So, this account was logged in. Hi, I'm The Seal and have become an honorary ladybug. Because of recent events that will be made clear by the others later on Pandora is no longer capable of logging. I'll have to do it for him.
May he rest in piece.
~The Seal
[00:20:56] Lily: Hey
[00:21:03] DarkShadows: hi
[00:21:11] Lily: So what is the current situation
[00:21:17] Lily: This is Jazz
[00:21:18] DarkShadows: Not sure.
[00:21:20] DarkShadows: Hi Jazz.
[00:22:08] DarkShadows: Well apparently Exa is neutral, I'm the "Forsaken Creator" which I can only assume is bad, and Pandy eating the slime is an experiment to see what happens when someone does.
[00:22:33] Lily: I already knew about the Forsaken Creator thing
[00:22:38] Lily: but the rest is news to me
[00:24:14] DarkShadows: ... I wish I knew what that title meant. I'm nervous. Again.
[00:24:29] DarkShadows: Fuck it, I'm dumb. Always scared over stupid shit. I'm done.
[00:24:36] Lily: I know what it means.
[00:24:42] DarkShadows: But you can't tell me.
[00:24:46] Lily: Im not allowed to tell you
[00:24:47] Lily: yeah
[00:24:49] DarkShadows: *sighs*
[00:25:11] Not Wally: Why can't you tell her?
[00:25:23] DarkShadows: ^
[00:25:29] Lily: the blind man forbids it
[00:25:43] Lily: it could cause a butterfly effect
[00:26:21] DarkShadows: *nods*
[00:31:28] Lily: guys
[00:31:45] Lily: I was contacted by the Seal
[00:31:49] DarkShadows: you were?
[00:32:00] Lily: someone took over his youtube account
[00:32:12] DarkShadows: ...
[00:32:15] DarkShadows: huh
[00:32:21] DarkShadows: that's... bad.
[00:32:23] Lily: <--- posted this video
[00:33:16] DarkShadows: huh...
[00:33:45] Lily: I spy with my little eye something beginning with gay clown
[00:33:51] DarkShadows: XD
[00:34:01] DarkShadows: What's up with the messed up part at the end...
[00:34:18] Lily: Seems like the distortion dad leaves
[00:34:21] Lily: but different
[00:34:26] Lily: very different
[00:34:39] DarkShadows: huh
[00:34:39] Lily: why would someone hack a youtube account
[00:34:41] DarkShadows: ^
[00:34:47] DarkShadows: just to say hello...?
[00:34:52] Lily: just to make a clown video of them talking
[00:34:53] Lily: yeah
[00:35:03] DarkShadows: And I know this person didn't make that channel.
[00:35:09] Lily: this another enemy?
[00:35:55] DarkShadows: ... I am not sure, but I don't like the idea of someone who takes oevr a youtube channel just to say hi. That's rather... Observerish.
[00:36:34] Lily: appearantly not a very original being
[00:37:21] DarkShadows: nope.
[00:37:24] Pandadora: heres a theory
[00:37:35] Pandadora: what if this is some sort of observing being
[00:37:43] Pandadora: or
[00:37:55] Pandadora: what if it is just some dumb kid who likes clowns
[00:37:58] Pandadora: and hacking
[00:38:21] DarkShadows: Probably. Maybe someone goofing arounf.
[00:38:23] DarkShadows: *around
[00:38:27] Not Wally: Yeah
[00:38:44] Lily: do we really want to risk this stabbing us in the back?
[00:38:55] DarkShadows: ... no.
[00:38:59 | Edited 00:39:11] Not Wally: Nope
[00:39:11] Pandadora: no
[00:39:42] Pandadora: she sounds cute though >.> how can anything evil sound this cute?
[00:40:13] Lily: ...
[00:40:22] Lily: *cough*
[00:40:30] Lily: Pandora just go in the corner
[00:40:42] Pandadora: <.<
[00:40:44] DarkShadows: ...
[00:40:55] Lily: What do we do?
[00:41:00] DarkShadows: Pandora, cats can be both cute and evil.
[00:41:13] DarkShadows: ... I'm not sure. Get in contact with them? see what they're up to?
[00:41:23] Lily: maybe comment on the video
[00:41:55] DarkShadows: ok.
[00:42:01] DarkShadows: let me use a throaway account though.
[00:43:33] Mike Myers: Hi guys.
[00:43:38] Lily: Lily has been asleep a lot lately and Neva & Jessica have just been around.
[00:43:41] Lily: Hello Zack
[00:43:46] Lily: whats up daddio
[00:44:09] Lily: we are talking about the video we found on The Seal's account
[00:44:10] Mike Myers: I've been writing and listening to songs mainly
[00:44:21] Mike Myers: so what's up with Creepy Harlequin Person?
[00:45:06] Lily: we dont know
[00:45:10] Lily: oh
[00:45:13] DarkShadows: ...
[00:45:18] Lily: Maybe its a doll?
[00:45:20] DarkShadows: Youtube's being a dick, hang on
[00:46:21] Lily: Zack, got any theories?
[00:46:59] Mike Myers: Erm-
[00:47:03] Mike Myers: Wooden Girl Doll OR
[00:47:06] Mike Myers: Huh.
[00:47:24] Mike Myers: It wouldn't be the Grotesque, and while the person is a good hacker it couldn't be the Manufactured Newborn
[00:47:35] Mike Myers: is it a Sentimental we don't know?
[00:47:43] Mike Myers: Is it an Altered or Altered Servant?
[00:47:59] Lily: If it is then its of something we dont know yet
[00:49:01] Lily: worst case scenario we just stepped into a world of pain
[00:49:20] Pandadora: best case scenario?
[00:49:26] Lily: its just some kid
[00:49:37] Mike Myers: Ah.
[00:49:53] DarkShadows: I'm not honestly sure. Ask a Fear?
[00:49:54] Mike Myers: Maybe someone who believes that all this is fake and just wants to "gamejack" or whatever the term is?
[00:49:57] Mike Myers: XD
[00:50:03] Mike Myers: Idiots don't know what they're facing.
[00:50:33] DarkShadows: maybe
[00:50:48] Lily: lol
[00:52:12] Pandadora: that would be hillarious
[00:54:15] Pandadora: at least she is peaceful
[00:54:19] Pandadora: so far
[00:54:21] Bunny: What's going on?
[00:54:36] Pandadora: somebody hacked the Seal's account
[00:54:42] Pandadora: posted creepy clown video
[00:54:46] Pandadora:
[00:54:49] Pandadora: watch it
[00:55:16] DarkShadows: ^
[00:55:30] Bunny: The fuck
[00:57:08] Pandadora: IKR
[00:57:10] Pandadora: I DONT EVEN
[00:57:25] Bunny: Is this like
[00:57:35] Bunny: A Wooden Girl puppet er
[00:57:40] DarkShadows: I have no idea.
[00:58:10] Lily: Actually no, I dont think so. The Wooden Girl would broadcast stuff like this through Tower TV
[00:58:21] Lily: not a random youtube channel
[00:58:36] Lily: unless this is somehow linked to Tower TV
[00:59:40] Mike Myers: Probably not one of the Doll's dolls either.
Aren't they like- stuck in porcelain or something?
[01:00:26] The Handed One: Most likely. Anyway, I apologize for
[01:00:31] The Handed One: dropping in like this
[01:00:37] DarkShadows: ...
[01:00:48] The Handed One: Exa really needs better guarding of her domain
[01:00:53] DarkShadows: What are you doing here?
[01:01:11] The Handed One: oh, just to say hi...get some coffee and chat about our day
[01:01:17] The Handed One: what do you think I'm doing here?
[01:01:32] DarkShadows: Trying to cause more trouble.
[01:01:36] The Handed One: bingo
[01:01:46] DarkShadows: *sighs* Great.
[01:01:57] The Handed One: I actually have already succeeded in doing so
[01:02:05] DarkShadows: ... what?
[01:02:11] Mike Myers: Oh shit.
[01:02:18] Mike Myers: ...erm... did you massacre things?
[01:02:24] The Handed One: you could say that
[01:02:28] DarkShadows: How did you cause troubel now?
[01:02:29] Not Wally: Fuck man
[01:02:37] Bunny: God dammit.
[01:03:18] Mike Myers: Did you kill someone we know? o.o
[01:03:21] Mike Myers: Fuuuck.
[01:03:25] The Handed One: I ate the person that was blindly minding its own business here. I doubt Exa will be happy losing her top servant, but...what do you wanna do. He was quite in the way of things and I needed access to this group.
[01:04:06] The Handed One: so yeah, I'm betting thats a "trouble" for you guys.
[01:04:17] DarkShadows: ...
[01:04:24] Bunny: PANDORA NO
[01:04:26] DarkShadows: WHY DID YOU EAT PANDORA
[01:04:28] DarkShadows: DUDE
[01:04:32] Bunny: YOU LITTLE SHIT
[01:04:37] Not Wally: You bastard!
[01:04:42] Not Wally: I'll kill you!
[01:04:46] DarkShadows: I swear to fucking god, we have backup.
[01:04:48] DarkShadows: Wally, don't.
[01:04:50] The Handed One: DarkShadows: CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARL that kills people!
[01:05:13] The Handed One: I can be funny too
[01:05:15] DarkShadows: ... That isn't funny you asshole.
[01:05:16] Bunny: NO
[01:05:38] DarkShadows: We have backup so fucking hard you will regret every. single. second of what you did.
[01:05:47] Not Wally: Fuck you, you mutated piece of shit!
[01:06:07] DarkShadows: ...
[01:06:15] DarkShadows: Jesus.
[01:06:16] Bunny: YOU FUCKING FUCK- oh Handy btw do you know who posted that video on the Seal's youtube?
[01:06:24] The Handed One: Oh
[01:06:33] The Handed One: why don't you ask the Forsaken Creator
[01:06:36] The Handed One: she should know
[01:06:43] The Handed One: on some level or another
[01:06:44] Not Wally: What?
[01:06:45] DarkShadows: Oh Like I would fucking know who some random clown-masked person is.
[01:06:51] The Handed One: ...
[01:06:58] The Handed One: Fine maybe you dont know
[01:07:08] The Handed One: but, you know...prophecy and stuff
[01:07:11] The Handed One: yada yada
[01:07:32] DarkShadows: ... you telling me that chick in the mask has something to do with the prophecy?
[01:07:51] The Handed One: oh
[01:07:55] The Handed One: just catching on now
[01:08:03] The Handed One: hahah, bit slow are you Dark
[01:08:15] DarkShadows: Well seeing as this is the first I've heard of it.
[01:08:36] Mike Myers: Prophecy? o.o
[01:08:57] DarkShadows: How am I supposed to know about some random chick if *nobody will tell me anything about the prophecy*?
[01:09:06] DarkShadows: Go read the logs, Zack. catch up.
[01:09:23] The Handed One: your friend tasted like a combination of sushi and chicken, quite tasty actually. I didnt even BBQ him, although that would be nice...lovely weather for it.
[01:09:46] Not Wally: ...
[01:09:48] DarkShadows: ... I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, and go back to ignoring you. Don't get too cocky.
[01:10:00] DarkShadows: Your days are just as numbered.
[01:10:30] The Handed One: oh, you know I hate to ruin your fun but isnt there a problem
[01:10:37] The Handed One: with me not being able to be killed
[01:10:37] DarkShadows: Yeah, you.
[01:10:40] Mike Myers: Handed One, eventually you'll have to face eldritch justice for all the possibly millions of deaths you caused and the attempted murder of an infinite number more.
[01:10:44] The Handed One: without the universe collapsing
[01:10:48] DarkShadows: Who said we were gonna do something to kill you?
[01:10:53] Mike Myers: You might not die, but you're going to suffer.
[01:10:54] Mike Myers: :I
[01:11:04] The Handed One: oh, seal me up with the Seal?
[01:11:07] DarkShadows: There's far worse things than death.
[01:11:12] DarkShadows: Oh no. You'll see.
[01:11:14] Mike Myers: Nope.
[01:11:43] Not Wally: You're going to pay for what you did to Panda
[01:11:50] The Handed One: speaking of the Seal. Guess what being can be locked inside a trunk in my basement?
[01:12:10] DarkShadows: Guess who can find anyone and anything and is going to kick your ass.
[01:12:39] DarkShadows: There are power tiers, handjob. And you're not as strong as you think you are.
[01:13:05 | Edited 01:13:15] Mike Myers: Here's three hints.
Two words, omnipresent, and practically all-powerful.
[01:13:31] DarkShadows: And also, on our side.
[01:13:43] The Handed One: oh, really... XD
[01:13:50] Mike Myers: You son of a bitch. Listen, if you so much as kill one more being, break a single baby bone, and your suffering will last for the rest of eternity twofold you sonofabitch.
And this is of course on top of the hundred-fold worsening for killing Panda.
[01:14:15] Mike Myers: ...okay I'll hide now.
[01:14:36] The Handed One: Hmm...
[01:14:45] The Handed One: what is this slime I'm covered in
[01:14:49] The Handed One: its everywhere
[01:15:01] Mike Myers: ...Shadows?
[01:15:06] DarkShadows: ?
[01:15:08] Mike Myers: Do you think the slime means...?
[01:15:11] DarkShadows: ...
[01:15:14] Mike Myers: Ooooh I hope it means what I think it means.
[01:15:18] DarkShadows: Oh so do I.
[01:15:20] Mike Myers: Mike Myers sits down and pulls out popcorn.
[01:15:24] The Handed One: what is the slime
[01:15:27] DarkShadows: DarkShadows shares popcorn
[01:15:28] Mike Myers: Taste venegance you baby-devouring piece of shit.
[01:15:28] The Handed One: somebody tell me
[01:15:30] Mike Myers: Mike Myers eats popcorn.
[01:15:38] Mike Myers: ...I hope my theory's not wrong.
[01:15:43] DarkShadows: No, I can't. Part of the prophecy. *snarky*
[01:15:51] The Handed One: LOL
[01:16:06] The Handed One: Ok, ehm Im guessing you think Slenderman is going to show up
[01:16:06] Mike Myers: So... about how much slime is on you?
[01:16:10] Mike Myers: Nope.
[01:16:14] DarkShadows: *laughs*
[01:16:16] DarkShadows: nope.
[01:16:19] Mike Myers: But the slime indicates something else.
[01:16:28] Bunny: Wow Handjob you're stupid as fuck
[01:16:36] DarkShadows: Something else you won't like.
[01:17:01] DarkShadows: Is the slime grey, Handjob?
[01:17:21] The Handed One: well yeah
[01:17:37] DarkShadows: *evil little smirk*
[01:17:45] DarkShadows: smile and nod, boys, smile and nod.
[01:17:47] Mike Myers: Wait one more question Handed One.
[01:17:51] The Handed One: what?
[01:17:52] Mike Myers: How many babies have you killed?
[01:17:56] The Handed One: none
[01:17:58] Mike Myers: Oh.
[01:17:59] The Handed One: I dont kill babies
[01:17:59] Mike Myers: Good.
[01:18:02] Mike Myers: At least there's that.
[01:18:04] Mike Myers: But still.
[01:18:07] Mike Myers: You killed Panda
[01:18:09] Mike Myers: not good.
[01:18:19] DarkShadows: *checks watch*
[01:18:24] The Handed One: Oh
[01:18:26] The Handed One: I get it
[01:18:31] The Handed One: you are waiting for Exa
[01:18:34] Mike Myers: Erm, no.
[01:18:40] Mike Myers: Well, yes.
[01:18:53] Mike Myers: But who knows? The Grey Slime itself might do some nasty shit on its own.
[01:19:01] DarkShadows: As you said, I don't doubt she'd be pissed at you for killing off a servent.
[01:19:25] Mike Myers: And also you're... an omnicidal mutant massacrer of hundreds with a penchant for torture and suffering.
[01:19:34] Mike Myers: And that's bad.
[01:19:47] The Handed One: oh Zack, you say the sweetest things
[01:20:57] Bunny: Bunny lost all hope
[01:21:06] The Handed One: ok what is this now?
[01:21:08] DarkShadows: Bunny, lose no hope.
[01:21:09] The Handed One: wait
[01:21:20] The Handed One: I knew I forgot to plan something
[01:21:27] The Handed One: brb guys
[01:21:31] Mike Myers: Okay.
[01:21:39] DarkShadows: ... fuck yeah Exa kick his ass.
[01:21:47] Mike Myers: What if he has Exa locked up somewhere?
[01:21:59] DarkShadows: ... we'd not have the slime then, would we?
[01:22:01] Mike Myers: Power tiers go I don't know if they're equally matched or if one is stronger than the others.
[01:22:04] Mike Myers: Huh.
[01:22:07] Mike Myers: You're right.
[01:22:11] Mike Myers: But the fact that Exa's not here
[01:22:13] Mike Myers: forbodes things.
[01:22:28] DarkShadows: ... hm maybe Pandy is getting him from the inside.
[01:22:34] The Handed One: OH SHIT, FREAKING THING.
[01:22:44] Mike Myers: Oooh.
[01:22:56] DarkShadows: Hm?
[01:23:01] Mike Myers: Well Handed One, looks like you're fucked royally Altered or not.
[01:23:04] DarkShadows: heheh.
[01:23:06] DarkShadows: Good.
[01:23:11] Mike Myers: Hey Shadows
[01:23:12] DarkShadows: Hope it hurts, Handjob.
[01:23:14] DarkShadows: yesh?
[01:23:15] Mike Myers: question
[01:23:16] DarkShadows: ?
[01:23:22] The Handed One: what????????????
[01:23:25] Mike Myers: do you think the Handed One will be in pain for all eternity?
[01:23:29] Mike Myers: I hope so.
[01:23:33] DarkShadows: I hope. 'cause seriously.
[01:23:34] Mike Myers: :3
[01:23:36] Mike Myers: Like.
[01:23:52] DarkShadows: Hoping he doesn't die though that could be bad.
[01:24:03] The Seal: This was easy
[01:24:07] Mike Myers: Huh?
[01:24:09] DarkShadows: ?
[01:24:17] Mike Myers: ...not-Handed?
[01:24:21] Mike Myers: Are you Not-Handed?
[01:24:22] The Seal: o.o?
[01:24:25] Mike Myers: Ooooh.
[01:24:26] DarkShadows: ...
[01:24:31] DarkShadows: YOU GOT OUT
[01:24:32] DarkShadows: OMG
[01:24:37] DarkShadows: I COULD HUG YOU RIGHT NOW
[01:24:37] Mike Myers: Did you trap the Handed One?
[01:24:42] The Seal: I did
[01:24:44] Mike Myers: Is he going to suffer for all eternity?
[01:24:44] Mike Myers: :D
[01:24:48] The Seal: not sure
[01:24:55] DarkShadows: DarkShadows hugs the Seal so much
[01:25:01] Mike Myers: not even going to keep him locked away until the end of time? :c
[01:25:04] Mike Myers: Jk
[01:25:05] Mike Myers: still
[01:25:07] Mike Myers: OMG
[01:25:09] Mike Myers: SO GLAD
[01:25:09] Mike Myers: :D
[01:25:12] DarkShadows: ... Panda though...
[01:25:17] Mike Myers: ...
[01:25:18] Mike Myers: Panda.
[01:25:19 | Edited 01:25:23] The Seal: He thought that normal rope was enough to keep me there
[01:25:28] The Seal: that was stupid
[01:25:30] Mike Myers: Okay
[01:25:35] DarkShadows: he's not too bright is he?
[01:25:41] The Seal: appearantly not
[01:25:45] Mike Myers: So the Handed One is like the epitome of the Dumb Mook Captain?
[01:25:53] DarkShadows: heh, tropes...
[01:25:57] Mike Myers: Tropes are always fun.
[01:26:01] DarkShadows: ...
[01:26:02] Mike Myers: I'm not looking forward to the Dragon.
[01:26:09] The Seal: Dragon of who
[01:26:13] Mike Myers: The Dragon
[01:26:19] The Seal: I know but
[01:26:21] Mike Myers: it means second in command to the major antagonistic force.
[01:26:21] DarkShadows: brb guys
[01:26:24] Mike Myers: In this case the Wooden Girl.
[01:26:27] The Seal: if this was a series who is the major antagonistic force?
[01:26:38] Mike Myers: Is the Cold Boy dead yet?
[01:26:43] The Seal: No
[01:26:51] Mike Myers: Then the Cold Boy is, at this point, the Big Bad
[01:27:06] The Seal: Eva being his dragon?
[01:27:12] Mike Myers: Eva is the dragon
[01:27:18] The Seal: ninja
[01:27:23] Mike Myers: Wooden Girl is the Dark Action Girl
and... well...
[01:27:36] Lily: brb
[01:27:39] Mike Myers: erm what else is trying to destroy all of everything?
[01:27:49] The Seal: The Simulated?
[01:27:56] Mike Myers: The Simulated is... well... hang on.
[01:28:11] The Seal: Am I a ladybug now?
[01:28:12] DarkShadows: back
[01:28:18] Mike Myers: Maybe.
[01:28:27] DarkShadows: you can be an honorary ladybug if you want. I consider you one.
[01:28:36] DarkShadows: ... wait does that also make Slendy and Willow ladybugs?
[01:28:41] Mike Myers: Oh and the Simulated and the Handed One are both The Brute (not to be confused with the Fear The Brute)
[01:28:50] DarkShadows: hm
[01:28:50] Mike Myers: by the way... do we know whether or not the Brute is with or against us?
[01:29:00] Mike Myers: Because if so The Brute would be the epitome of... well... The Brute.
[01:29:03] DarkShadows: If he's with us things just got exponentially more simple for us.
[01:29:05] The Seal: the what now?
[01:29:14] Mike Myers: Huh.
[01:29:17] Mike Myers: Nm.
[01:29:54] DarkShadows: As far as I know the Fears mostly won't mess with us, unless they are actively against us.
[01:30:26] DarkShadows: brb again
[01:30:28] Mike Myers: The Brute is a Fear, if it exists at all. My knowledge of all you beings is 95% rumor, truthful or otherwise, and 5% concrete fact.
[01:30:49] Mike Myers: So... Brute is like... Fear of War.
[01:30:54] The Seal: oh
[01:31:00] The Seal: I dont think that exists
[01:31:04] Mike Myers: No?
[01:31:06] The Seal: never heard of it
[01:31:19] The Seal: Blind Man has never mentioned it either so
[01:31:20] Mike Myers: Welp, thank God we don't have to deal wih it.
[01:31:35] Mike Myers: And thank God it probably doesn't even exist.
[01:32:15] Mike Myers: Okay, what were we talking about?
[01:32:31] The Seal: ehm
[01:32:54] DarkShadows: back
[01:33:43] Mike Myers: So- how many eldritch beings have to go down? :I
[01:34:02] Mike Myers: And by that I mean either get absorbed or trapped or just defeated in some nonlethal way.
[01:34:06] DarkShadows: Yeah plz
[01:34:13] DarkShadows: let's try not to have things die.
[01:34:17] Mike Myers: Yeah.
[01:34:33] Mike Myers: Okay I got to go.
[01:34:43] The Seal: goodbye
[01:34:54] The Seal: ...
[01:35:01] DarkShadows: ... goodbye, and good luck.
[01:35:15] The Seal: I was saying goodbye to Zack
[01:35:24] The Seal: shame about Pandora
[01:35:31] DarkShadows: oh.
[01:35:33] DarkShadows: ... yes.
[01:36:17] The Seal: well, this was gonna happen...eventually. In these matters its an inevitability
[01:36:23] The Seal: almost
[01:36:35] DarkShadows: ... almost.
[01:43:57] DarkShadows: ... *is quiet*
[01:45:04] The Seal: yeah
[01:45:11] The Seal: ok, this has not been a happy day
[01:45:17] DarkShadows: ...
[01:45:24] The Seal: not that there have been happy days since this whole thing started
[01:45:31] The Seal: I blame Eva
[01:45:53] DarkShadows: I just wish i'd never gotten roped into this.
[01:46:16] The Seal: yeah, now you kind of feel obligated right?
[01:46:16] DarkShadows: ... I wish to Hell I never had. Maybe it would have been better.
[01:46:20] DarkShadows: *nods*
[01:46:25] DarkShadows: Now I don't think I have a choice.
[01:46:27] The Seal: *hug*
[01:46:45] DarkShadows: Not when one of our two helpful entities can find anyone, anywhere, at any time. I literally can't escape.
[01:47:16] DarkShadows: And there's no way the Willow would let me just run off either.
[01:47:54] DarkShadows: ... Is it just me, or does the clown chick in that video make anyone else feel a bit nervous?
[01:48:18] The Seal: yeah
[01:48:25] The Seal: SHE STOLE MY ACCOUNT
[01:48:44] DarkShadows: No I mean besides that. There's... something about her, something weird, and it's making me nervous as hell.
[01:50:46] Bunny: ^ Yeah
[01:50:50] Bunny: I know what you mean
[01:51:08] DarkShadows: It's hard to explain but she scares me.
[01:54:58] The Seal: I get that
[01:55:04] The Seal: she's a clown
[01:55:09] The Seal: clowns are scary
[01:55:11] DarkShadows: ... no. It's not that.
[01:55:17] DarkShadows: It's... something else. I can't place what.
[01:55:22] The Seal: ok
[01:55:31] The Seal: Im in need of going
[01:55:39] The Seal: can anybody log this?
[01:55:47] DarkShadows: alright, see you later, and I can't log, I'm busy.
[01:55:59] The Seal: and perhaps write a friendly RIP post on the blog for good ol' Pandora
[04:17:16] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: OH MY GODS
[04:17:21] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: PANDA IS DEAD
[04:17:24] DarkShadows: ... yes
[04:17:31] DarkShadows: ... I'm so sorry. (hug)
[04:17:38] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: ;(
[04:17:48] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: (hug)
[04:19:11] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: ;(;(;(;(;(;(
[04:19:26] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: I wish there was an emote for loud, extensive crying :c
[04:19:28] DarkShadows: Please don't cry brah...
[04:19:36] DarkShadows: *clings*
[04:19:47] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: I'm sorry, I can't stop. The tears are just...
[04:19:51] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: ;(
[04:19:56] DarkShadows: I know...
[04:20:38] Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill: (hug)
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