Sunday, June 2, 2013

AnotherYear Log 2- Distrust and Jealousy

[8:13:05 PM] Eva Narajo: back
[8:13:14 PM] DarkShadows: hello
[8:13:19 PM] Brahian: Why hello, Eva
[8:13:24 PM] Brahian: We've been expecting you.
[8:13:47 PM] ZacksQuest: Hello.
[8:13:52 PM] ZacksQuest: Have you learned more about Frank?
[8:14:19 PM] Eva Narajo: XD
[8:14:28 PM] Eva Narajo: I got nothing on Frank
[8:14:34 PM] ZacksQuest: Darn it Frank.
[8:14:37 PM] Eva Narajo: false alarm
[8:14:39 PM] ZacksQuest: Why you be so difficult.
[8:14:51 PM] Eva Narajo: but I found Lillians twitter
[8:14:58 PM] Eva Narajo:
[8:14:58 PM] ZacksQuest: Do tell!
[8:15:02 PM] Brahian: BUM BUM BUM.
[8:15:15 PM] Eva Narajo: I just linked it
[8:15:24 PM] Eva Narajo:
[8:15:25 PM] ZacksQuest: She's being held captive
[8:15:29 PM] ZacksQuest: and she needs help.
[8:15:30 PM] ZacksQuest: Fuck.
[8:15:55 PM] Brahian: O.O
[8:16:00 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah but I dont know where she is so we have to wait for her to say something.
[8:16:32 PM] Eva Narajo: or someone with a twitter account could talk to her. Anyone got a twitter account?
[8:16:44 PM] Brahian: I do
[8:17:03 PM] Eva Narajo: Talk to her. Ask where she is!
[8:18:20 PM] Eva Narajo: the fate of the world depends on it or well her life...maybe
[8:18:39 PM] Brahian: Fate of the world? o.O
[8:18:53 PM] Eva Narajo: Im kidding
[8:19:00 PM] Eva Narajo: talk to her Brahian
[8:19:04 PM] Brahian: I did
[8:19:49 PM] ZacksQuest: Well, the fate of the world *might* depend on it.
You know, supernatural beings, Fears, and the Slender Man are all pretty world shattering... :|
[8:20:06 PM] Eva Narajo: yep
[8:20:06 PM] Brahian: True, true
[8:20:16 PM] Eva Narajo: brb
[8:20:32 PM] Brahian: Kk
[8:22:06 PM] Eva Narajo: what did you say to her Brahian?
[8:22:23 PM] Eva Narajo: did you reply to her tweet or DM her?
[8:22:36 PM] Brahian: I DM'd her
[8:22:52 PM] Eva Narajo: what did you say o.o
[8:23:30 PM] Eva Narajo: ?
[8:24:00 PM] ZacksQuest: :I Brah?
[8:24:02 PM] DarkShadows: I have one... somewhere.
[8:24:12 PM] DarkShadows: a twitter.
[8:24:12 PM] Eva Narajo: also is anyone logging this ?
[8:24:15 PM] ZacksQuest: I am.
[8:24:19 PM] DarkShadows: brb
[8:24:24 PM] Brahian: Brahian ‏@brahian476 6m
@LWonderfield Uh... you okay there? Wait, that was a stupid question. Uh... where are you? Who's holding you captive?
[8:24:27 PM] Brahian: :I
[8:27:06 PM] Eva Narajo: ok thats good work Brah. Tell me when you get a reply.
[8:28:16 PM] Bunny: "@brahian476 Im not ok. Im being held by some kind of being I dont know it had no head. Its head is in its stomache. Im in Toronto"
[8:28:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Head is in it's stomach...
[8:28:34 PM] ZacksQuest: the Simulated?
[8:28:35 PM] Brahian: Yeah, that
[8:28:54 PM] Eva Narajo: Its probably the Simulated.
[8:28:54 PM] Brahian: You think you can get to Toronto, Eva?
[8:29:16 PM] Eva Narajo: Toronto. Im in New York...gonna head up there tomorrow.
[8:29:32 PM] Brahian: Good to know
[8:29:41 PM] Eva Narajo: Melissa has a car
[8:29:56 PM] DarkShadows: back
[8:29:59 PM] Bunny: The Egg has a car...
[8:29:59 PM] Brahian: Can we do anything about her situation, currently?
[8:30:09 PM] Bunny: THE YOLKMOBILE
[8:30:21 PM] DarkShadows: Is there anything else we can do to help?
[8:30:34 PM] Brahian: [8:30 PM] Bunny:
[8:30:48 PM] Eva Narajo: ehm dont think so
[8:31:48 PM] Eva Narajo: once I find Lillian I can find Frank. They know each other and Frank knows Jessica.
[8:32:01 PM] Brahian: Good, good
[8:32:23 PM] Brahian: Should I tell her you're coming, or...?
[8:32:37 PM] ZacksQuest: The Simulated probably doesn't read blogs... but still... :I
[8:32:44 PM] ZacksQuest: Better to be safe than sorry.
[8:32:48 PM] Eva Narajo: dont tell her Brah
[8:32:54 PM] DarkShadows: What are we going to do when we are all assembled? When we have our five that is.
[8:32:55 PM] Brahian: A'ight then
[8:33:03 PM] DarkShadows: yeah don't brah, may be unsafe.
[8:33:16 PM] Eva Narajo: then Im gonna hand them to the Willow
[8:33:18 PM] ZacksQuest: The Simulated shouldn't have any forewarning.
[8:34:25 PM] Eva Narajo: so what is everyone up to?
[8:34:26 PM] ZacksQuest: Then again, if the Simulated DOES read Twitter accounts and it DOES know her Twitter account and it DOES know that you just recieved her whereabouts-
it wouldn't matter much anyways.
But better safe!
[8:34:29 PM] ZacksQuest: Erm... stuff.
[8:34:30 PM] ZacksQuest: IDK.
[8:34:45 PM] DarkShadows: yeah... true.
[8:35:25 PM] Brahian: I liek trains.
[8:35:35 PM] Eva Narajo: Im hanging out with Melissa. Melissa eants to go to the path of black leaves.
[8:35:43 PM] ZacksQuest: The Path of Black Leaves!?
[8:35:44 PM] Brahian: Why? o.O
[8:35:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Why.
[8:35:59 PM] Eva Narajo: To see her "lover"
[8:36:09 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah.
[8:36:15 PM] Brahian: Um.... whossat? o.O
[8:36:27 PM] Eva Narajo: see to turn her back I had to make her believe that Slenderman loves her.
[8:36:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[8:36:34 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[8:36:41 PM | Edited 8:36:58 PM] Brahian: o__________________________________________Oh.
[8:36:46 PM] Bunny: oh.
[8:37:19 PM] DarkShadows: ...
[8:37:30 PM] Eva Narajo: since that is what she wanted. He rejected her when she was altered and she became obsessed with him.
[8:37:37 PM] DarkShadows: That's... that isn't smart, you probably don't wanna hang out around there...
[8:37:58 PM] ZacksQuest: See, if anything's gonna piss off Slender Man, that's going to at least get you noticed.
[8:38:10 PM] Eva Narajo: I cant just ditch a friend like that.
[8:38:21 PM] Eva Narajo: and Im aware
[8:38:45 PM] ZacksQuest: It's not bringing all the Altered and burning down Slender Man's place and then punching Slender Man in the face, but it's... ... okay at least you know the downsides to something like this.
[8:39:07 PM] Brahian: Still not a good idea.
[8:39:08 PM] DarkShadows: I hope to God you know the way out of there...
[8:39:09 PM] Eva Narajo: Even if I die I want to at least have tried. I dont care. We are all fucked might as well try to do something.
[8:39:16 PM] DarkShadows: ... true.
[8:39:24 PM] Brahian: ...
[8:39:44 PM] ZacksQuest: True.
[8:39:57 PM] Eva Narajo: we arent in the path of black leaves. We are not going there. We are going to Canada.
[8:40:11 PM] Eva Narajo: Melissa is just whining
[8:40:14 PM] Brahian: Okay, good
[8:40:55 PM] DarkShadows: Oh. Thank God that's all.
[8:42:00 PM] Eva Narajo: I already been there once. Holding a giant sentient egg that would not shut up.
[8:42:13 PM] Brahian: o.O
[8:42:31 PM] Eva Narajo: The Egg...Melissa
[8:42:39 PM] Eva Narajo: former altered
[8:42:44 PM] Brahian: I'm aware
[8:42:58 PM] Eva Narajo: *hits brahian with a newspaper*
[8:43:04 PM] Brahian: D:
[8:43:22 PM] Eva Narajo: I turned her human by bringing her to Slenderman.
[8:43:23 PM] DarkShadows: Well good to know she's always been the kind of person that's talkative...
[8:43:28 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[8:43:50 PM] DarkShadows: I doubt Slenderman was happy to see her become human... or see her or you at all, especially you, since you kind of work for an Altered that hates him.
[8:44:16 PM] Eva Narajo: he never saw me. or the egg
[8:44:50 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[8:44:56 PM] Eva Narajo: I made her see slenderman and a picture in a heart of her that I planted there.
[8:45:01 PM] DarkShadows: hm. I'm guessing you hid, then?
[8:45:20 PM] Eva Narajo: this made her believe that she was loved by him
[8:45:30 PM] Bunny: That's kinda humorous.
[8:45:44 PM] ZacksQuest: That's both humorous and... well... that's really fucking with emotions there.
[8:45:44 PM] Eva Narajo: and yeah. the path is more like a forest.
[8:45:47 PM] Eva Narajo: it is
[8:46:06 PM] Eva Narajo: I know but Im trying to help
[8:46:14 PM] Eva Narajo: she wanted to become human
[8:46:17 PM] ZacksQuest: But that's one Altered that either wanted to be human and got her wish or that's one less Altered that may destroy a good chunk of humankind.
[8:46:24 PM] Eva Narajo: this was the only wY
[8:46:26 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay in this case *possibly* both.
[8:46:33 PM] DarkShadows: maybe, maybe not... we'll see.
[8:46:39 PM] ZacksQuest: So the goal's to humanify all the Altered?
[8:47:11 PM] Eva Narajo: at least the willow but we'll see how far we can get before I die.
[8:47:27 PM] DarkShadows: I'm not sure that's possible... as far as I know about the Egg, Slenderman had nothing to do with her alteration.
[8:47:47 PM] Eva Narajo: Melissa says otherwise
[8:49:30 PM] Eva Narajo: Oh I forgot
[8:49:35 PM] Eva Narajo: The list
[8:49:39 PM] ZacksQuest: The list?
[8:49:42 PM] Brahian: hm?
[8:49:46 PM] DarkShadows: yeah, what list?
[8:49:50 PM] Bunny: ?
[8:49:56 PM] Eva Narajo: the list where I fiund your skype names
[8:50:13 PM] Wally: Hello
[8:50:14 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah.
[8:50:40 PM] DarkShadows: ... huh, yeah, how'd you even get that list?
[8:50:40 PM] Brahian: Ah yes, where, I wonder?
[8:50:51 PM] Eva Narajo: it was called The Ladybugs
[8:51:03 PM] Brahian: The... Ladybugs? o.O
[8:51:08 PM] Eva Narajo: you being the ladybugs
[8:51:25 PM] DarkShadows: ... Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home; your house is on fire, your children will burn.
[8:51:30 PM] Eva Narajo: my friend stole that list from Willow
[8:51:31 PM] Brahian: How are... we the ladybugs? o.O
[8:51:40 PM] Eva Narajo: dunno
[8:51:49 PM] Eva Narajo: hello Wally
[8:51:52 PM] Bunny: Where did you find it?
[8:51:53 PM] DarkShadows: I do not like the implications of being called "ladybugs" where eldritch beings are concerned.
[8:52:00 PM] DarkShadows: yeah, where'd you get it from?
[8:52:25 PM] Eva Narajo: On 03/06/2013, at 00:47, Eva Narajo wrote:
> my friend stole that list from Willow
[8:52:40 PM] Bunny: OH
[8:52:54 PM] Bunny: What friend?
[8:53:02 PM] Bunny: And how?
[8:53:12 PM] DarkShadows: what he said
[8:53:29 PM] Brahian: what she said
[8:53:59 PM] Eva Narajo: He didnt say anything
[8:54:17 PM] Brahian: [8:53 PM] Bunny:
<<< What friend?
And how?
[8:54:21 PM] Eva Narajo: I told him my plan. He dissappeared for a day and then got me the list
[8:54:39 PM] Eva Narajo: His name is David
[8:54:56 PM] Eva Narajo: He tols me you could help.
[8:55:03 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[8:55:09 PM] Brahian: Does David have a last name?
[8:55:13 PM] DarkShadows: Is David also a Melancholy...?
[8:55:18 PM] Bunny: Where is this Dave guy now?
[8:55:19 PM] Eva Narajo: Bowie XD
[8:55:27 PM] Bunny: AHH
[8:55:31 PM] ZacksQuest: WHOA
[8:55:32 PM] ZacksQuest: WHOA
[8:55:39 PM] ZacksQuest: Bowie?
[8:55:40 PM] Brahian: WHOA
[8:55:46 PM] Brahian: DAVID BOWIE?!
[8:55:48 PM] Eva Narajo: that be a joke
[8:55:52 PM] Brahian: Like THE David Bowie?!
[8:55:53 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh I was going to say.
[8:55:54 PM] Brahian: Oh
[8:56:01 PM] Brahian: Brahian is so gullible.
[8:56:01 PM] Eva Narajo: his name is David Samsson
[8:56:14 PM] ZacksQuest: Like the Fears themselves, the SMSC is most likely a rumor.
... David Samsson. Very biblical.
[8:56:37 PM] Brahian: Hmmmmmmm?
[8:56:45 PM] Eva Narajo: He is a reaper
[8:56:53 PM] Brahian: Ooh, interesting.
[8:57:02 PM] Brahian: Why's he helping you, then, I wonder?
[8:57:03 PM] DarkShadows: Huh.
[8:57:13 PM] Eva Narajo: As in servant of the Gatekeeper.
[8:57:15 PM] DarkShadows: Odd. I thought the Gatekeeper and Willow didn't really... get along.
[8:57:18 PM] Eva Narajo: we are friends
[8:57:26 PM] DarkShadows: being beings on opposing sides and all.
[8:57:26 PM] Eva Narajo: they dont
[8:57:55 PM | Edited 8:58:05 PM] Wally: He's must be a rebelling Reaper then, right?
[8:58:02 PM] Eva Narajo: doesnt mean Reapers have the same ideal
[8:58:04 PM] ZacksQuest: SECRET FRIENDSHIP
[8:58:06 PM] DarkShadows: huh.
[8:58:07 PM] Eva Narajo: yes
[8:58:22 PM] Eva Narajo: welcome to the party Wally
[8:58:23 PM] Brahian: Interesting.
[8:59:04 PM] Wally: Thank you Eva
[8:59:14 PM] ZacksQuest: Anyways, the whole humanification thing brings up some interesting points.
Could we humanify all the Altered. Like, if every one of us works to humanify the Altered, would that even work? Would it secretly be a BAD THING? Could we humanify Slender Man, even if he was never at any point human? (This theory I highly doubt and I vow I will never ever ever ever test this theory ever ever ever.)
IN ANY CASE, thank you! :)
[9:00:04 PM] DarkShadows: I think that sounds like a bad idea even if we could, Pharaoh.
[9:01:06 PM] ZacksQuest: It probably is the worst of ideas.
[9:01:09 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah lets not turn fears human
[9:01:32 PM] ZacksQuest: There are theories that Fears are natural representational constants and destroying said constants fuck up the universe. Completely.
[9:01:54 PM] ZacksQuest: And either way the Fears will worry about whether or not we can actually do it and kill us to be better off safe than sorry
[9:01:58 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah
[9:02:02 PM] ZacksQuest: or it doesn't work and Slender Man just gets fucking pissed.
[9:02:11 PM] DarkShadows: yeah maybe trying to purify all these eldritch beings will just screw things up?
[9:02:24 PM] Eva Narajo: yep
[9:02:40 PM] Eva Narajo: I just want the altere..hang on
[9:02:43 PM] DarkShadows: At least if Slenderman is preoccupied with the Altered, he can't attack us.
[9:02:50 PM] Eva Narajo: someones at the door
[9:03:00 PM] Brahian: BUM BUM BUM.
[9:03:02 PM] ZacksQuest: As in- moreso than he is for having his creations, rebelling or otherwise, turned back into humans.
[9:03:03 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh fuck.
[9:03:28 PM] Eva Narajo: its a girl o.O
[9:03:35 PM] ZacksQuest: Huh?
[9:03:49 PM] Bunny: WHAT
[9:03:49 PM] Eva Narajo: wait...
[9:03:58 PM] DarkShadows: ... that isn't good.
[9:04:07 PM] Eva Narajo: Its Neva o.o
[9:04:24 PM] DarkShadows: ... who is Neva?
[9:04:30 PM] Eva Narajo: Neva is the fourth person the willow wants
[9:04:43 PM] DarkShadows: ... and she came to you directly...
[9:04:49 PM] Bunny: Eva Neva
[9:04:51 PM] DarkShadows: I sense a trojan horse.
[9:04:54 PM] Eva Narajo: yes o.O odd
[9:05:03 PM] Bunny: NEGA EVA
[9:05:09 PM] Brahian: Neva Eva
[9:05:10 PM] DarkShadows: yeah...
[9:05:13 PM] Brahian: That's...
[9:05:15 PM] Brahian: Um...
[9:05:17 PM] Brahian: Alright then
[9:06:01 PM] Eva Narajo: "Why are you doing this? Ever thought that mom doesnt want to go back to a world where she is despised"
[9:06:02 PM] ZacksQuest: Well... keep her in another room in case- well- she's an Altered or Altered servant.
[9:06:16 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[9:06:20 PM] Brahian: .... Mom? o.O
[9:06:21 PM] Eva Narajo: that is what she said
[9:06:33 PM] ZacksQuest: Mom...
[9:06:47 PM] ZacksQuest: Well, Willow acts as a mother to all her Melancholies doesn't she?
[9:06:47 PM] Eva Narajo: Do you guys know what Sentimentals are?
[9:06:50 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[9:06:53 PM] ZacksQuest: Yeah.
[9:07:02 PM] Eva Narajo: Neva is one
[9:07:02 PM] Brahian: Uh... no?
[9:07:03 PM] ZacksQuest: They're like... the emotions Slendy tore away from himself right?
[9:07:09 PM] Brahian: Oh dear
[9:07:26 PM] Eva Narajo: Neva, Sentimental of jealousy.
[9:07:30 PM] ZacksQuest: Fuck.
[9:07:36 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[9:07:44 PM] ZacksQuest: So wait...
[9:07:48 PM] ZacksQuest: wat? Huh.
[9:08:03 PM] Eva Narajo: hmm?
[9:07:59 PM] Bunny: Oh man.
[9:08:03 PM] Eva Narajo: hmm?
[9:08:15 PM] Eva Narajo: what is it Zack.
[9:08:25 PM] ZacksQuest: I'm just wondering-
[9:08:31 PM] DarkShadows: ... huh.
[9:08:34 PM] ZacksQuest: Sentimentals are, like... the emotions Slendy tore away from himself.
[9:08:36 PM] Eva Narajo: I already locked her in the closet to be safe.
[9:08:41 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah
[9:08:43 PM] Brahian: o.O
[9:08:43 PM] ZacksQuest: Yet Neva was a friend of Willow pre-human.
[9:08:49 PM] DarkShadows: Hm.
[9:08:52 PM] ZacksQuest: I mean pre-Willow Willow
[9:08:53 PM] ZacksQuest: THIS MEANS
[9:09:00 PM] Brahian: And why does she call her Mom?
[9:09:10 PM] Eva Narajo: He liked her and hated himself for it?
[9:09:10 PM] Brahian: Wait
[9:09:15 PM] ZacksQuest: Slendy has had his eye on Willow well before whatever series of events turned her into the Altered she is now.
[9:09:19 PM] ZacksQuest: ...well fuck.
[9:09:28 PM] DarkShadows: Jeez...
[9:09:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Or I'm jumping to conclusions.
[9:09:40 PM] ZacksQuest: It's like in Batman Arkham Asylum, you know?
[9:09:52 PM] DarkShadows: ... it is?
[9:09:54 PM] Eva Narajo: Im assuming that the Willow caused her formation Brah so Im guessing she sees her as a mother.
[9:09:54 PM] ZacksQuest: When you realize the statue of the Joker was the Joker the whole time but you never realized it until the end.
[9:10:02 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[9:10:14 PM] Bunny: SPOILERS
[9:10:15 PM] Bunny: AHHHH
[9:10:17 PM] Bunny: WHY
[9:10:23 PM] Brahian: So... Slenderman was jealous of Willow? Why?
[9:10:27 PM] ZacksQuest: I assume everyone played Arkham Asylum.
[9:10:38 PM] Bunny: NO
[9:10:45 PM] Eva Narajo: maybe he was jealous that she was with another
[9:10:52 PM] ZacksQuest: Huh.
[9:10:53 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[9:10:56 PM] ZacksQuest: What other?
[9:11:04 PM] Eva Narajo: dunno
[9:11:27 PM] ZacksQuest: Huh.
[9:11:30 PM] DarkShadows: Or he was jealous she was able to live without his influence or under his servitude... jealousy stems from many places...
[9:11:43 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah
[9:11:50 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh.
[9:12:23 PM] ZacksQuest: Wait... does this mean Neva was created because of his jealousy for Willow completely or was Neva human once and got the broadside of Slendy's escaping jealousy?
[9:12:26 PM] ZacksQuest: :/
[9:12:43 PM] Eva Narajo: i think the first one Zack
[9:12:46 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah.
[9:12:51 PM] ZacksQuest: Well still would it be rude to ask her?
[9:12:57 PM] DarkShadows: I do wonder... do the Sentimentals have all of his emotions, or some of them? I wonder how well the... process works.
[9:13:02 PM] Eva Narajo: maybe o.o
[9:13:31 PM] Eva Narajo: Should I give her my phone to talk to you guys?
[9:13:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Yes please.
[9:13:46 PM] DarkShadows: that might be helpful, yes.
[9:13:54 PM] Eva Narajo: ok hang on
[9:13:56 PM] ZacksQuest: Well maybe Slendy throws away all the feelings that get a normal ruler's ass handed to him.
[9:14:03 PM] ZacksQuest: Like love, jealousy, pride, sloth, greed...
[9:14:26 PM] Bunny: XD
[9:14:27 PM] Eva Narajo: Hello o.o
[9:14:30 PM] ZacksQuest: Hi!
[9:14:43 PM] Bunny: Hey
[9:14:49 PM] Eva Narajo: Im Neva. I guess you are the ladybugs
[9:14:58 PM] Brahian: Yes, I do believe we are
[9:15:02 PM] Bunny: Do you know why we are ladybugs?
[9:15:09 PM] Wally: ^
[9:15:09 PM] ZacksQuest: I find that Speceist!
[9:15:17 PM] Eva Narajo: ehm I dont know
[9:15:23 PM] Brahian: Hm
[9:15:32 PM] Brahian: Then how do you know we're them?
[9:15:50 PM] ZacksQuest: So- this "Mom". I'm fairly sure who this "Mom" is but still, it'd be nice to have complete and total clarification on it.
[9:15:57 PM] Eva Narajo: Eva told me
[9:16:06 PM] ZacksQuest: Well.
[9:16:18 PM] Eva Narajo: Mom is the weeping willow
[9:16:21 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay
[9:16:24 PM] Brahian: Interesting.
[9:16:26 PM] ZacksQuest: Suspicions confirmed.
[9:17:00 PM] Bunny: Is Eva a Sentimental too?
[9:17:07 PM] ZacksQuest: Eva's a Melancholy.
[9:17:15 PM] Eva Narajo: no she is a Melancholy
[9:17:24 PM] Bunny: she could be in DISGUISE
[9:17:44 PM] ZacksQuest: I don't see how that's possible.
[9:17:50 PM] DarkShadows: Honestly I don't think anyone here is overly trustworthy but I'm just being cautious.
[9:17:54 PM] Eva Narajo: neither do I
[9:18:03 PM] ZacksQuest: Hey question.
[9:18:07 PM] ZacksQuest: Is there a Pride Sentimental?
[9:18:08 PM] Eva Narajo: hmm?
[9:18:13 PM] Eva Narajo: yes
[9:18:30 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay.
[9:18:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Just wondering.
[9:18:36 PM] ZacksQuest: Thanks. :D
[9:20:58 PM] Eva Narajo: @Brahian Neva stands for Not Eva. @Dark. I dont think mother wants to but I could be wrong OuO It is possible. but I dont know why Eva wants that.
[9:21:24 PM] DarkShadows: Delusions, hidden agenda...?
[9:21:33 PM] DarkShadows: I don't like what's going on here I think...
[9:21:35 PM] ZacksQuest: Question- why do you *call* Willow mother? You're a sentimental, not a Melancholy.
[9:21:36 PM] Eva Narajo: the latter I guess
[9:21:41 PM] Brahian: Well, yeah, I.... Oh
[9:21:53 PM] Eva Narajo: without her I woupdnt exist.
[9:21:56 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[9:21:56 PM] ZacksQuest: OH
[9:21:59 PM] ZacksQuest: You're right.
[9:22:02 PM] DarkShadows: ... OH. true...
[9:22:16 PM] Brahian: Is there any chance that something was going on with Eva when Slenderman made you?
[9:22:27 PM] DarkShadows: Call me nuts, it seems like the Sentimentals revolve around emotions Slendy has connected to Willow...
[9:22:40 PM] Eva Narajo: yeah seems so
[9:22:41 PM] ZacksQuest: Op, one Pride-related question?
Is he a self-conscious arrogant prick, like the stereotypical proud person?
[9:22:54 PM] ZacksQuest: Or does he constantly compare himself to trees that he planted?
[9:22:59 PM] Brahian: [9:22 PM] Brahian:
<<< Is there any chance that something was going on with Eva when Slenderman made you?
[9:23:11 PM] Eva Narajo: dunno
[9:23:18 PM] Brahian: Hmmmmm.
[9:23:23 PM] Brahian: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
[9:23:26 PM] Eva Narajo: and I have never met Pride.
[9:23:26 PM] Brahian: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
[9:23:32 PM] DarkShadows: curiouser and curiouser cried alice.
[9:23:32 PM] ZacksQuest: Oh well.
[9:24:03 PM] Brahian: Is Pride their actual name?
[9:24:09 PM] ZacksQuest: Well, Shadows, we're already at the proverbial never-ending tea party here.
[9:24:11 PM] Eva Narajo: anyway else I can be of assistance?
[9:24:19 PM] ZacksQuest: Hrm... Shadows?
[9:24:23 PM] DarkShadows: yeah
[9:24:31 PM] DarkShadows: ?
[9:24:33 PM] DarkShadows: what?
[9:24:38 PM] Brahian: How many Sentimentals are there?
[9:24:43 PM] Eva Narajo: I dont think Pride is his actual name. We choose our own names
[9:24:43 PM] DarkShadows: I don't know...
[9:24:52 PM] DarkShadows: I thought there was only one, apparently not.
[9:25:13 PM] Brahian: You choose your own names? Oh, right. So why did you choose Neva?
[9:25:21 PM] Eva Narajo: you've heard of other sentimentals Dark?
[9:25:34 PM] Eva Narajo: it sounds fun
[9:25:36 PM] ZacksQuest: Shadows, we at least know that Love one right?
[9:25:42 PM] DarkShadows: Yes I have... Only of one, named Jitha...
[9:25:48 PM] ZacksQuest: The love one.
[9:25:54 PM] Brahian: *nodnod*
[9:25:57 PM] Eva Narajo: Right...
[9:26:33 PM | Edited 9:26:38 PM] Brahian: Have you ever met him?
[9:26:35 PM] DarkShadows: I am not sure how well the process works when the emotions are... transfered to a person, I don't know how well it works, if it's connected to Tall and Faceless I really can't give much of an explanation... I don't think any human can.
[9:26:42 PM] DarkShadows: Her, Brah... and no.
[9:26:53 PM] Brahian: How do you know?
[9:27:03 PM] DarkShadows: I have been fortunate thus far not to run into any of these beings, and I'd rather not.
[9:27:05 PM] DarkShadows: Research.
[9:27:08 PM] ZacksQuest: Research.
[9:27:37 PM] Brahian: [9:27 PM] Brahian:
<<< Have you ever met him?Okay, I was asking this to Neva
[9:27:53 PM] DarkShadows: oh
[9:27:55 PM] Eva Narajo: Jitha is a girl
[9:27:59 PM] Brahian: So, her apparently. Have you met her?
[9:28:42 PM] Eva Narajo: I have
[9:28:58 PM] Brahian: Hm.
[9:29:45 PM] Eva Narajo: but only briefly also Dark wherever you might have gottwn your research from might not hold true in this universe. Universes are different...the whole dimensional bleeding stuff.
[9:30:15 PM] DarkShadows: True, very true... it all depends.
[9:30:20 PM] ZacksQuest: True.
[9:30:38 PM] Eva Narajo: Jitha is a small girl in this universe.
[9:31:46 PM] Eva Narajo: anyway else I can help?
[9:31:58 PM] ZacksQuest: Erm... much do you know about Eva?
[9:32:18 PM] ZacksQuest: We know only as much as she'll tell, but... you know... subjectivity and possible ulterior motives.
[9:32:25 PM] DarkShadows: yeah
[9:32:52 PM] Eva Narajo: She's a melancholy who hates altered because of what the handed one did to her girlfriend.
[9:33:05 PM] Eva Narajo: revenge maybe?
[9:33:06 PM] Brahian: We know this much
[9:33:07 PM] ZacksQuest: We know that... So... why is Eva "helping" these altered?
[9:33:44 PM] Eva Narajo: she left for Canada and left her phone here.
[9:33:51 PM] ZacksQuest: She's off to Canada?
[9:33:54 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay.
[9:33:54 PM] Eva Narajo: and me
[9:34:01 PM] Brahian: Wait wait wait. She left for Canada now?
[9:34:06 PM] Eva Narajo: yes she is off to canada
[9:34:09 PM] Brahian: Like, already?
[9:34:14 PM] Brahian: Interesting...
[9:34:16 PM] ZacksQuest: That's been hammered in.
[9:34:33 PM] Eva Narajo: seema so she said she was going to toronto
[9:34:41 PM] ZacksQuest: Okay.
[9:34:42 PM] Brahian: I assumed so
[9:34:45 PM] ZacksQuest: Crap. I know people in Toronto.
[9:34:47 PM] Eva Narajo: guys...I dont trust Eva.
[9:34:49 PM | Edited 9:34:54 PM] Brahian: Oh?
[9:35:06 PM] DarkShadows: explain
[9:35:12 PM] ZacksQuest: So we should probably delete all posts talking about our suspicions before tomorrow.
[9:35:19 PM] ZacksQuest: I'll keep em in the logs, but in the chat... not safe.
[9:35:24 PM] ZacksQuest: Don't delete 'em right now, though.
[9:35:28 PM] Eva Narajo: she seems to be a bit too into this and her morality scale seems twisted
[9:35:28 PM] Bunny: She'll read the logs anyway
[9:35:56 PM] Eva Narajo: no I changed the password to her skype
[9:36:19 PM] ZacksQuest: Well damn.
[9:36:22 PM] Eva Narajo: This is my account...for now.
[9:36:29 PM] DarkShadows: oh, ok
[9:36:30 PM] DarkShadows: hm
[9:36:31 PM] Bunny: Change the name, yo.
[9:36:32 PM] Brahian: Change your name then
[9:36:37 PM] Bunny: NINJAD
[9:36:43 PM] Brahian: Shat up -_-
[9:36:49 PM] DarkShadows: lol
[9:37:17 PM] Bunny: I will not shit up k thanks
[9:37:23 PM] Brahian: ...
[9:37:26 PM] Brahian: Anywhom...
[9:37:50 PM] Neva: be honeat wit me
[9:37:59 PM] Neva: *honest with me
[9:38:01 PM] Brahian: 'bout what?
[9:38:05 PM] ZacksQuest: ?
[9:38:07 PM] Bunny: ?
[9:38:09 PM] Neva: do you trust Eva?
[9:38:16 PM] Brahian: Not really
[9:38:24 PM] DarkShadows: no, not really.
[9:38:26 PM] Bunny: Not really, no.
[9:38:29 PM] ZacksQuest: I trust her in the sense that she'll do what she say. I do not trust that she won't do MORE than what she says.
[9:38:33 PM] DarkShadows: I fele like she's hiding things.
[9:38:37 PM] Bunny: ^
[9:38:43 PM] Brahian: But I don't exactly trust you, either :I
[9:38:47 PM] DarkShadows: yeah...
[9:38:51 PM] ZacksQuest: Like kill us for knowing about the Altered
or go after the Slender Man
or do some crazy world-breaking shit.
[9:39:18 PM] Neva: yeah
[9:39:27 PM] Neva: do you trust me?
[9:40:04 PM] ZacksQuest: No offense, but it takes a while for me to trust anything with more eldritch potential than Dagon's breadbox.
But you seem trustworthy so far and you aren't keeping any secrets.
[9:40:14 PM] DarkShadows: I trust you enough.
[9:40:14 PM] Bunny: I need to know more about you to trust you
[9:40:20 PM] DarkShadows: what Bunny said.
[9:40:29 PM] Neva: ok
[9:41:20 PM] Neva: Im an open book. I want to stop Eva. Mom has been in this state for so long she would die if she turned human.
[9:41:34 PM] Neva: I dont want mom to die
[9:41:39 PM] DarkShadows: ... hm
[9:41:50 PM] DarkShadows: Do you think Eva is aware of that?
[9:42:02 PM] ZacksQuest: Also- Altered may be keeping Slendy preoccupied. She's caused Melissa (The Egg) to think that she *loves* Slender Man. She's humanizing the Altered and giving Slendy some relief. I don't know if Eva may or may not be working with the Slender Man. And if she was a loyal Melancholy or really looked gratefully on The Weeping Willow, why is she trying to humanize Willow away if Willow doesn't want to lose her power?
[9:42:07 PM] Neva: I think she is
[9:42:25 PM] ZacksQuest: Eva... honestly I think she's working with Slender Man, but for now that's a very very large stretch that I won't voice out loud.
[9:43:40 PM] Neva: I think she is a servant that just one day snapped.
[9:43:48 PM] DarkShadows: hm...
[9:41:50 PM] DarkShadows: Do you think Eva is aware of that?
[9:42:02 PM] ZacksQuest: Also- Altered may be keeping Slendy preoccupied. She's caused Melissa (The Egg) to think that she *loves* Slender Man. She's humanizing the Altered and giving Slendy some relief. I don't know if Eva may or may not be working with the Slender Man. And if she was a loyal Melancholy or really looked gratefully on The Weeping Willow, why is she trying to humanize Willow away if Willow doesn't want to lose her power?
[9:42:07 PM] Neva: I think she is
[9:42:25 PM] ZacksQuest: Eva... honestly I think she's working with Slender Man, but for now that's a very very large stretch that I won't voice out loud.
[9:43:40 PM] Neva: I think she is a servant that just one day snapped.
[9:43:48 PM] DarkShadows: hm...
[9:44:22 PM] ZacksQuest: Tired of all the killing and deaths one has to witness as an Altered servant?
[9:47:17 PM] Neva: Im in a hotel room OuO I guess its paid for.
[9:47:27 PM] Neva: OMG THERES CAKE
[9:47:31 PM] ZacksQuest: There's CAKE!?
[9:47:34 PM] ZacksQuest: LUCKY.
[9:47:34 PM] Brahian: Probably not for long
[9:47:39 PM] Neva: YES
[9:47:39 PM] Brahian: Oh yay, cake
[9:47:40 PM] DarkShadows: cake is good
[9:47:43 PM] Brahian: (^)
[9:47:48 PM] ZacksQuest: IT WORKED
[9:47:48 PM] Brahian: Poisoned cake O.O
[9:47:52 PM] ZacksQuest: IT WORKED SO WELL
[9:48:02 PM] Neva: Im gonna eat the cake and sleep in the giant bed.
[9:48:07 PM] DarkShadows: yeah
[9:48:13 PM] ZacksQuest: Yep. Your ability is causing jealousy in others.
[9:48:21 PM] Brahian: POISONED CAKE. O_______________________________________________O
[9:48:23 PM] DarkShadows: have fun.
[9:48:27 PM] ZacksQuest: ;-; I am so envious right now I don't even.
[9:48:37 PM] Brahian: TEH CAKE IS POISONED
[9:48:43 PM] Neva: I cant be poisoned Brah
[9:48:51 PM] ZacksQuest: Then the cake is a lie.
[9:48:54 PM] Brahian: ^
[9:48:57 PM] ZacksQuest: There is no other option than those two.
[9:49:13 PM] Brahian: How can it not be poisoned, I wonder?
[9:49:13 PM] Neva: im eldritch. Im immune to poison
[9:49:21 PM] Brahian: Oh
[9:49:23 PM] ZacksQuest: Ah.
[9:49:25 PM] Neva: no I meant Im immune
[9:49:32 PM] Brahian: Then the cake is a lie!
[9:49:34 PM] Neva: anyway
[9:49:37 PM] ZacksQuest: Then you are Inigo Montoya. :I
[9:49:53 PM] Neva: night guys. Ill report on the lookout
[9:49:57 PM] ZacksQuest: Night.

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