
[7:18:01 PM] Loviatar: ----yes
[7:18:14 PM] DarkShadows: ... but you still want me dead. I... have no fucking clue what even.
[7:18:21 PM] Loviatar: ----firstobjective
[7:18:27 PM] Loviatar: ----killforsakencreator
[7:18:33 PM] Loviatar: ---secondobjective
[7:18:37 PM] Loviatar: ---havefunwithyou
[7:18:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... oh. :c
[7:18:44 PM] Wally: D:
[7:18:45 PM] Loviatar: ---*laugh*
[7:19:05 PM] DarkShadows: And you third objective is to try and kill the Giant, isn't it?
[7:19:13 PM] Loviatar: ---no
[7:19:19 PM] DarkShadows: Wally hug me plz. ;-;
[7:19:28 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtospeaktothegiant
[7:19:32 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtohughim
[7:19:37 PM] Wally: Wally hugs Dark tightly
[7:19:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... Like hell I'm letting you near an ally.
[7:19:43 PM] Loviatar: ---iwishtobebyhisside
[7:19:56 PM] DarkShadows: He might scare the everloving shit out of me but I'm not letting you near any ally of ours.
[7:19:59 PM] Wally: ...
[7:20:08 PM] Loviatar: ----iwishtobe
[7:20:11 PM] Loviatar: ---withhim
[7:20:16 PM] DarkShadows: And honestly... i'd doubt he'd want you by his side anyway.
[7:20:19 PM] Wally: ...
[7:20:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... hate to break it to ya kiddo but I don't think he's ever going to take you to the prom. Sweetheart.
[7:20:58 PM] Loviatar: ----thatsaddensme
[7:21:09 PM] Loviatar: ----ifihademotions
[7:22:42 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not going to let you near anyone in here even if it means sacrificing myself.
[7:22:45 PM] DarkShadows: Fuck that.
[7:22:51 PM] Wally: I would never go for someone that threatens my friends
[7:23:32 PM] Wally: So the answer is no Loviatar
[7:23:55 PM] Loviatar: ----alright
[7:23:57 PM] Loviatar: ---newplan
[7:24:07 PM] Loviatar: ---illjoinupwithsalemtofindpandora
[7:24:15 PM] Loviatar: ---thatisstepone
[7:24:32 PM] DarkShadows: So you go right the fuck ahead, you torture me, bite off my fingers, destroy my mind, but you are not touching anyone in here. Including Salem.
[7:24:51 PM] Loviatar: ----shewantstofindpandora
[7:24:56 PM] Loviatar: ----iknowwhereheis
[7:25:23 PM] DarkShadows: ... Until we know what the fuck Pandora is doing, you're not getting near our prisoner of war, either.
[7:25:37 PM] Loviatar: ---ohheishererightnow
[7:25:44 PM] Loviatar: ---watchingthisdiscussion
[7:25:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... where.
[7:25:57 PM] Loviatar: ---here
[7:26:06 PM] Wally: ?
[7:26:08 PM] DarkShadows: Give me an answer that makes fucking sense or so help me.
[7:27:17 PM] Loviatar: ---pandora
[7:27:20 PM] Loviatar: ---ishere
[7:27:25 PM] Loviatar: ---aninvisibleuser
[7:27:28 PM] Loviatar: ---inthischat
[7:27:38 PM] DarkShadows: ... tell me what Pandora wants, then.
[7:27:48 PM] Loviatar: ---hislifeback
[7:27:54 PM] DarkShadows: and if he gets it?
[7:28:03 PM] Loviatar: ---ohimnotspoilingthatpart
[7:28:14 PM] Loviatar: ---imgettingpopcorn
[7:28:21 PM] Loviatar: ---enjoyingtheshow
[7:28:34 PM] DarkShadows: Hey if I'm your mother, that means I get to give you a spanking. What the fuck is he doing, Lovi? i won't ask again.
[7:28:50 PM] Loviatar: ---heiswatchingyouall
[7:29:01 PM] DarkShadows: Like I'm *not fucking used to that*
[7:29:05 PM] DarkShadows: I'm losing patience
[7:29:16 PM] Loviatar: ---whatdoyouwanttoknow
[7:29:19 PM] Loviatar: ----bespecific
[7:29:23 PM] Loviatar: ---andillanswer
[7:29:45 PM] DarkShadows: I want to know *exactly* what you think killing me will accomplish, and I want to know WHY you want Salem's help.
[7:30:17 PM] Loviatar: ---tounleashpandora
[7:30:30 PM] DarkShadows: ... which will do what?
[7:31:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... which would do what, Lovi?
[7:31:46 PM] DarkShadows: Destroy reality? Like fuck we're letting that happen.
[7:31:49 PM] Loviatar: ---thinkaboutit
[7:31:52 PM] DarkShadows: No.
[7:32:06 PM] Loviatar: ---aneldritchpersonfullofhateandwantsrevengeforhisfriends
[7:32:13 PM] DarkShadows: If you're my fears then you know damn well what dwelling on them does to me.
[7:32:16 PM] Loviatar: ---powerfulthingtohaveonyourside
[7:32:30 PM] Loviatar: ----idontwantrealitydestroyed
[7:32:30 PM] DarkShadows: or something that you can sway to your side.
[7:32:35 PM] DarkShadows: like fuck you don't.
[7:32:40 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttobe
[7:32:41 PM] DarkShadows: you might as fucking well.
[7:32:47 PM] Loviatar: ---iwantmydream
[7:32:49 PM] Loviatar: ---tobereal
[7:33:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... which is to kill me, which *is not going to happen* because like hell if anyone here will let you touch me.
[7:33:21 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttofeel
[7:33:25 PM] Loviatar: ---iwanttobearealgirl
[7:33:47 PM] DarkShadows: yeah well you know what I want? Slenderman and the Willow to *leave me the fuck alone*, and you to *go the fuck away, forever*.
[7:34:00 PM] DarkShadows: But fuck that, we don't always get what we want, do we?
[7:34:05 PM] Loviatar: ---icangrantyourwishifyoudomeafavor
[7:34:17 PM] DarkShadows: No. Like you said... it'd be foolish to trust you.
[7:34:42 PM] DarkShadows: So if I don't get what I want, neither do you.
[7:34:52 PM] Loviatar: ---helpmeatleast
[7:35:08 PM] DarkShadows: why should I?
[7:35:21 PM] DarkShadows: 'cause I'm your mom? Then I fucking disown you.
[7:35:58 PM] Loviatar: ----dark
[7:36:04 PM] Loviatar: ---ibegyou
[7:36:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... give me one good fucking reason why I should help.
[7:36:48 PM] Loviatar: ---iloveyou
[7:36:53 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:37:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... if you love me... then why is your aim to have fun with, and then kill me?
[7:37:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... that isn't what love it, Lovi.
[7:37:16 PM] DarkShadows: *is
[7:37:17 PM] Loviatar: ---ok
[7:37:23 PM] Loviatar: ---iwasntthinking
[7:37:26 PM] Loviatar: ---newplan
[7:37:31 PM] Loviatar: ---gettingyoutohelpme
[7:37:34 PM] DarkShadows: ... you know you shouldn't call your attacks.
[7:37:45 PM] Loviatar: ----dark
[7:37:54 PM] Loviatar: ---iloveyouwithmyentireheart
[7:37:59 PM] Loviatar: ---letmebemother
[7:38:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... you just said you don't feel.
[7:38:17 PM] Loviatar: ---itrynottoo
[7:38:22 PM] Loviatar: ---feelingshurt
[7:38:25 PM] Loviatar: ---itpainsme
[7:38:31 PM] Loviatar: ---everything
[7:38:37 PM] DarkShadows: ... then you can understand why I'm not going to help you, and why I *don't trust anyone*.
[7:38:39 PM] Loviatar: ---myentireexistanceispain
[7:38:48 PM] Loviatar: ---andiguessonsomeleveliblameyou
[7:38:49 PM] DarkShadows: Good, you deserve it for wanting to kill someone.
[7:38:53 PM] Loviatar: ---whichisntfair
[7:38:57 PM] Loviatar: ---youareagoodperson
[7:39:05 PM] Loviatar: --youarentthereasonformypain
[7:39:11 PM] Loviatar: --ishouldntbeangryatyou
[7:39:33 PM] Loviatar: -ishouldntventmyfrustrations
[7:39:36 PM] Loviatar: -onyou
[7:39:50 PM] DarkShadows: ... tell me exactly what your goal is.
[7:40:14 PM] Loviatar: ---toeitherdie
[7:40:19 PM] Loviatar: ---orbecomereal
[7:40:21 PM] Loviatar: --yourchoice
[7:40:24 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:40:36 PM] Loviatar: -chooseoneortheother
[7:40:36 PM] DarkShadows: and if I choose neither?
[7:40:56 PM] Loviatar: -thenilltakethatasachoicethatineedtodie
[7:41:06 PM] Loviatar: -sincethatwillbetheonlychoicethen
[7:41:29 PM] DarkShadows: and if you die, if one more being of any sort of power dies, reality implodes.
[7:41:42 PM] DarkShadows: So if you want reality to exist, you can't do that either.
[7:41:46 PM] Loviatar: -nodark
[7:41:49 PM] Loviatar: -ifidie
[7:41:53 PM] Loviatar: -nothinghappens
[7:41:57 PM] Loviatar: -idonthavepower
[7:42:01 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:42:06 PM] Loviatar: -imnoteldritch
[7:42:14 PM] Loviatar: -medyingdoeshavenoeffect
[7:42:24 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:42:29 PM] Loviatar: -so
[7:42:32 PM] Loviatar: -choose
[7:42:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... I'm not making a choice until I have all the evidence or enough data to come to a conclusion.
[7:43:02 PM] DarkShadows: But you wouldn't understand logic, would you?
[7:43:05 PM] DarkShadows: You're all emotion.
[7:44:42 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:44:53 PM] Loviatar: -howcaniproof
[7:45:00 PM] Loviatar: -thattulpasarenteldritch
[7:45:26 PM] DarkShadows: ... Nobody else is dying on my watch, Lovi.
[7:45:33 PM] DarkShadows: Nobody, nothing, no more death.
[7:45:51 PM] DarkShadows: I don't care if Pandora actually lives or not, but I'm not seeing anyone else die.
[7:46:02 PM] Loviatar: -choose
[7:46:08 PM] Loviatar: -itsuptoyoudark
[7:46:16 PM] Brahian: Oh snap, bad time for my Internet to come back...
[7:46:24 PM] Loviatar: -hellobrahian
[7:46:39 PM] Brahian: hi Lovi
[7:46:44 PM] DarkShadows: If you want to die... then it has no bearing on me.
[7:47:05 PM] DarkShadows: But I have no idea how.
[7:47:08 PM] Loviatar: -iwouldwanttoliveasahuman
[7:47:10 PM] DarkShadows: and I refuse to kill you.
[7:47:20 PM] Loviatar: -butifyouwantmetodiethenishallperish
[7:47:33 PM] DarkShadows: You want to be human, to do fucking what, Lovi?
[7:47:41 PM] Loviatar: -liveanormallife
[7:47:51 PM] DarkShadows: now why the fuck don't I trust that?
[7:48:31 PM] Loviatar: -iamcapableofkillingmyselfdark
[7:48:41 PM] Loviatar: -soimjustwaitingforyouranswer
[7:48:56 PM] DarkShadows: I CAN'T GIVE YOU ONE!
[7:48:58 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[7:49:04 PM] DarkShadows: I can't give you one.
[7:49:09 PM] Loviatar: -doyouwantmetodie
[7:49:13 PM] Loviatar: -ordoyouwantmetolive
[7:49:28 PM] Brahian: ... can I say something?
[7:49:51 PM] DarkShadows: Do you fucking understand me, Lovi? I don't want anyoen to die, and I don't care enough about you to want you to live. I can't. Give you. An answer.
[7:50:06 PM] DarkShadows: With any degree of certainty. and that fucking *hurts*, and...
[7:50:12 PM] DarkShadows: ... you're doing this on purpose aren't you?
[7:50:17 PM] DarkShadows: You're *fucking laughing at me*
[7:50:21 PM] DarkShadows: Toying with me
[7:50:23 PM] DarkShadows: I'm done.
[7:50:25 PM] DarkShadows: I. am done.
[7:50:35 PM] Brahian: [7:49 PM] Brahian:
<<< ... can I say something?
[7:50:37 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[7:50:47 PM] DarkShadows: brah, say soemthing before I go cry myself to fucking sleep.
[7:51:20 PM] Brahian: I sort of skimmed through the previous messages, so... how exactly do you plan on becoming "real", Lovi?
[7:51:31 PM] Loviatar: -idonthaveplan
[7:51:35 PM] Loviatar: -dark
[7:51:48 PM] Loviatar: -whywouldyouafterivebeennothingbutabothertoyou
[7:51:52 PM] Loviatar: -wantmetolive?
[7:52:24 PM] DarkShadows: answer brah's question first, how exactly do you want to be real?
[7:52:49 PM] DarkShadows: how do you intend to become real?
[7:52:55 PM] Loviatar: [7:51 PM] Loviatar:
<<< -idonthaveplan
[7:53:00 PM] Loviatar: -alreadyanswered
[7:53:10 PM] Brahian: Then how do you even know it can happen?
[7:53:14 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[7:53:31 PM] Loviatar: -idontknow
[7:53:43 PM] Brahian: ...
[7:53:57 PM] DarkShadows: ... how do I know you'll really leave me alone if I tell you to go live?
[7:54:12 PM] DarkShadows: How do I know it won't mess things up?
[7:54:14 PM] Loviatar: -seethisisthething
[7:54:22 PM] Loviatar: --itwouldbeeasierforyou
[7:54:26 PM] Loviatar: -totellmetodie
[7:54:43 PM] Brahian: Do you want to die, Lovi?
[7:54:50 PM] Brahian: If you do, nobody's stopping you :I
[7:54:56 PM] Loviatar: -sheis
[7:55:05 PM] DarkShadows: Why would you need my permission?
[7:55:08 PM] Loviatar: -icanonlydiewithherconcent
[7:55:11 PM] Loviatar: -imapartofyou
[7:55:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... How the fuck do I kill fear, and how do i know you won't come back?
[7:55:42 PM] Loviatar: -1.bytellingmetodie
[7:55:51 PM] Loviatar: -2.fearmightcomeback
[7:55:56 PM] Loviatar: -butitwontbeme
[7:56:04 PM] Loviatar: -iwillneverexistagain
[7:56:08 PM] DarkShadows: yeah and then it will be something ten fucking times worse.
[7:56:25 PM] Loviatar: -no
[7:56:29 PM] Loviatar: -itwillbethesame
[7:56:36 PM] Loviatar: -andmightnotevenbeintulpaform
[7:56:55 PM] DarkShadows: *frustrated laugh* Yeah the same damn shit over and over again, for my entire fucking life, *all because I ran into Slenderman in the woods once*.
[7:57:11 PM] Loviatar: [7:56 PM] Loviatar:
<<< -andmightnotevenbeintulpaform
[7:57:12 PM] DarkShadows: Did it ever occur to you, Lovi, that maye *I* wanna die?
[7:57:30 PM] DarkShadows: Maybe *I'm* fucking sick of all this bullshit?
[7:57:32 PM] Loviatar: -youshouldnt
[7:57:41 PM] Loviatar: -youareawonderfulhumanbeing
[7:57:42 PM] DarkShadows: But you know why I'm not dead yet, 'cause people actually need me.
[7:57:58 PM] DarkShadows: If i'm so wonderful, why do you want me to die?
[7:58:05 PM] Loviatar: -idont
[7:58:06 PM] DarkShadows: yes, I'm *still* hung up on that.
[7:58:07 PM] Loviatar: -ichangedmymind
[7:58:20 PM] DarkShadows: Give me one reason to believe that.
[7:58:31 PM] Loviatar: -becauseicouldvekilledyoualready
[7:58:34 PM] Loviatar: -ifiwantedto
[7:58:37 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:04:22 PM] DarkShadows: ... Get out of here. go live.
[8:04:29 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't care what happens anymore.
[8:05:18 PM] DarkShadows: ... I just want this shit to end.
[8:05:22 PM] Loviatar: -icantdoanything
[8:05:29 PM] Loviatar: -imatulpa
[8:05:42 PM] Loviatar: -ihavenoideahowtoturnintoarealbeing
[8:05:55 PM] DarkShadows: I just made my decision. Go live! Go be human or whatever. Because I'm sick of watching people die.
[8:06:07 PM] DarkShadows: ... you think I know how to make you exist?
[8:06:18 PM] Loviatar: -imnotpeople
[8:06:34 PM] Loviatar: -whetheriexistornot
[8:06:37 PM] Loviatar: -itdoesntmatter
[8:06:51 PM] Loviatar: -ifistoppedexistingnothingwouldchange
[8:06:54 PM] Loviatar: -nothing
[8:06:58 PM] Loviatar: -ihavenopoint
[8:07:15 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:07:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... do you want to die, Lovi?
[8:07:36 PM] Loviatar: -no
[8:07:48 PM] Loviatar: -mydreamistobereal
[8:07:56 PM] DarkShadows: ... I don't know how to make you real.
[8:08:21 PM] Loviatar: -goodbye
[8:08:28 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:08:39 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:08:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... I can't fucking take much mroe of this shit, brah
[8:09:11 PM] Brahian: I... don't know what to say.
[8:09:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... number number number number number number... that's too many octothorpes.
[8:10:01 PM] DarkShadows: XD
[8:10:09 PM] Brahian: :)
[8:10:43 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:10:51 PM] ####################: XD
[8:10:57 PM] DarkShadows: who are you now?
[8:11:01 PM | Edited 8:11:10 PM] Brahian: o_O
[8:11:20 PM] ####################: Oh shit
[8:11:31 PM] ####################: you can see me posting
[8:11:38 PM] ####################: I thought I was invisible
[8:11:46 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora...?
[8:11:51 PM | Edited 8:11:55 PM] ####################: the very same
[8:11:57 PM] Brahian: O___________O
[8:12:02 PM] Brahian: Panda?
[8:12:08 PM] Brahian: Are you really alive?
[8:12:15 PM] Wally: Panda!
[8:12:22 PM] ####################: Hello
[8:12:29 PM] Brahian: Panda, tell us
[8:12:35 PM | Edited 8:13:19 PM] DarkShadows: ... how the hell are you alive, 1. 2, why's the prophecy calling you a betrayer
[8:12:55 PM] ####################: ah nothing like the loving support of your friends
[8:13:04 PM] DarkShadows: 3. Did you really leave Salem for Slenderchow? because that's so fucking terrible dude, why?
[8:13:25 PM] ####################: slenderchow
[8:13:27 PM] ####################: thats funny
[8:13:36 PM] DarkShadows: no, no it's kind of actually not.
[8:13:39 PM] Brahian: ^
[8:13:45 PM] DarkShadows: please Pandora, answer the questions.
[8:13:57 PM] ####################: ok, I'm alive because I am and I have no idea about the prophecy
[8:14:08 PM] DarkShadows: Do you have any fucking clue how many tenterhooks I've been on for the past week
[8:14:31 PM] ####################: on the blog it says I was eaten
[8:14:32 PM] ####################: by the handed one
[8:14:42 PM] ####################: thats a load of bollogne
[8:14:58 PM] Brahian: Then what really happened?
[8:15:05 PM] ####################: he came here
[8:15:08 PM] ####################: took my computer
[8:15:13 PM] ####################: talked to you guys
[8:15:14 PM] ####################: and left
[8:15:29 PM] Brahian: ... why have you been hiding from us, then?
[8:15:43 PM] ####################: because of the prophecy
[8:15:51 PM] ####################: didnt want you guys to hate me
[8:16:01 PM] Brahian: We don't hate you, Panda
[8:16:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... why didn't you bring it up before we found out about that then?
[8:16:21 PM | Edited 8:16:31 PM] Brahian: But... I'm afraid I can't bring myself to trust you anymore...
[8:16:21 PM] DarkShadows: why didn't you say something?
[8:16:52 PM] DarkShadows: We don't hate you, and neither do I. But now I'll definitely be keeping closer watch on you.
[8:16:58 PM] ####################: see
[8:17:00 PM] ####################: this is why
[8:17:43 PM] Brahian: This has nothing to do with the prophecy, Panda. This is about why you left. Why you hid from us.
[8:17:46 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:17:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... just tell us the truth.
[8:17:57 PM] Brahian: Please.
[8:18:01 PM] DarkShadows: what's been going on that you've been hiding>
[8:18:03 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[8:18:08 PM] ####################: oh the truth of multiple entities hacking my account?
[8:18:24 PM] ####################: I havent been able to get on
[8:18:35 PM] DarkShadows: ... if there's something else you know, tell me.
[8:18:43 PM] ####################: I know as much as you guys
[8:18:48 PM] ####################: honest
[8:18:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... alright.
[8:18:57 PM | Edited 8:19:12 PM] Brahian: What about Salem? Did you really know her?
[8:18:59 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:19:33 PM] ####################: I knew Salem
[8:19:36 PM] ####################: as a human
[8:19:43 PM] ####################: I believe we dated
[8:19:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... you realize Salem wants to kill you.
[8:19:57 PM] Brahian: skip to the part
[8:20:01 PM | Edited 8:20:16 PM] Brahian: where you fed her
[8:20:04 PM] Brahian: to the Slenderman
[8:20:07 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:20:19 PM] ####################: I dont remember having done that o.o
[8:20:27 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:20:31 PM] ####################: I remember going camping
[8:20:38 PM] ####################: and then she dissappeared
[8:20:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... maybe Slendy blanked Pandora's memory?
[8:20:54 PM] DarkShadows: ... brb
[8:20:54 PM] Brahian: ... I can't help but feel...
[8:21:01 PM] Brahian: There's something missing here...
[8:23:08 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[8:23:09 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:25:42 PM] ####################: yay
[8:25:45 PM] ####################: anyway
[8:25:53 PM] ####################: do you got more questions or ?
[8:26:07 PM] Brahian: I'm sorta writing the recap
[8:26:09 PM] DarkShadows: you sure that's all the details?
[8:26:14 PM] Brahian: because I remembered we needed one
[8:26:35 PM] ####################: thats all I remember
[8:26:43 PM] ####################: and I'm probably not gonna be around longer than this
[8:26:53 PM] Brahian: Ynot?
[8:26:57 PM] Brahian: Tony backwards?
[8:27:07 PM] ####################: I dont want you to not trust me
[8:27:18 PM] ####################: I dont want to be the one blamed for everything
[8:27:30 PM] ####################: I dont want you to think that I would ever stab you guys in the back
[8:28:00 PM] ####################: so if feel like I have to leave, forever until this whole thing is sorted out
[8:28:45 PM] ####################: so yeah
[8:28:47 PM] ####################: goodbye
[8:28:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... goodbye
[8:29:06 PM] Brahian: WAIT PANDA DON'T GO
[8:29:08 PM] Brahian: D:
[8:29:10 PM] ####################: what?
[8:29:14 PM] ####################: why?
[8:29:19 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora...
[8:29:20 PM] Brahian: because
[8:29:23 PM] Brahian: We need you
[8:29:33 PM] Brahian: We love you, Panda :c
[8:29:36 PM] DarkShadows: you have something extremely powerful in you, that other beings want to awaken.
[8:29:41 PM] Brahian: But not as much as Wally...
[8:29:44 PM] DarkShadows: if you leave, they could use it to destroy everything.
[8:29:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... we need you here.
[8:29:51 PM] ####################: I doubt it
[8:29:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... you never know
[8:30:03 PM] ####################: then fine
[8:30:06 PM] ####################: I'll just die
[8:30:09 PM] DarkShadows: Please Panda, just trust me NO
[8:30:12 PM] ####################: im sick of this shit
[8:30:12 PM] Brahian: NO.
[8:30:14 PM] Brahian: NO.
[8:30:14 PM] DarkShadows: NO DO NOT DO THAT
[8:30:17 PM] Brahian: PANDA.
[8:30:19 PM] Brahian: STOP.
[8:30:20 PM] ####################: why not?
[8:30:21 PM] Brahian: RIGHT.
[8:30:22 PM] Brahian: NOW.
[8:30:25 PM] DarkShadows: If you do that then reality collapses, Pandora, you're Eldritch.
[8:30:39 PM] ####################: no
[8:30:47 PM] ####################: Exa let me go
[8:30:48 PM] DarkShadows: ... you've got something else in you, some power...
[8:30:53 PM] Brahian: Exa...
[8:30:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... Exa
[8:30:56 PM | Edited 8:31:06 PM] Brahian: ...let you go?
[8:31:00 PM] ####################: yes
[8:31:07 PM] DarkShadows: huh
[8:31:14 PM] Brahian: What happened with the slime, Panda?
[8:31:20 PM] ####################: I ate it o.o
[8:31:21 PM] Brahian: What are its effects on people?
[8:31:25 PM] ####################: dunno
[8:31:39 PM] Brahian: hmmmm.....
[8:32:44 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora. I am not letting anyone else die.
[8:32:48 PM] DarkShadows: on my watch
[8:32:49 PM] DarkShadows: ever
[8:32:51 PM] DarkShadows: ... Pandora?
[8:33:04 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: ################################################
[8:33:06 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:33:08 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:33:30 PM] Brahian: hello?
[8:33:35 PM] DarkShadows: Pandora?
[8:33:40 PM] Brahian: anyone home?
[8:34:02 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: ##############################################
[8:34:05 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:34:38 PM] Brahian: oh dear.
[8:34:40 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:35:18 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: seriously guys XD twice for the same prank. You are too easy
[8:35:31 PM] ERROR 23: USER DISABLED: I mean XD
[8:35:33 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:35:34 PM] Brahian: -______________________________-
[8:35:37 PM] DarkShadows: JAZZ
[8:35:41 PM] DarkShadows: YOU FUCKING
[8:35:42 PM] Frank: *laughs*
[8:35:42 PM] DarkShadows: FUCK
[8:35:49 PM] Frank: god that was a good one
[8:36:02 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:05 PM] Brahian: -________________________________________________________________-
[8:36:18 PM] Frank: sorry
[8:36:22 PM] DarkShadows: Jazz I swear to god.
[8:36:23 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:34 PM] Frank: fine, I wont do the MNEWBORN.exe thing again
[8:36:38 PM] Frank: XD
[8:36:48 PM] Frank: anyway whats up?
[8:36:52 PM] Frank: did I miss anything?
[8:36:55 PM] Brahian: your mom. :I
[8:37:07 PM] DarkShadows: brb
[8:40:34 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:40:56 PM] DarkShadows: You missed Loviatar telling me she wanted me to die, then telling eveyrone *she* wantred to die.
[8:41:50 PM] Frank: fun
[8:41:52 PM] Frank: I guess
[8:42:10 PM] Frank: the second part at least, I mean you have one less thing to worry about
[8:42:37 PM] Frank: anyway
[8:42:48 PM] Frank: I've recieved word from dad
[8:43:08 PM] Frank: the battle still continues
[8:43:21 PM] Brahian: hm
[8:43:52 PM] DarkShadows: is he at least winning?
[8:44:01 PM] Frank: I think he's close
[8:44:28 PM] DarkShadows: at least there's that.
[8:44:45 PM] Frank: FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKPAND aklmsasjajbnsnbsabjbasbabhabab..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
[8:45:23 PM] Brahian: not falling for it, Frank
[8:45:33 PM] DarkShadows: ... Frank so help me
[8:45:55 PM] DarkShadows: he did say "Fuck Panda" though.
[8:45:59 PM] DarkShadows: ... Frank?
... How? How do I tell something I made to die when it so wants to live? How do I trust Pandora after what we've been told so far? God damn it, all I want is to help. So why does everything want me to choose destruction over construction?
~ Shadows
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