Today we were contacted by a mysterious woman named Eva Narajo who is asking us to do something for her involving the Altered. We don’t know exactly everything and we’re pretty sure that there are going to be some trials and tribulations, but we’ll do our best to keep logs of it.
[3:52:13 PM] *** Eva Narajo added Pandadora, DarkShadows, Wally, Bunny, The Phantom of ZacksQuest ***
[3:52:56 PM] Eva Narajo: Hello
[3:53:08 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: ...hello?
[3:53:17 PM] DarkShadows: hello.
[3:53:23 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: said something about a game to play?
[3:53:25 PM] Bunny: Hello.
[3:53:42 PM] Pandadora: Hello?
[3:54:14 PM] Eva Narajo: Im sure you all are wondering why I gathered you here.
[3:54:25 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: I am definitely wondering why you gathered us here.
[3:54:29 PM] DarkShadows: I don't even know who you are.
[3:54:47 PM] Bunny: "Another Year" of what?
[3:55:05 PM] Eva Narajo: Oh there will be plenty of time to explain
[3:55:08 PM] Eva Narajo: But first
[3:55:22 PM] Eva Narajo: Let me introduce myself
[3:55:28 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Please do.
[3:56:38 PM] Eva Narajo: My name's Eva Narajo. Im 29 and female.
[3:56:49 PM] Pandadora: Alright o.o''
[3:57:01 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Go on...?
[3:57:19 PM] DarkShadows: Nice to meet you Eva...
[3:57:29 PM] Eva Narajo: I need help.
[3:57:39 PM] Pandadora: with what?
[3:57:40 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: What do you mean by help?
[3:57:50 PM] DarkShadows: Something the matter?
[3:58:24 PM] Eva Narajo: Im a target of a being. I dont know how to describe it properly but...I just
[3:58:36 PM] Bunny: How did you find us...?
[3:58:38 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: ...rough description, if possible?
[3:58:46 PM] DarkShadows: What Bunny said, how'd you find us?
[3:59:20 PM] Eva Narajo: I found you from a list a servant of her gave me.
[3:59:46 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[3:59:47 PM | Edited 3:59:57 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Don't throw around pronouns without their antecedents!
[3:59:53 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: What do they call "her"?
[3:59:55 PM] DarkShadows: Servant of "her"?
[4:00:14 PM] Eva Narajo: And she looks like a cross between a woman and a tree.
[4:00:20 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Oh.
[4:00:21 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: OH.
[4:00:25 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: OHHHH SHIT.
[4:00:28 PM] DarkShadows: ... I think i know what you're talking about.
[4:00:36 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Tall, eye-and-mouthless?
[4:00:39 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Lots of branches?
[4:00:46 PM] Eva Narajo: I had a feeling you would and yes
[4:00:48 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: More black goop than at an oil derrick?
[4:00:55 PM] DarkShadows: ... does she sound like she's crying?
[4:00:59 PM] Pandadora: The Willow?
[4:01:10 PM] Eva Narajo: She weeps...always.
[4:01:21 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Is the wail of babies intermixed in the crying?
I know it's the Willow already, but I want to know if that rumor is true.
[4:01:37 PM] Eva Narajo: Yes...Weeping Willow
[4:01:48 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Ah. I see now.
[4:01:56 PM] Pandadora: o_o
[4:02:20 PM] DarkShadows: Unfortunately I... don't know how we can help you run from her. She
[4:02:24 PM] DarkShadows: is rather eprsistant...
[4:02:26 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Well, at least it's a more maternal, benign being.
Just so long as you don't fuck with flying eviscerated torsos.
[4:02:26 PM] DarkShadows: *persistant
[4:02:36 PM] DarkShadows: Zack, don't scare her, she's scared enough.
[4:02:44 PM] Eva Narajo: I dont need help escaping
[4:03:00 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: I'm trying to elaborate on how good she has it in comparison to others.
[4:03:07 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Okay, then what do you need help with?
[4:03:09 PM] DarkShadows: ... then what exactly do you need help with?
[4:03:17 PM] Pandadora: o.o?
[4:03:34 PM] Eva Narajo: I need help helping her
[4:03:42 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: What does Willow need help with?
[4:03:56 PM] Bunny: I don't think she can be helped...
[4:03:56 PM] Eva Narajo: She misses people. She musses everyone
[4:03:59 PM] DarkShadows: Fuck that, I'm not gonna be her servant, if that's what you're trying to do...
[4:04:01 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Everyone?
[4:04:14 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Everyone's a big list.
[4:04:17 PM] DarkShadows: ^
[4:04:34 PM] Eva Narajo: People from her life has been taken away from her.
[4:04:37 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Oh.
[4:04:54 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: You mean Melancholies or non-servant people?
[4:04:55 PM] Eva Narajo: I need you to help me find them.
[4:04:59 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Okay.
[4:05:07 PM] Eva Narajo: Before the others eat them
[4:05:11 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: o.o
[4:05:17 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Including flying eviscerated torsos?
[4:05:17 PM] Pandadora: The others o.o?
[4:05:19 PM] Bunny: O.O
[4:05:26 PM] Eva Narajo: Yes Zack
[4:05:27 PM] DarkShadows: ... great. so now not only are we dealing with one Altered, we might be dealing with more...
[4:05:31 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Well fuck.
[4:05:57 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Okay, Shadows, you know more about these situations than me. :I
[4:06:27 PM] Pandadora: HELP US OH MIGHTY DARK
[4:06:36 PM] DarkShadows: *nods* Okay.
[4:06:45 PM] DarkShadows: I'm good at puzzles and riddles too, so...
[4:06:56 PM] Eva Narajo: What makes DarkShadows mighty?
[4:06:57 PM] DarkShadows: Eva, how exactly do we go about finding these people...?
[4:07:10 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Her extensive knowledge of all things Altered.
[4:07:22 PM] DarkShadows: I know... perhaps more than I should.
[4:07:40 PM] Eva Narajo: Im told the people have journals
[4:07:45 PM] Eva Narajo: Online
[4:08:09 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: you have links to any of these web-diaries?
[4:08:14 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Blogs?
[4:08:45 PM] Eva Narajo: That is my problem. I do not.
[4:09:38 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Erm... Shadows how do we find Altered-stalked people without blogs?
[4:09:41 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Do we even have names?
[4:09:46 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: *their names.
[4:09:52 PM] DarkShadows: Yeah, do you have names for these missing people?
[4:09:53 PM] Eva Narajo: Yes
[4:10:00 PM] DarkShadows: can you give them to us?
[4:10:41 PM] Eva Narajo: Lilian Wonderfield
[4:10:47 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Lilian Wonderfield...
[4:10:52 PM] DarkShadows: ok...
[4:11:04 PM] Eva Narajo: Jessica Yale
[4:11:19 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Continue...
[4:11:27 PM] Eva Narajo: and Frank Jones.
[4:11:33 PM] DarkShadows: ok
[4:11:36 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Okay.
[4:11:51 PM] Eva Narajo: There are more but i dont know their names
[4:12:19 PM] DarkShadows: They are specifically people the Willow is seeking, or that the Willow knew from... before she became whatever she is now?
[4:12:38 PM] Eva Narajo: People she knew before
[4:12:45 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Oh.
[4:12:48 PM] DarkShadows: ok.
[4:13:16 PM] Eva Narajo: I have
[4:13:25 PM] Eva Narajo: Provided a meeting place
[4:13:34 PM] Eva Narajo: Other than skype
[4:13:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... link us.
[4:13:41 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Is it tinychat?
[4:13:51 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Actually, forget I said anything, just link us.
[4:14:00 PM] Eva Narajo:
[4:14:08 PM] Pandadora: bingo Zack
[4:14:12 PM] Pandadora: XD
[4:36:04 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Hello?
anotheryear: Hello
[4:15 PM] guest-2426743 changed nickname to bunny
[4:15 PM] darkshadows: Hello
[4:15 PM] bunny: Bonjour.
[4:15 PM] zack: Hello!
[4:15 PM] anotheryear: Are there any more questions?
[4:16 PM] zack: How did Willow know these people?
[4:16 PM] zack: Or do you not know that? If not, I apologize for asking the unanswerable.
[4:16 PM] anotheryear: I do know how she knew Lilian
[4:16 PM] anotheryear: They were friends, best friends in fact
[4:16 PM] darkshadows: Hm.
[4:17 PM] zack: Care to elaborate?
[4:17 PM] darkshadows: It seems odd to me that the Willow would not go back to make a former friend her servant..
[4:18 PM] darkshadows: out of respect, perhaps, or shame?
[4:18 PM] anotheryear: She tried
[4:18 PM] anotheryear: she went up to them
[4:18 PM] anotheryear: pleaded for help
[4:18 PM] anotheryear: but they ran
[4:18 PM] anotheryear: they were scared
[4:19 PM] darkshadows: What precisely does she want them back for?
[4:19 PM] darkshadows: To explain herself?
[4:20 PM] anotheryear: If you were turned into a hideous monster, forced to love the man who did it to you.
[4:20 PM] anotheryear: wouldnt you want to be with your friends and loved ones?
[4:20 PM] darkshadows: ... yes.
[4:21 PM] darkshadows: But I'm not sure I would call the... thing that did that to Willow a man.
[4:21 PM] anotheryear: perhaps
[4:21 PM] darkshadows: ... If we help you with this... how can you guarantee we won't be in danger?
[4:22 PM] zack: We're going up against Altered. There is no way to NOT be in danger.
[4:22 PM] darkshadows: Exactly.
[4:23 PM] bunny: ...
[4:23 PM] darkshadows: Bunny, something the matter?
[4:23 PM] bunny: No I just don't know what to say.
[4:23 PM] darkshadows: ... alright.
[4:29 PM] zack: So, Eva, do you have any specific info on any of these people?
[4:30 PM] zack: Anything that we can use to identify who they are or (worst case) were?
[4:30 PM] darkshadows: ... Eva, you there?
[4:34 PM] zack: ...Eva are you even alive?
[4:37 PM] anotheryear left the room.
[4:38 PM] zack: So, ... what do we make of this?!
[4:38 PM] darkshadows: We're fucked.
[4:42 PM] darkshadows left the room.
Then Eva came back, after a vicious conflict with an Altered known as the Fleshangel and we learn more about Eva and Eva’s past.
[4:46:56 PM] Eva Narajo: i apologize
[4:47:04 PM] DarkShadows: hello
[4:47:09 PM] ZacksQuest: That's fine.
[4:47:18 PM] ZacksQuest: Is it okay that I log all this?
[4:47:30 PM] Eva Narajo: The Angel appeared. I didnt have time. He broke my laptop.
[4:47:34 PM] ZacksQuest: The Angel.
[4:47:36 PM] ZacksQuest: THE ANGEL!?
[4:47:38 PM] Eva Narajo: yes its ok
[4:47:53 PM] Eva Narajo: The Fleshangel
[4:48:03 PM] DarkShadows: Oh jesus, not that thing.
[4:48:08 PM] ZacksQuest: I am aware of who you're talking about. I was saying his description multiple times.
[4:48:13 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: Eviscerated flying torso man.
[4:48:19 PM] Eva Narajo: indeed.
[4:48:22 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: But...
[4:48:26 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: what ... what happened?
[4:48:33 PM] DarkShadows: how are you chatting now though, if it broke your laptop?
[4:48:57 PM] Eva Narajo: He appeared behind me...ripped one of my arms off and smashed my computer.
[4:49:04 PM] Eva Narajo: my phone
[4:49:06 PM] The Phantom of ZacksQuest: ...well you're taking that very well.
[4:49:09 PM] ZacksQuest: o.o
[4:49:16 PM] ZacksQuest: Well, with the Angel it could always be worse.
[4:49:20 PM] Eva Narajo: Im very empathic
[4:49:22 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah.
[4:49:25 PM] DarkShadows: oh christ. You have something to stem the bleeding? You should get to a hospital...
[4:49:36 PM] ZacksQuest: Has the wound healed?
[4:49:40 PM] ZacksQuest: And if so- ... how?
[4:49:50 PM] Eva Narajo: A friend helped me put bandages on
[4:50:01 PM] DarkShadows: it wouldn't have healed that fast, Zack.
[4:50:05 PM] ZacksQuest: I know.
[4:50:14 PM] ZacksQuest: Unless you're dealing with beings like the Altered
[4:50:17 PM] DarkShadows: are you alright at least?
[4:50:19 PM] Eva Narajo: no it hasnt. It still hurts.
[4:50:22 PM] ZacksQuest: then the laws of anything are all up for the breaking.
[4:50:33 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[4:50:35 PM] Eva Narajo: I could be worse
[4:50:36 PM] ZacksQuest: Jeez, I'm sorry.
[4:50:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Yeah, it could always be worse where the Angel is involved.
[4:50:57 PM] DarkShadows: what Zack said...
[4:50:58 PM] ZacksQuest: Or the Doll, but the Angel is more open to mortal wounds and maiming.
[4:51:37 PM] Eva Narajo: Im actually more afraid of the one with all the hands.
[4:51:57 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah.
[4:52:15 PM] DarkShadows: Why, did it hurt you?
[4:52:23 PM] DarkShadows: Or is it trying to hurt you?
[4:52:40 PM] Eva Narajo: He is the one who killed my girlfriend. it wasnt a pleasant sight to be forced to watch.
[4:52:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh shit.
[4:52:50 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh shit I am so sorry.
[4:53:07 PM] Bunny: o.o
[4:53:18 PM] DarkShadows: I'm sorry for your loss.
[4:53:54 PM] DarkShadows: I just... I don't understand *why*, though. What is going on that suddenly all of these different Altered would attack you?
[4:54:06 PM] Eva Narajo: Happened a year ago and again I have little emotions left. The willow steals our emotions
[4:54:15 PM] ZacksQuest: You're a Melancholy?
[4:54:20 PM] ZacksQuest: Or you were a Melancholy?
[4:54:21 PM] DarkShadows: So you're a Melancholy, that explains that...
[4:54:24 PM] DarkShadows: or were.
[4:54:25 PM] Eva Narajo: oh its because of my plan
[4:54:37 PM] Eva Narajo: i am
[4:54:37 PM] ZacksQuest: Plan?
[4:54:39 PM] DarkShadows: which is?
[4:55:02 PM] Eva Narajo: Turning the altered human.
[4:55:12 PM] Eva Narajo: by giving them what they want
[4:55:23 PM] ZacksQuest: ...the Altered can turn human again?
[4:55:45 PM] Eva Narajo: The Willow wants her Im planning on delivering that.
[4:55:54 PM] Eva Narajo: So Ive deduced
[4:56:20 PM] ZacksQuest: Have you successfully turned any of them back to humans?
[4:56:32 PM] DarkShadows: I am not at all sure of that, or that doing so won't bring the wrath of their creator on you.
[4:56:33 PM] Eva Narajo: The Egg
[4:56:45 PM] ZacksQuest: What is the Egg in human form?
[4:56:49 PM] ZacksQuest: I'm just curious.
[4:56:55 PM] Eva Narajo: A blonde girl
[4:57:00 PM] DarkShadows: Are you positive it's not a trick of some sort?
[4:57:01 PM] Eva Narajo: teenager
[4:57:19 PM] Eva Narajo: I saw it myself. I brought it upon
[4:57:52 PM] ZacksQuest: And for the Altered that don't want to change back... do they attack you to try to make you stop?
[4:57:57 PM] ZacksQuest: Is that why they're attacking?
[4:58:05 PM] Eva Narajo: yes
[4:58:10 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[4:58:27 PM] ZacksQuest: How exactly do you revert an Altered whose wish is to stay inhuman?
[4:58:37 PM] ZacksQuest: Or have you figured out a way to kill Altereds too?
[4:59:06 PM] Eva Narajo: *out
[4:59:11 PM] ZacksQuest: But you're helping the ones who want it.
[4:59:19 PM] Eva Narajo: yes
[4:59:37 PM] ZacksQuest: That's nice! What you're doing is awesome- ...and... the sacrifices you've taken... I'm sorry. :|
[4:59:49 PM] DarkShadows: ... I worry now. Just because you have returned one Altered to their human body doesn't mean all of them can be returned... or want to be returned. And I still worry you may be meddling with things here that are more dangerous than you think.
[5:00:15 PM] DarkShadows: You do realize just how possible it is that you could end up Slenderstalked, yes?
[5:00:28 PM] ZacksQuest: And you might not want to get on the bad side of tall, dark, and faceless.
[5:00:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Like what Shadows said.
[5:00:34 PM] ZacksQuest: Or on his good side.
[5:00:48 PM] DarkShadows: But it's nice to see that you're trying something...
[5:00:53 PM] Eva Narajo: Im aware of Slenderman
[5:01:09 PM] ZacksQuest: I mean... you've sacrificed so much.
[5:01:17 PM] Eva Narajo: but...he is otherwise located at the moment.
[5:01:23 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay.
[5:01:26 PM] ZacksQuest: At least that's there.
[5:02:00 PM] ZacksQuest: Shadows or Bunny can do talking stuff now. I'm out of questions.
[5:02:25 PM] Eva Narajo: we have time...maybe a month or so bwfore he gets back. So we have to find the 5 people the Willow wants before then.
[5:02:36 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait.
[5:02:51 PM] DarkShadows: you gave us three... and there's two others.
[5:02:54 PM] ZacksQuest: But... the Willow hates Slender Man. Without the Willow to preoccupy him.
[5:03:00 PM] ZacksQuest: ...the Slender Man will be more active.
[5:03:19 PM] DarkShadows: Zack... um. this may be worrisome. But there's five of us in here.
[5:03:43 PM] Eva Narajo: fun factoid
[5:04:26 PM] DarkShadows: what is?
[5:04:27 PM] Eva Narajo: but you are not the ones the Willow wants.
[5:04:34 PM] DarkShadows: Okay.
[5:04:41 PM] Eva Narajo: On 02/06/2013, at 20:59, DarkShadows wrote:
> Zack... um. this may be worrisome. But there's five of us in here.
[5:04:58 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait... so you're going to send us out
[5:05:12 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait, are you sending us out individually- one person to find one quarry?
[5:05:26 PM] DarkShadows: or are we working together?
[5:05:29 PM] ZacksQuest: And fight any Altereds involved without any backup?
[5:05:39 PM] ZacksQuest: I'm hoping for what Shadows is saying.
[5:05:48 PM] Eva Narajo: The other two I dont know the names off. And that is not up to me to decide you can do it however you want.
[5:06:10 PM] ZacksQuest: Shadows, you're our organizer here, you got any plans?
[5:06:27 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait. I have a worst case scenario question.
[5:06:45 PM] Eva Narajo: ok?
[5:07:01 PM] ZacksQuest: What if one of the five friends were already taken by another Altered- or hell if Slender Man put his grubby mitts into the ring, turned them into Altered themselves- what the hell do we do then?!
[5:07:19 PM] DarkShadows: I don't have any plans, no...
[5:07:41 PM] ZacksQuest: And if they're of the violent doesn't-want-to-change mentality?
[5:07:43 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not even sure where to begin looking. Perhaps if we look these people up on Blogger though...
[5:07:51 PM] ZacksQuest: ...never mind. You said you'll deal with it.
[5:08:09 PM] Eva Narajo: I will fins the blogs for you.
[5:08:11 PM] DarkShadows: ... that is, if those Altered can even all be changed back like you say.
[5:08:36 PM] Eva Narajo: one word of warning.
[5:08:54 PM] Eva Narajo: Fears. Watch out for them.
[5:09:05 PM] Eva Narajo: do you know what fears are?
[5:09:11 PM] Bunny: Oh god.
[5:09:19 PM] ZacksQuest: Yes.
[5:09:45 PM] Eva Narajo: Im not sure how many exist but be on the lookout.
[5:09:47 PM] ZacksQuest: Please tell me that we don't have to screw with those.
[5:09:54 PM] Eva Narajo: no
[5:10:04 PM | Edited 5:10:10 PM] ZacksQuest: The Altered are eldritch and powerful, yes, but the Fears are something worse.
[5:10:20 PM] DarkShadows: ... Great. Fears, Altered, we're all screwed.
[5:10:26 PM] ZacksQuest: And Slender Man.
[5:10:29 PM] ZacksQuest: Don't forget Slender Man.
[5:10:29 PM] DarkShadows: and Slenderman.
[5:10:35 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait what about the Rake?
[5:10:39 PM] DarkShadows: I wish to God I could, honestly.
[5:11:20 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh wait. The Rake falls under "Fears" doesn't it? Nevermind.
[5:11:54 PM] Eva Narajo: perhaps
[5:12:27 PM] Eva Narajo: Is there anything else you want to know?
[5:13:03 PM] DarkShadows: no. Is there anything else we should know about?
[5:13:27 PM] ZacksQuest: Do you have any suggestions on who to look for first?
[5:13:52 PM] ZacksQuest: Maybe LIlian Wonderfield or one of the others?
[5:13:58 PM] Eva Narajo: hang on I need to try to help my girlfriend with something.
[5:14:12 PM] ZacksQuest: ...but... your girlfriend.
[5:14:14 PM] ZacksQuest:
[5:14:16 PM] ZacksQuest: erm... what.
[5:14:36 PM] DarkShadows: ... I thought your girlfriend was dead.
[5:14:39 PM] Eva Narajo: new girlfriend
[5:14:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Well now I just look stupid.
[5:14:57 PM] DarkShadows: oh, ok.
[5:17:34 PM] Eva Narajo: A question...
[5:17:58 PM] Eva Narajo: in the light that we are dealing with eldritch beings and stuff...
[5:18:07 PM] ZacksQuest: Yes?
[5:18:36 PM] DarkShadows: yes?
[5:18:54 PM] Eva Narajo: its not going to be an issue for you that Im gay?
[5:19:15 PM] DarkShadows: Honestly, I couldn't care less about orientation, you need help!
[5:20:12 PM] ZacksQuest: I don't discriminate against anyone or anything except these eldritch godlike douchecanoes we're going up against.
[5:20:19 PM] Eva Narajo: ok. Ive been rejected help based on that before.
[5:20:29 PM] Eva Narajo: so I wanted to ask
[5:21:00 PM] ZacksQuest: However, if you DO turn out to be eldritch in a level greater than a mere Servant, I will have trust issues yes.
But you haven't shown any signs that you're eldritch, so... you know... I'm all ears and all for helping. :D
[5:21:54 PM] *** Eva Narajo added Brianbot the Robobrain ***
[5:22:09 PM] Eva Narajo: I forgot one.
[5:22:22 PM] DarkShadows: Granted, you're a Melancholy and I'm a bit... skeptical of the real intent behind all this at best, but I'm not about to question that right now.
[5:22:27 PM] DarkShadows: Hello Brah…\
[5:23:01 PM] ZacksQuest: The way I see it is if your eldritch levels are smaller than a breadbox, you're okay in my book. :I
[5:23:12 PM] Brianbot the Robobrain: Um... what's going on? o.O
[5:23:29 PM] Eva Narajo: Let the others explain
[5:23:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Shadows. You explain. I'm busy logging everything.
[5:24:01 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait, should I put this on a blog somewhere or something like that?
[5:24:30 PM] Eva Narajo: That would be nice
[5:25:12 PM] ZacksQuest: Clues in a Clueless World sound like a good blog title?
[5:25:12 PM] Eva Narajo: If its not muv trouble.
[5:25:17 PM] ZacksQuest: It's not at all.
[5:25:17 PM] Eva Narajo: *much
[5:25:30 PM] DarkShadows: Brah, the Altered exist. They're real. And Willow is trying to find five people from her past. Because apparently this Eva person, apparently shs has some idea of how to make them human again.
[5:25:34 PM] DarkShadows: *she
[5:25:36 PM] Eva Narajo: AnotherYear
[5:25:46 PM] Brahian: O______________________________________________________________O
[5:25:48 PM] Eva Narajo: @Zack
[5:26:15 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[5:26:16 PM] ZacksQuest: Another year?
[5:26:18 PM] Brahian: And... how do we help? And who exactly is this Eva person?
[5:26:18 PM] ZacksQuest: That works.
[5:26:21 PM] ZacksQuest: I apologize.
[5:26:33 PM] Eva Narajo: me Brahian
[5:26:52 PM] Brahian: Well, yeah
[5:26:58 PM] Brahian: But who are you?
[5:27:01 PM] ZacksQuest: ...still putting the clues in a clueless world thing in the description.
[5:27:01 PM] ZacksQuest: :I
[5:27:12 PM] Eva Narajo: yep
[5:27:19 PM] Eva Narajo: do that
[5:27:45 PM] DarkShadows: she is... well. she's a servant of the Willow. She's a Melancholy, and she's trying to see if she can bring Willow these five people back.
[5:28:12 PM] DarkShadows: I'm still not sure helping her find five people to kidnap just because she knew them before is a good plan, but...
[5:28:20 PM] Brahian: Do we have any idea who they are? Or where they are?
[5:29:01 PM] ZacksQuest: Hey does anyone know how I can let other people have access to the blog if someone else has to log it?
[5:29:01 PM] ZacksQuest: Hey does anyone know how I can let other people have access to the blog if someone else has to log it?
[5:30:00 PM] ZacksQuest: No?
[5:30:17 PM] ZacksQuest: ...okay, in any case, I'll do a google search of the three names you gave us.
[5:35:40 PM] Eva Narajo: nice
[5:35:45 PM] Eva Narajo: My girlfriend used to be Shell, a servant of the Egg. My current one at the moment.
[5:35:59 PM] ZacksQuest: Then you turned the Egg human.
[5:36:01 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah, I see.
[5:36:17 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[5:36:24 PM] Brahian: Wait, she turned it human? o.O
[5:36:25 PM] Eva Narajo: yes. The Egg is now my friend.
[5:36:34 PM] Brahian: o________________________________O
[5:36:34 PM] DarkShadows: does that mean all the Egg's servants became human as well?
[5:38:18 PM] Eva Narajo: If I had emotions Brahian. Your emoticons would amuse me.
[5:38:24 PM] Eva Narajo: yes Dark
[5:39:03 PM] Brahian: Um... Good to know?
[5:41:59 PM] Eva Narajo: So what do you want to discuss now?
[5:42:36 PM] ZacksQuest: Erm... what do they look like or anything we can use to identify them if we see them?
[5:43:00 PM] Eva Narajo: I have only met Jessica
[5:43:11 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay.
[5:43:28 PM] ZacksQuest: I'm out of ideas.
[5:43:29 PM] ZacksQuest: SHADOWS.
[5:43:41 PM] Eva Narajo: she is a hot redhead, D-cup and blue eyes.
[5:44:05 PM] Bunny: ...Jessica Rabbit?
[5:44:11 PM] Bunny: Bunny is shot
[5:44:26 PM] Eva Narajo: amusing
... okay so we know she's a redhead with... blue eyes, huh, odd combo. Natural redhead? contacts?
[5:44:52 PM] DarkShadows: XD
[5:45:12 PM] Eva Narajo: natural redhead. dunno if she has contacts
[5:46:18 PM] Eva Narajo: I met her at a circus
[5:46:25 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay, so we just need to find out what their blogs are and then we'll be able to enter the proverbial lion's den.
[5:46:56 PM] Eva Narajo: yep
[5:47:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Hang on.
[5:47:35 PM] ZacksQuest: I spilled water.
[5:47:35 PM] Bunny: What circus? Where?
[5:47:37 PM] ZacksQuest: Over my power cord.
[5:47:52 PM] DarkShadows: what Bunny said. You met her at a circus?
[5:49:07 PM] Eva Narajo: I was trying to get her to join me but it ended me making out with her at the Flying Elephant circus and sleeping with her under the stairs. in the morning she was gone.
[5:49:38 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[5:49:39 PM] Brahian: o____________________________________O
[5:49:40 PM] Bunny: I hate when that happens.
[5:49:49 PM] DarkShadows: At least you got to sleep with her...
[5:49:53 PM] Bunny: ^
[5:50:13 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah it was enjoyable
[5:51:48 PM] Bunny: Do you have any pictures of any of these people?
[5:52:17 PM] ZacksQuest: She said she only knew what Jessica looked like.
[5:52:19 PM] DarkShadows: ... Obviously to aid with the investigation.
[5:52:35 PM] Bunny: Oh yeah. Sorry.
[5:52:50 PM | Edited 5:52:54 PM] Bunny: Do you have a picture of Jessica?
[5:53:11 PM] Eva Narajo: no...sorry
[5:54:13 PM] ZacksQuest: I think we have as much info as we can right now.
[5:54:38 PM] Eva Narajo: yep
[5:55:01 PM] DarkShadows: yeah...
[5:57:22 PM] Eva Narajo: Can you tell me something about you? you seem like nice people and I want to know more about you.
[5:57:47 PM] Brahian: Um... anything specific?
[5:58:04 PM] ZacksQuest: Relating to why we know about the Altered and Fears or... just anything?
[5:58:14 PM] Eva Narajo: no just general things
[5:58:58 PM] DarkShadows: Um. I like the color green and I am good at puzzles...
[5:59:36 PM] ZacksQuest: General things?
Erm, I'm from Ohio, I'm an actor and a writer, I enjoy biking and swimming and I've sadly had more than my fill of the Altered a while ago. Oh, and I like progressive rock.
...that sums everything up.
[5:59:56 PM] Eva Narajo: like how old ar you guys. what is your gender? do you got significant others? hobbies?
[6:00:10 PM] Eva Narajo: ooh an actor
[6:00:49 PM] Brahian: I like reading. Lots of reading. It's how I know most of what I know. Altered and otherwise.
[6:00:56 PM] Bunny: @DarkShadows GREEN IS NOT A CREATIVE COLOUR
[6:03:08 PM] DarkShadows: oh. I'm 21, female, I have a boyfriend, and I write.
[6:03:38 PM] Eva Narajo: ^-^
[6:03:59 PM] Eva Narajo: do you mind if I use emoticons despite my empathy?
[6:04:20 PM] Brahian: I'm 16, male, single, and I like to read (as stated above), I write crappy fanfictions, and I am very good at video games. I was also in a play once, so I guess that makes us all actors...
[6:04:30 PM] Brahian: Oh, sure, emoticons are cool
[6:04:39 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh I forgot to mention I'm 16 1/2 and single. Merp.
[6:05:07 PM] Eva Narajo: ^-^ you are wonderful people
[6:05:39 PM] DarkShadows: I use them all the time. so no, I don't care if you use emotes.
[6:05:42 PM] DarkShadows: ... and thank you/
[6:05:42 PM] Bunny: Thanks.
[6:05:53 PM] Brahian: What about you, Eva?
[6:05:58 PM] DarkShadows: I will brb
[6:06:23 PM] Bunny: We know this.
[6:08:08 PM] Eva Narajo: The fleshangel ripped it off 2 hours ago brah
[6:08:42 PM] Brahian: O.O
[6:09:03 PM] Bunny: It must be hard to type.
[6:09:03 PM] Brahian: I, uh... well, that sucks.
[6:09:11 PM] Brahian: ^
[6:09:27 PM] Eva Narajo: its a phone so its easy
[6:09:38 PM] Bunny: ah.
[6:10:03 PM] Brahian: Makes sense.
[6:10:28 PM] Eva Narajo: brb girlfriend wants to get some KFC
[6:12:59 PM] ZacksQuest: Don't eat the bones.
[6:13:18 PM] Bunny: i ate the bones
[6:13:22 PM] Bunny: I ATE THE BONES
[6:13:24 PM] Eva Narajo: why would I Zack XD
[6:13:35 PM] Eva Narajo: OMG Bunny
[6:14:16 PM] Brahian: My stepdad always eats the bones O.O
[6:16:20 PM] Eva Narajo: weird OuO
[6:16:37 PM] Brahian: Quite.
[6:16:43 PM] ZacksQuest: That smiley face.
[6:16:46 PM] ZacksQuest: Erm...
[6:17:05 PM] Brahian: Oh dear
[6:17:17 PM] ZacksQuest: Well you're a Melancholy it makes sense.
[6:17:40 PM] Eva Narajo: the willow made us use it a lot
[6:17:55 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[6:18:56 PM] ZacksQuest: ok
[6:20:09 PM] Eva Narajo: I have to go. Melissa(The Egg) has a lead on Frank.
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